The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Because I still haven't fully decided on an avatar for the past 2 days.... I'm settling with Reimu though. Hated that one pic; Meiling's going on BR as the dimensions there will fit the only only good picture of her.... this specific illustration of Reimu is SOOOOO "badass mother_____"...I can't turn it down.. Like 1 in 100,000....Back to sleep.
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You're like I am, or rather, I was right the first time - am - you're like I am with the constant avatar changes.

Only reason I've stuck with the various Gundams and Excel as long as I have is because I like them too much to just change for something else.

Until I tire of them, of course.

Today we have a look at the late variant of the original MS-14A Gelgoog. Welcome the MS-14Fs Gelgoog Marine Commander Type, Cima Custom.

The Commander Type is a further improvement of the Gelgoog Marine, which itself is an improvement of the original.

Sporting two 40mm head vulcan guns and an MRB-110 beam rifle as opposed to the standard issue MMP-80/90mm machine gun. The Commander Type also did away with the knuckle shield in favor of the larger Zulu-like oval shield that was used by the original Gelgoog. So it not only touted slightly better performance but better overall armaments as well.

The Marine unit itself is a variant of the base A-type Gelgoog that was designed to be a more effective mobile suit while reducing production costs at the same time. To make the Gelgoog Marine maneuverable, numerous thrusters and extra propellant tanks were added to the suit.

After the first Marine unit was deployed during the Battle of A Baoa Qu, Zeon came to the conclusion it was best to create mission specific variants of the Gelgoog, in many ways similar to the Zaku II, Dom, and/or the Gouf. To that end, the F-Type Gelgoog (Marine) was made especially for Zeon's elite corps. Most of the F-Type's ended up in the capable mits of Cima Garahau and her Cima Fleet, while the others were captured by the Earth Federation and used as combat scenario practice (aggressors) for rookie pilots.

Armaments (Commander Type)

2 x 40mm vulcan gun
2 x 110mm machine cannon
2 x Beam saber

Armaments (Standard F-Type)

2 x 110mm Machine Cannon
2 x Beam Saber

Optional Equipments (Commander Type)

MRB-110 Beam rifle

Optional Equipments (Standard F-Type)

Knuckle Shield
MMP-80/90mm Ver.8 Machine Gun


Penguindrum is still FABULOUS MAX.
I feel like fake drunk posting again. Yay for the old me. Too bad I lost my drunken swag already and becamse a silent loner who gets bored all the time.

Might as well watch Steins;Gate while doing projects but Simraceway would steal the stream's bandwith lmao. Would probably watch after having a short go with my newest game to play.
All the Zelda talk in the past couple pages adds another slight push for me to get a Wii like RIGHT NOW. I miss playing Zelda and miss playing with Nintendo Characters. To hell with it, I'm getting a Wii as soon as the book payment comes in.

(Joan of Arc)
( Frankinstein)
The Wheel of Fate is turning...
The light novel author Yūichirō Higashide announced on Saturday that he is writing Fate/Apocrypha as a novel. The Fate/Apocrypha project was once anounced as an online game set during the story's Holy Grail War.

Vol. 7 of Kadokawa Shoten's Type-Moon Ace publication will launch Fate/Apocrypha on December 15. The volume will also include a demo version of Type-Moon's upcoming Mahō Tsukai no Yoru visual novel and a mascot figure.
All the Zelda talk in the past couple pages adds another slight push for me to get a Wii like RIGHT NOW. I miss playing Zelda and miss playing with Nintendo Characters. To hell with it, I'm getting a Wii as soon as the book payment comes in.

If I were you, I'd just wait for the Wii U to come out. 👍
I was thinking of doing exactly that, but I don't know if I'll have enough will to wait until it comes out in order to play Skyward Sword. It's been a long while since I've been so hyped about a game.
I was thinking of doing exactly that, but I don't know if I'll have enough will to wait until it comes out in order to play Skyward Sword. It's been a long while since I've been so hyped about a game.

