The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
G-saviour has nothing to do with the Gundam universe...
Unfortunately, it really does. It takes place at the end of the Universal Century (well, as far as UC manga/series' go), just before the transition in to Sereiki (Correct Century; Turn A).
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I watched it for a couple of minutes, then I went to Fate/Stay Night. After FSN, I went back to it, skipped around and laughed.
My package from Righstuf still hasn't arrived, FFFUUUU!!!:mad:

Also my sister still needs to use the laptop as she still can't get Microsoft Word 2010 on her laptop as the site is down (Apparently you need to do something there for you to use it.). 39 episodes behind, woot!!!:|
I watched it for a couple of minutes, then I went to Fate/Stay Night. After FSN, I went back to it, skipped around and laughed.

Awesome. :lol:

And I think FSN was one of the anime mentioned to me a while back.

*Adds to list*

SPOILER ALERT: If you have Skyward Sword, or you plan on getting it, DO NOT watch these. For everyone else without a Wii, feast thine eyes on Demise, and if you pay just enough attention this can pass off as anime. :dopey:

My package from Righstuf still hasn't arrived, FFFUUUU!!!:mad:

Also my sister still needs to use the laptop as she still can't get Microsoft Word 2010 on her laptop as the site is down (Apparently you need to do something there for you to use it.). 39 episodes behind, woot!!!:|
Who's the carrier? Check the tracking info!

So tempted to watch that.... NO! Must resist! Going to buy it for Christmas.... AGGGGGGHHHHH I MUST RESIST!

You are in for a lot. It's just a wee bit shorter than Twilight Princess (I tihnk. I can't how long the main quest takes), but it won't matter. You'll be too busy wondering why the motion controls weren't that fluid and damn precise from the beginning.

Nintendo " doesn't need voice actors" games are awesome!

Especially when their breathing sound like Darth Vader.
Onto Ep. 9 of Bebop now. The guy talking about patterns on the ground on the TV show at the start reminded me of this:
You are in for a lot. It's just a wee bit shorter than Twilight Princess (I tihnk. I can't how long the main quest takes), but it won't matter. You'll be too busy wondering why the motion controls weren't that fluid and damn precise from the beginning.

I really really want it. Does it need/come with Wii Motion Plus?
I really really want it. Does it need/come with Wii Motion Plus?

Need? Absolutely, you can't play without it. Come with? Only the Collector's Edition.

Can you even buy Motion+ add-ons anymore, or is it just the Wiimote + now?

Today we have a look at the late variant of the original MS-14A Gelgoog. Welcome the MS-14Fs Gelgoog Marine Commander Type, Cima Custom.

The Commander Type is a further improvement of the Gelgoog Marine, which itself is an improvement of the original.

Sporting two 40mm head vulcan guns and an MRB-110 beam rifle as opposed to the standard issue MMP-80/90mm machine gun. The Commander Type also did away with the knuckle shield in favor of the larger Zulu-like oval shield that was used by the original Gelgoog. So it not only touted slightly better performance but better overall armaments as well.

The Marine unit itself is a variant of the base A-type Gelgoog that was designed to be a more effective mobile suit while reducing production costs at the same time. To make the Gelgoog Marine maneuverable, numerous thrusters and extra propellant tanks were added to the suit.

After the first Marine unit was deployed during the Battle of A Baoa Qu, Zeon came to the conclusion it was best to create mission specific variants of the Gelgoog, in many ways similar to the Zaku II, Dom, and/or the Gouf. To that end, the F-Type Gelgoog (Marine) was made especially for Zeon's elite corps. Most of the F-Type's ended up in the capable mits of Cima Garahau and her Cima Fleet, while the others were captured by the Earth Federation and used as combat scenario practice (aggressors) for rookie pilots.

