The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
*Shows up at your doorstep (shipstep?)

Speaking of ships, how's your Seamen Adventures so far? Did you arrive at Florida yet?

It would have irritated me if it was real :lol:

Why? Eye heterochromia is so sexy :3

At first I was irritated it was a childish character that had it... Seems such a wasted trait in a character which would spark no sexual interest in me. But on top of that it was a fake! :(

Maybe I'm the one being creepy now :lol:
Just a little bit... just a little bit :P

I agree that it's pretty sexy, and I still think it's sexy even though she's just faking it. :3
Back in high school I wanted mixed eye contacts, where my eye color would be red/yellow.... never happened because til today, I still don't need corrective lenses of any kind... keeps my parents proud *F yeah face*
*Shows up at your doorstep (shipstep?) with a dozen roses, a box of chocolates, and a loli*

For future reference, the so-called "shipstep" has an actual name. It's the quarterdeck. 👍
Just a little bit... just a little bit :P

I agree that it's pretty sexy, and I still think it's sexy even though she's just faking it. :3


EDIT: Why do so many of you dislike Maria? I think she's hilarious.

What has the better cover art? To me, it's the Holiday Edition's.
(As crazy as it sounds, I intend to double dip on that set below mainly due to cover art. Cover art, why must you make me want to double dip?!!!:mad:)

The Holiday one has the better art but the Platinum one has consistent style for each case also.

For future reference, the so-called "shipstep" has an actual name. It's the quarterdeck. 👍

Well ya learn somethin' new every day! *Shows up at your quarterdeck*
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Well ya learn somethin' new every day! *Shows up at your quarterdeck*

And that'll be a Quarter please; for the short-lived educating experience you just experienced. Don't resist, I have a Quarterback on me, so give me my quarter back.
Oh come on, how the hell would this thread take me 15 minutes to read?!

And I got loads of stuff to do. Just dropping by 'till I'm done with the usual business. No it isn't business time with Mari.
Oh come on, how the hell would this thread take me 15 minutes to read?!

And I got loads of stuff to do. Just dropping by 'till I'm done with the usual business. No it isn't business time with Mari.

Yeah it sucks having to get back up to date with pages and pages to read.

It's slow as hell right now, that's for sure.

I'm getting drunk while playing Forza 4.
And I'm sitting here, posting on another forum, and listening to the Guilty Crown opening 908409834890384039 times.
Now listening to: PSI-Missing.
Now, now, don't jump to conclusions :sly:!

I thinking of watching BRS, just 'cause. ...I need some kind of action anime at the moment.

Action? Watch Donnie Yen instead... :P

Watch BRS if you want action... finger-lickin' action.

