The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Started Ghost in the shell, it's very confusing and I just can't seem to keep up with whats going on. I've found myself a number of times asking "how the hell did they come to that conclusion" and "lol whats going on." Anyone seen this, and did anyone else find this show a total brain melt?
I'm busy watching anime, AOS is busy drawing naked pictures of me, and you should be watching NGE. :lol:

After this episode of Excel. :P

Speaking of which, did they seriously just spoof Amuro and Lalah (ep. 8)? :lol:
Started Ghost in the shell, it's very confusing and I just can't seem to keep up with whats going on. I've found myself a number of times asking "how the hell did they come to that conclusion" and "lol whats going on." Anyone seen this, and did anyone else find this show a total brain melt?

Oh my god, if you mean the original movie, yes, you need to watch it like 4 times to begin to really understand what's going on. For me it was all about the atmosphere. The characters, the music, the animation style. I had never, and have never since, seen anything like it (although it does remind me of Blade Runner, one of my favorite movies.) I like the fact that everything wasn't simply spelled out for you, but only because I like everything else about the movie so much that I knew I wanted to watch it again and again, so that I figured I'd start to understand things eventually. In fact, right after watching it the first time I watched it again!:)

I believe at ANN GitS is listed in the psychological... wait, here's how ANN catororizes it exactly:
Genres: action, psychological, science fiction
Themes: cyberpunk, cyborg, police, self-identification

So yes, the very foundation of this movie is supposed to melt your brain.

But if you're very experienced and comfortable with more modern anime, (no offence intended, but) you may be too lazy and spoiled to appreciate Ghost in the Shell. I watched it when it first came out and it was maybe my 5th-10th anime, series or movie, after Ninja Scroll, Fist of the North Star, Akira, maybe Bubblegum Crisis and Patlabor (hard to remember my early chronology), and some **** early Macross stuff.
Jeff's like the biggest Ghost/Shell fan here... one post containing the title itself, jeff comes back with an essay :lol:

EDIT: Hm. Re-reading his post the 6 episode statement is ambiguous; did he only see 6 episodes or was it 6 episodes long?

I'm going with the assumption he watched 6 episodes of said anime.

The MGS4 themed anime intro and solar elevator made me think 00 lol
Jeff's like the biggest Ghost/Shell fan here... one post containing the title itself, jeff comes back with an essay :lol:

Sounds a lot like me; he can sense the very mentioning of GitS. :P

I'm going with the assumption he watched 6 episodes of said anime.

The MGS4 themed anime intro and solar elevator made me think 00 lol

You could definitely be right.
That's hard, man... I don't think I've favourited a show to the point of holding high amounts of knowledge, but that's probably not true. I'll think about it, but EVO's too exciting right now...

edit: I've got it.. How did I forget about it...

If anything, I'd be a Clannad Geek...
If I had to say for you, it'd be CLANNAD, Index, and Madoka... which would be a mix of moe and adventure/action.

Edit: treed! :lol:
No man, I don't know a whole lot about Madoka tbh. MAYBE Index though, but I don't know a lot about the Magic side.

How much do I even know about the Index Franchise anyway? I'll stay a Clannad Geek. :sly:

A nice episode of Hanasaku Iroha...

Nako lets the prince drown! :lol:

Also, been meaning to say, I thought of 00, too (as well as Crest of the Stars... but not giant fighting robots there...), but I'd never seen that other show Terronium-12 said so I just let it go.
So I've been looking at various cars, trying to decide what to get. But the answer is so obvious, I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner.

Hyundai Genesis! It would go perfectly with an EVA-01 license plate! :P
Just so long as you Itasha it up! But, aren't you shipping off somewhere sometime soon?

Well, yeah. In a couple of months I'll finish my training here in Dahlgren, and depending on certain circumstances, I'll be transferring to a ship in either San Diego, Norfolk, or Mayport.

The only time I won't be able to drive it though will be when my ship goes on deployment for 4-8 months. But depending on what ship I go to, I may not be deployed for 2 or so years. :P

...unless I go to the ship in San Diego which is supposedly changing it's homeport to Yokosuka. :drool:

The Gen's got a nice engine sound on stock... and the interior's neat.

my sister's boyfriend owns one.

When I first read that, I didn't notice the "sister's" part. Kinda startled me. :lol:
Sounds like you may have the opportunity to get into the export market, providing the anime thread with figures!

Indeed. But sadly, I think chances of me being able to go to that particular ship are slim, despite the fact that there are only 7 ships in total that I could possibly pick to go to and that I have the 2nd highest GPA in my class. :(
Get a Genesis! Next door neighbor owns one that has some go fast goodies on. I love it!
I'm buying an SC300.

Eventually, i'll trade it in for a Skyline R32 (which is about $20k here..but just hard to find) which then'll have EVA 01 on it..somewhere :lol:
Heh, time to catch up on a few posts...

- Yes, Excel did just do a spoof of Lalah and Amuro! :lol:

- I don't really know what you two mean about GitS, I pretty much understood most of it on the first viewing... (The movie, that is)

- War in the Pocket - That reminds me, I borrowed that from a friend a while ago, I should probably watch and return it soon!

- Walter, if you get a Genesis, does that mean you'll be putting neons on it too? :lol:
Purple with orange wheels? :lol: :ill:

Someone mentioned Unicorn earlier...who was that?
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