If you've got a fairly powerful computer, you could buy the game and a Wiimote and play it with the Dolphin emulator until the Wii U comes out. That's probably what I'm gonna do, personally. Plus that way, you'd be able to play the game in HD... which looks absolutely stunning:

If you don't have a good computer and really can't wait, go for it. But then you're still gonna eventually have to get the Wii U for subsequent Zelda games, so to save money I'd really try to find games for the consoles I already own to distract me until the Wii U's release.
If you've got a fairly powerful computer, you could buy the game and a Wiimote and play it with the Dolphin emulator until the Wii U comes out. That's probably what I'm gonna do, personally. Plus that way, you'd be able to play the game in HD... which looks absolutely stunning:

If you don't have a good computer and really can't wait, go for it. But then you're still gonna eventually have to get the Wii U for subsequent Zelda games, so to save money I'd really try to find games for the consoles I already own to distract me until the Wii U's release.

game in HD = VERY tempting. I'll look into it. Thing is it's not only because of Skyward Sword, I'd also be able to play stuff onloine with my brother, who is pretty damn far away from here. When he lived here we used to play a lot but now that he's moved, it's been a long while. And well, there are also other Wii games I want to play.
Emulation's a legal gray area, although I'll admit that emulating a console you don't actually own leans more towards the dark. :P

But if he's doing it to bide time until the Wii U comes out, which is backwards-compatible with Wii games, then I think it's justifiable. I doubt Nintendo would complain about that, especially since he would still be buying the game and the Wiimote. The $$$ is mostly in software and peripherals anyways.

Hell, if Nintendo were concerned about the emulator, you'd think they'd throw a fit about it by now. But the emulator's been doing just fine. And I doubt Nintendo's simply just oblivious of its existence.

game in HD = VERY tempting. I'll look into it. Thing is it's not only because of Skyward Sword, I'd also be able to play stuff onloine with my brother, who is pretty damn far away from here. When he lived here we used to play a lot but now that he's moved, it's been a long while. And well, there are also other Wii games I want to play.

Well, the emulator has pretty decent compatibility, so chances are pretty good that'd it'd be able to play most of the games you're interested in. But yeah, you wouldn't be able to play online with someone using a real Wii.

If you do buy a Wii, you should still try out the emulator anyways, just for the hell of it. 👍

And actually, on second thought, I might buy a Wii myself because the Wii U isn't backwards-compatible with Gamecube titles.
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Gasp!!! :eek: Best in a while. 👍

Please don't steal any of Sephy's quotes. He gets dibs on all his quotes, always. ;) Note total lack of bro-ship in that. :lol:

That^. :lol:

Eva Geeks Wiki :lol: I just noticed that most of our Avatars are blondes?

Mine? Far from it.

Well, OK, her hair is very light yellow at the top but it's multicoloured :dunce:

It's FABULOUS MAX again.

I feel like fake drunk posting again.

I dreamt I got into smoking last night...and from what I remember I actually liked it. Safe to say I am not living that dream for sure. :lol: Not that you needed to know that, of course! :sly:

Need to find pictures of Nia again...good job Double K is getting updated again. :D
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God ****ing dammit dammit dammit simraceway stopped downloading and i have to download all over again because the download was incomplete

In other news, I still don't know when to start with Steins;Gate.
A download's taking up my bandwidth and I'm raging hard because I have to download that 1 GB thing again.

I feel your pain.

But don't worry, Steins;Gate can definitely wait. Don't let Loli or Slybugga trick you into thinking it's "the most awesomest thing evar!!!" which you must watch immediately.
Don't let Loli or Slybugga trick you into thinking it's "the most awesomest thing evar!!!" which you must watch immediately.

Doesn't Slybugga do that with Nichijou though not SG? I still need to watch Nichijou...but now it's looking more than likely I'll be watching Haruhi first. And I also wanna watch DieBuster at some point...yes I know Loli, another Gainax show, isn't it? :dopey: