The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I'm trying to minimise my data usage today, I used up something in the region of 900MB yesterday. I usually aim to keep my data usage under 660MB per day.

Sephy downloads while streaming 👎
5 Zimbabwean dollars says it's Asuka ecchi.
Shinji was really a poor boy,lost her mom so early and seldom got love of his dad. Made him a boy of full gloomy.And the end of old movie version was so unacceptable. I though I was too young to contact it that time many years ago.

The design of the evas were really cool. And they performed good in the SRW series such as Ps2 SRW alpha 3 :D
Of course. I always lurk on my lunch break. :cool:

While driving this in the vicinity of schools:

Actually in my spare time, I drive this around:


I find it to be more effective, as you can clearly see. 👍
Pedo truck in disguise, and- oh hey look! he's already got a hostage in the truck! That's even worse! :lol:

"Hey kids! Want your cone to be double dipped in my chocolate fudge?"

hur hur hur

Other than that, it just tempted me to be more involved in NGE. Also got to watch badass R33's in action before I left and procrastinated.

Or were you talking about today? :confused:

Ahh, yet another person interested in NGE :).

AND YES, 2.22 was so good. The conclusion was so epic. ...pretty interested to see what happens to Rei and Asuka in 3.0...

Ahoy, maties! Or should that be "Freunden"? :sly:

On a completely different topic, remember when in Episode 8 of NGE where Asuka had to change the language setting to Japanese because Shinji was in her entry plug? (Don't even go there, yaywalter...) She should have just got him to think "Michael Schumacher ist der besten F1-Fahrer" repeatedly. Either that or Sebastian Vettel.

EDIT: Almost forgot:

A little Demotivational poster I threw together in 5 minutes.
lmao, Big boss asuka is FTW 👍

Also, I liked the part when asuka forced shinji to wear one of her plugsuits.

The sad part was that it suited him :lol:

Also, great demotivational poster!
So many pages!

Did anyone finish the movie? Great wasn't it? :lol:

BTW Dice I was downloading something for us!





And one for Walter:

Yes, when I first saw pics of her back in like 09 or whenever it was, i didn't think she was all that pretty nor did I understand how she has such a huge fanbase.

Now I see the prettier side... Now, I'm always-