Armaments (Commander Type)

2 x 40mm vulcan gun
2 x 110mm machine cannon
2 x Beam saber

Armaments (Standard F-Type)

2 x 110mm Machine Cannon
2 x Beam Saber

Optional Equipments (Commander Type)

MRB-110 Beam rifle

Optional Equipments (Standard F-Type)

Knuckle Shield
MMP-80/90mm Ver.8 Machine Gun

Gaaaaahhh... I never got Motion+, guess I'll have to find some way.

You should still be able to find the CE on Amazon. If that's too expensive (which knowing how quickly they were spoken for, they most likely will be) you should be able to snatch up a Motion+ add-on from Amazon as well.

Oh, bit of insight for your own good...if you've played Majora's Mask, the bird statues make a return. They're nowhere near as sparse though. The point being you can't save whenever you want to.
It's all good, my mom got a wii motion plus game thing for my littler brothers. So I'll be getting Skyward Sword with no problems :3

I hearted Majora's Mask, it's cool that the owls are back.
It's all good, my mom got a wii motion plus game thing for my littler brothers. So I'll be getting Skyward Sword with no problems :3

I hearted Majora's Mask, it's cool that the owls are back.

Awesome. You're all good then. :D

As I've're in for a lot.
I'm wondering what the Fuyutsuki Asuka is doing wearing gloves and leaning against a stump.

BTW, is it someone's birthday today? Asuka keeps nudging me in the chest for some reason, seeing as it's 1am where I am anyways. Meh, whatever, I'm going to bed.
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You're fueling my excitement, stop that!

I'm a HUGE Zelda fan :3

As am I. :D

Nearly everything you've come to know in Zelda games will finally make sense. Some you may not agree with, others you'll be all "So, that's why!"

If you read my spoiler tag'd bit about Demise, then you already know one bit of the story. If you haven't...don't look for it. It essentially spoils one big chunk of the entire storyline. As I've said...I love prequels that actually make 🤬 sense.

@ dk: Not that I'm aware of.

*Checks Today's (tomorrow's) Birthdays*
So it focuses on the story of the whole series? YES, finally a Zelda game that works everything together.
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Fate/Zero ep. 10: Wooo Rin episode! She is the most adorable thing ever.
So it focuses on the story of the whole series? YES, finally a Zelda game that works everything together.

*Thinks of way to describe, without spoiling anything*



1. You'll find out how the Master Sword came to be.
2. You'll also find out why Link is the only person who can wield it.
3. You'll also find out why it is "The Blade of Evil's Bane".
4. You'll find out why a certain someone is the single most recurring character in the series.
5. Things DO NOT begin with OoT, as previously established.
6. Hack n' Slash will not work here. There's strategy involved (that's a gameplay tip...why did I put that there? :lol:)
7. Like in the Zelda games of old, you will once again obtain...actually, that's too much of a spoiler already. :P
I hope that you can use the Classic Controller instead of waving a Wiimote around like a lunatic.
"You know, baka-DK, a special someone's birthday is today..."
*checks Wikipedia* "I never had you down as a Jay-Z fan..."
*facepalm* "The special someone is a fictional character...and in their universe, they were born in 2001..."
"Holy 🤬..." *faints*
No. The entire reason it "forces" you into having a Motion+ (whether it be the combination remote or the add-on) is because you simply will not have the same amount of precision with an analog stick. Don't take the overly exaggerated movements from the commercial to heart. :lol:

It's real precise. Sometimes too precise. It moves when you move, as quickly as you move it. You even have to remove the sword from it's an upward motion.

*Wonders if anyone has identified me as a bit of an LoZ fanboy yet...*
Oh, I forgot one!

8. For once, Zelda isn't a completely worthless character. You genuinely want to save her, and smash the face of whoever is responsible into a flat pancake.

On a daily basis (If I can think of enough things to say without spoiling anything) I will make it my job to make you salivate for a game you're probably already salivating for. :lol:
Once a Day Tease Loli With Skyward Sword? You're a mooonsssstteerrrr!

Also, want to take this convo to visitor messages so it doesn't fill the topic?