The General Anime Thread...

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Yeah i prefer cutesy art. I know I had more, non-cutesy art somewhere. Kinda hard to find it with ambiguous file names and my files are at most 80% organized -_-
To me, cute-style works on characters who CAN fit in that sort of it their appearance or personality... Asuka imo doesn't work in either field.

Anyway, my up-to-date thoughts on the 4 other shows I'm watching:
Ef: Plain ol drama... nothing more, nothing less.
Gunslinger Girl: Boring Atmosphere.
Witchblade: interesting.... i'll watch more...
Shinryaku! Ika Musume: More story-plotting than I thought, even though it's a bunch of short clips bunched into one 24-minute segment...
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Going Too Far (Ep. 26) is sooooo true to it's name.

And it's so damn hilarious; you've got pedophilia, lesbianism (although I'm not really sure it was lesbianism...considering Excel was turned on by her own body, even though Hyatt didn't exactly prevent her from doing what she did), erections that show great enthusiasm, suggestive BJ motioning, suggestive jerking motioning, and excessive...excessive blood spewing from Hyatt. So much blood.

Jesus Christ. Best. Episode. Ever. :lol:

I did the same thing with Outlaw Star when I jumped ahead to "Hot Springs Planet Tenrei" and I'm just as satisfied. So over the top; the funniest thing is it actually references a previous episode.
So you just went ahead and watched the last episode? lol!

How far into it are you anyway? Also how far into EVA are you now?
So you just went ahead and watched the last episode? lol!

How far into it are you anyway? Also how far into EVA are you now?

Yeah. :lol:

I'm only up to 6 as I've been on top of NGE and all the other eleventy-five anime I'm watching. As for NGE I believe I'm on...ep. 14.
I haven't seen Excel in years, maybe I will watch it again.

As for Evangelion, maybe "Jet Alone" could be consider as the closest thing to a Gundam, since its based on human engineering and share some characteristics ( idealistically of course, Gundams look more badass, although I'm not so sure about the human engineering precedence of Gundams).

And for the record, I recall a Gundam series that I might seen (just 6 episodes), it started with some sort of civil war or something, very reminiscent of MGS4 beginning, but there was a teenager, and a space bridge to a planet, this sound very very loose, but its was about a year or so, before some stuff got me distracted from Anime and indeed everything.
Hence the user title, but one question, is it any good to start with Gundam, or should I consider other series?(There are plenty as far as I understand).

To be honest, you should only start at the real beginning if you plan on going through UC in it's animated entirety (not all at once of course). If you want to watch something where you won't at all be wondering who's that, what's that, etc, etc go for one of the alternate timeline series'. SEED, 00, Gundam X, stuff like that. Although X has more direct relation with UC than any other alternate timeline.

Stay away from G-Saviour though.
To be honest, you should only start at the real beginning if you plan on going through UC in it's animated entirety (not all at once of course). If you want to watch something where you won't at all be wondering who's that, what's that, etc, etc go for one of the alternate timeline series'. SEED, 00, Gundam X, stuff like that. Although X has more direct relation with UC than any other alternate timeline.

Stay away from G-Saviour though.

Got it, I guess that SEED will be the one to start, I heard good things about it, just to get into the concepts and everything, I should have paid more attention to Gundam before, after all, the Japanese made that huge RX78 1:1 scale model for a reason, I should find out what that reason is.
SEED should be good for you. You'll get some of the same basic concepts you'd get from 0079 since it tries so hard to be a contemporary 0079 anyway.

If you get lost at any point on anything, you really can't ask me. You'll have to ask Andy or nk. :P
This year is a good year for buying anime. Coming stateside we have for disc release:

Puella Magi Madoka Magica (Dub/sub)
Ore no Imouto (sub)
Shinryaku! Ika Musume (Squid Girl) (dub/sub)
Go Sick
[C] (it might get broadcasted on TV, FUNimation has broadcasting rights to it.)

FUNimation has licensed Index and Railgun, but are having issues, probably with rights for the music.

I'm totally buying. Squid Girl gets released next month and Ore no Imouto in October
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Accidentally removed subscription, lost track of the thread...

Copyright issues with OST? WOOO Let's Go, fripSide & ELiSA!

Just contacted Navito about their restocking and ordering some stuff from Good Smile, because apparently, Goodsmile's website is just a showroom, so I can't purchase from them directly :grumpy:

and for all i know, one of the figures I want may be discontinued! In which case I must ask, How do you judge whether or not a deal is real or a fake/scam on eBay?
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Yeah, Haruhism has a good reason for being. I admit to skimming over maybe half of the Endless Eight, but I admired the concept. Is there any more Haruhi coming?

In other news, Nichijou and Hanasaku eps 18 are both out, get 'em while they're hot!
War in the Pocket.

Sounds more like 00 to me.

Space bridge could be the solar elevator, afterall.

MGS4 beginning could be Setsuna as a kid when he encountered 0 Gundam.
Being that he also saw it a year ago and this being a more modern gundam, it would also make more sense he saw this than war in the pocket.

Press CC to enable subtitles!

As far as Haruhi goes, i think there's the disappearance movie but other than that, no more anime i think :(

Quick edit: The Unicorn trailer makes me want to watch it all over again :grumpy:
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Yeah, KyoAni went under a 2/3 year hiatus before releasing Haruhi season 2, then the movie. That was in Fall 2009. Disappearance is the 4th LN, so they have another 4, if they choose to animate.

I sure hope they do. It get's interesting because theres another girl just like her.
How do you judge whether or not a deal is real or a fake/scam on eBay?

Well again I only buy from someone who has an eBay store setup and not just a random listing. Also a lot of legit sellers have a logo next to their name that says "Top Rated Seller". However there's there's still a few other things I look for. I look to see how many things they sell in their store. If everything looks consistent and if there's a fair amount of merchandise it puts me at ease. I also look at their rating. If someone has less that 5,000 feedback score I usually look somewhere else. Also if their rating is less than 99% I usually look somewhere else. Now I have bought stuff from people with much less than 5,000 feedback score but if it's something expensive then nah the higher score the better. Then finally I Google their eBay name and try to find out what type of experience people have had with them. That doesn't always work but sometimes it does. If you find a place you like you can link me (don't worry I'm not going to buy it out from under you) and I'll check it out if you'd like :). Again I've never had a bad experience on eBay (been shopping there since '05) and I think it's because I am super careful/paranoid.



That is so not a Miku body...

and a non-miku fan knows this even. Therefore, allow me to destroy that post with this:

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:yuck: Hate the Bust/Waist/Hip size ratio...

Food for Thought:

First, I was a Hero, then I became Haruhi, then I became Kyubey.....
Sounds more like 00 to me.

Space bridge could be the solar elevator, afterall.

MGS4 beginning could be Setsuna as a kid when he encountered 0 Gundam.
Being that he also saw it a year ago and this being a more modern gundam, it would also make more sense he saw this than war in the pocket.

00 isn't 6 episodes in total length, it's 50. :P

...That's the lame ass DRAGOON System, isn't it?

EDIT: Hm. Re-reading his post the 6 episode statement is ambiguous; did he only see 6 episodes or was it 6 episodes long?