The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
In other news...

Could have posted these last night but couldn't be bothered :lol: One's Yoko, the other's Nia. Guess which is which :P

(Weirdly Nia's more powerful than Yoko :eek:)



:lol: You miss this right?

"I troll you, you troll me, let's all troll together as a family……"[/Barny song or something]


I feel terribly embarassed now.
Kyon's the snarkiest dude this side of British humor. He's so cool, you could store a rack of meat in him for six months. He's so hip, he has difficulty seeing over his pelvis. I think haters are just jelly.
Kyon's the snarkiest dude this side of British humor. He's so cool, you could store a rack of meat in him for six months. He's so hip, he has difficulty seeing over his pelvis. I think haters are just jelly.

I ain't a hater for sure 👍
Kyon is the only character with half a brain in Haruhi's anime, right?

Anidb is down so I can't check :/

Guilty Crown 4:

If it was me, I wouldn't be able to use that transmitter already. Was it red, red, blue or blue, blue, red? :lol:

EDIT: Oh 🤬 ... sorry if anyone saw that spoiler before I fixed it :(
So much of being unnecessarily guilty and embarrassed... Time to unnecessarily kill the thread before someone talks again.

So that means I'm going to bed now after raving to music. Peace, uMadson? out.

Kyon is the only character with half a brain in Haruhi's anime, right?

... he always made sense dammit.
Kyon is the only character with half a brain in Haruhi's anime, right?
No, Haruhi's the dumb one. She's so dumb I hate her for it.

Koizumi is a bystander to everything, Yuki is badass but isn't capable of showing it off until someone tells her to.

Kyon is the one who pulls everyone together which, which is why I like him so much, and his voice actor.
I watched an episode of Gintama recently, and I have never before laughed so hard at a TV show.

It was the episode about the botched funeral for the restaurant owner.

Best line: "The truck is covered in penises!"

Anyone else watch this series? What's it all about?
Only person here who watches Gintama is jeffgoddin. I had watched bit of it but it's those never-ending shows so I stopped when I found out.

I giggled
No, Haruhi's the dumb one. She's so dumb I hate her for it.

Well that's what I meant. He's the only character with half a brain, the rest have no brains at all :lol:

I only watched the 2006(?) show a long time ago but I think I remember him a bit. Can't remember he being cool though :P

Only person here who watches Gintama is jeffgoddin. I had watched bit of it but it's those never-ending shows so I stopped when I found out.

I heard it's a very good show, but yeah I'll probably never watch it too because it has so many episodes. Same with One Piece.

Haganai 5:

So many great quotes

"They will live on as EXP points within us!" :lol:

Largehard lolwut??? :lol:

Loving it so far, it never fails to deliver. But man, that nun is starting to annoy me :mad:
I heard it's a very good show, but yeah I'll probably never watch it too because it has so many episodes. Same with One Piece.

Doesn't one piece have something around five hundred episodes?
^Just google it.

@Dragonuv, Nooope everyone but Haruhi has a brain. And Kyon's cool, you must be confusing him for someone else.

I might just watch this.
AOS, they have a OVA which takes place with the LAPD instead of Tokyo police :lol:
Saw a glimpse of that :P

Kaname - Dragonuv
Yuno - Tierylord
Asuka - driftking, Sephy
Compa - RandyHammy
Dung Beetle - pedo
haruhi - madboi
Neptune - Ryou
Chief - Feral Pigeon
Excel - Tettays12
Fuu  - cano
Inori - trex
Blair - tc
Simon - rykon
I didn't leave anyone out who made a request? CZETA has yet to make a decision.

btw I'm redoing the Neptunia avatars. hold onto what you already have, Rannyhammy & Ryou.
Last edited:
^Just google it.

@Dragonuv, Nooope everyone but Haruhi has a brain. And Kyon's cool, you must be confusing him for someone else.

I might just watch this.

One of my favorites. 👍 --- Randy
@Dragonuv, Nooope everyone but Haruhi has a brain. And Kyon's cool, you must be confusing him for someone else.

He's the dude who tries to stop Haruhi's madness from time to time, the only one who seems out of place in that madhouse called SOS Brigade, amirite? I remember him and I can see how he would be cool compared to the other characters but from what I remember... no, I wouldn't consider him cool :P
salanos, how did you learn of Hatsune Miku? I'm curious as to how someone can grow so attached to said character and not have really gotten into anime.

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