The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Pardon me, I was lurking for random Rei Ayanami pictures until I stumbled upon this. I also wanted to share it with you guys so here it is:

I dig those hoodies.... and hoodies + white denim skirt = Interestingly new to me. 👍

Loliblade nyan: AOS was a better master than you Sephy!
Sephy71: *le gasp*
King: That is going to a PM to him
Sephy71: you need punishment!
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Yes I would. But then, I'd probably take advantage of Asuka in ways that wouldn't require me wiping my fluids off my hands. :sly:

Reminds me of a certain guy from Kill Bill Vol. 1 whose catchphrase was, "My name is Buck, and I like to 🤬."

BTW, I can't stand lolis. It makes me feel like a stereotypical perverted Catholic priest.
Which is precisely why this thread is so blessed with livelihood.
Its ok, I'm used to it...
Boy you're so not, but learn from this: Be more active in this thread so you don't miss out on opportunities! :lol:

Anyway, so how many teams do we have running?
Team Moe: Me, LLB, Randyhammer.
Team Asuka: Sephy, dice
Team Ayanami: Principalities, uMadson
Team Loli: yayman, nk4e

the rest need teams or join a team... I'm enlisting Randy under my team, for obvious reasons.
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There's some Bakemonogatari on the stream if you're bored :P

Sephy fell asleep on us last night also :(

Also, for the lolis in most of us:
Getting closer, but it seems you're missing the one big thing that makes lolis who they are... but I'm sure you're just trying to stay SFW...
Well people, as I’m really REALLY happy because my beloved Fuu finally appears in my avatar against all odds and obstacles -mainly AOS, even if he made it, mwahaha-, our Anime Song of the Day is the image song for Fuu… one of them at least. So enjoy Hiroko Kasahara in this light acoustic ballad, Zutto.

Fuu actually sings this song in the series in a very rare occasion. This is also one of those rare Japanese songs that I’ve aaaaalmost nailed when blabbering while hearing it, pretty straight-forward. And it’s pretty cute.

And yes, I had posted it already, when a bit of discussion about Rayearth ensued, which leads me to ask Jeff Goddin if he already finished the second season. To everyone else, just enjoy.
@ DICEssnix, So you'd rather be at a store putting up merchandise on shelves than watching a blonde spin around a pole?
I think someone was looking for a previous post of mine, asking "Where's Driftking's last post?"
Shinji makes NGE into a sort of "mech for emos". He's always dragging himself down, and seems to never want to be happy. Of course, a lot of bad 🤬 has happened to him in the past.

Sorry to do the obligatory raining on your parade, but after watching the whole of NGE I find images of Rei and Asuka together being portrayed as best friends (or even more) extremely unlikely.

After watching NGE and EoE, here's my opinion of Asuka: her bitchiness has been turned up to 11. In the final fight, I thought of her as extremely heroic (albeit psychotic), and I thought
OMGWTFBBQHAX at the end of the battle with the MPEs.

Here's how I would've ended EoE:
S: "You know, Asuka, we could be the only two people left on Earth. We might have to repopulate the place."
A: "What are you, stupid?! You haven't factored in incest into your re-population plan!"
Here's how I would've ended EoE:
S: "You know, Asuka, we could be the only two people left on Earth. We might have to repopulate the place."
A: "What are you, stupid?! You haven't factored in incest into your re-population plan!"

I see what you did there.

I'm asian, gots a problem? :lol:

Double the trollfaces here. Because I'm also here.

Weird that I can rhyme "here" with "here" like Pitbull rhymes "Kodak" with "Kodak". :boggled:
Well forget this team thing then, back to my own thing.

So how was 2.22 last night? or whatever it was you were watching... :P

Well forget this team thing then, back to my own thing.

So how was 2.22 last night? or whatever it was you were watching... :P


Other than that, it just tempted me to be more involved in NGE. Also got to watch badass R33's in action before I left and procrastinated.

Or were you talking about today? :confused: