The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Hey T-12, why is that Zaku blue? :P

If you could, I'd like to see you do a spotlight on the ReGZ that Amuro uses to fight Char with (might have been in CCA, but I can't remember), or Tieria's Gundam in 00.

I like the ReGZ because it looks really good, and also because Amuro was able to do so well with it against Char despite it being so underpowered against what Char was piloting at the time. To me, it represents skill and effort being greater than having the best machines or weapons available to you :)
And I like Tieria's because of how many friggin' guns it has, all that sheer armour and firepower, then cleverly sheds most of the guns and armour when it needs to be more mobile.
Alright guys (huh, just realized I don't think there's a single girl who's posted to this thread since I've been here)... just found a new GTP member with a Rei avatar, let's PM him into posting here, shall we? Sephy, a few PM'd images may do the trick.

Xbox Live Gamertag
MV Rei Ayanami

Dude really likes Rei. I think he'll fit in nicely.
Walter, youngsters view this thread. Come on man... :P

Besides you're a Misato kind of guy.
If you haven't noticed already, I've posted on his wall.

Hey T-12, why is that Zaku blue? :P

Because blue is awesome! :lol:

If you could, I'd like to see you do a spotlight on the ReGZ that Amuro uses to fight Char with (might have been in CCA, but I can't remember), or Tieria's Gundam in 00.


I like the ReGZ because it looks really good, and also because Amuro was able to do so well with it against Char despite it being so underpowered against what Char was piloting at the time. To me, it represents skill and effort being greater than having the best machines or weapons available to you :)
And I like Tieria's because of how many friggin' guns it has, all that sheer armour and firepower, then cleverly sheds most of the guns and armour when it needs to be more mobile.

And, let us not forget, he's Amuro.

Amuro = victory. Even when he's dead. :lol:
Dudes! I'm not going to surprise you this time. That new style I spoke of earlier, is basically 3 vertical scrolls, each containing an image of a character of your choice (may as well be your favourites).... it could even be something that's "not" a character even, like giant robots or cars.... got a list of 3? Write it down, specify the order if you want, or better yet, link me to images.

Dudes! I'm not going to surprise you this time. That new style I spoke of earlier, is basically 3 vertical scrolls, each containing an image of a character of your choice (may as well be your favourites).... it could even be something that's "not" a character even, like giant robots or cars.... got a list of 3? Write it down, specify the order if you want, or better yet, link me to images.


WHAT?!?! Like most important in the middle?!

I guess I'll go Kagami, Asuka, Kuroko. If one of those doesn't work sneak in a Mami but DON'T replace Asuka with her... but Kagami, Asuka, Kuroko.
Fit in nicely? I'm not too sure. After I'm done with Rei, it might be a little loose... :sly:

Sorry yaywalter, Rei's mine :sly:. No really, Rei's cool, and therefore motivation for my avatar. And NGE was... unique to say the least.
Sorry yaywalter, Rei's mine :sly:. No really, Rei's cool, and therefore motivation for my avatar. And NGE was... unique to say the least.

Welcome new person please stay! We have cake and 800 horsepower and lolis!

~I'd say mission accomplished! :)
Welcome new people! Enjoy your stays!

And, if the avatars are going to be finished in three days, then TTGL Simon post time skip (Epic version, you know what I mean), Archer from F/SN, and a wildcard shoice for you, be it Sora, Kyon, or Sakuya Izayoi.