The General Anime Thread...

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ramna is funny
i just like puting the simly face
Originally posted by Civic_VTi
Engineering students, for example.

Haven't found any yet I didn't like. The ones that don't look promising are ones that have the first episodes missing.

Seen so far:
Wings of Honneamise
Porco Rosso
Tonari no Totoro
Ghost In The Shell
Dominion Tank Police eps. 1 & 2
Card Captor Sakura
Initial D
Hikaru no Go
Martian Successor Nadesico
Mini-OMG (Hilarious, but can't take much more than one viewing)
Three first seasons of Ranma. I have most of the rest, but they're dubs, not subs. The voices Just Don't Fit. 'sides, for me it's easier to process text than speech.
Some "Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu"
Also some Sailor Moon
Also also some Dragon Ball Z
Currently wading through "Ayashi no Ceres"
I have my work cut out for me after those. About 10 complete or partial series. (Kazaa is your friend.)

Well good job on that one, but I've gotta be honest... What were you thinking?:confused:

There is no way in the world I could recall all of the anime I've seen. So yes it's alot, but it will really be alot when you start loosing count. (not that Ive seen alot or anything ;) )

As usual, Im suprised as hell, and happy as hell that you guys have kept this alive.

Im glad to see there is a population of anime fans here at the gtp. (infact I just met another :D, you know who you are)

I also wanted to mention that Ive really started to love the less violent animes that are based around humor as well as action. (although I still love some head splitting fun)

I guess lately Ive been pretty happy to see flcl back on cn as well as dual on tech tv (I just love free anime), but thats old news so its nothing special. Im also happy to see that a new version of fist of the north star is coming out... its gonna be bad ass. :D

This a link to the only other message board I use and one of our members spent a bit of time looking into the new fist, so check it out if you want.

Talk to you guys again soon enough, but till then, have fun with the shows and movies.
I can understand the uniqueness, but flcl was full of jokes that have been told for years, few of which had good execution. manga jokes would just be tossed in for the heck of it.
Originally posted by Talentless
I can understand the uniqueness, but flcl was full of jokes that have been told for years, few of which had good execution. manga jokes would just be tossed in for the heck of it.

I agree. what is innovative in FLCL is the execution of the jokes. they look freggin cool, and the unique characters on the series give them a completely new character, and besides, the unique plot of the series (plot? :odd: ) adds to the fun element of it, because you know you aint gonna understand a bit. for som, like, Im guessin, nightkids, its unbearable. for some like me, it was really enjoyable to see such nonsense trying to go to something on the screen and actually reaching it, but after a while and tow or three watches. FLCL is pretty funny and it is indeed a unique and inovative series, and it took the anime world by storm in 2000, deservedly. today, we look back and see what was good and what was not, just like with anything else, but the impression it has made onto us will remain, I think.

Originally posted by GoKents
Well good job on that one, but I've gotta be honest... What were you thinking?:confused:

Actually, I forgot episode 1 of Kiki's Delivery Service and all of Gunbuster.:D Oh yes, and two first episodes of Battle Angel Alita. I'm claiming that I haven't seen a lot. That's only 6 movies, 6 complete series and bits of a few.

My memory is quite good, and I used my video shelf and anime directory as a memory aid. Easy.:) One of my previous flatmates has even more anime, and we used each others' collections, so there was a lot of stuff to watch. Actually, he still has my Metropolis DVD.
Originally posted by Civic_VTi
Actually, I forgot episode 1 of Kiki's Delivery Service and all of Gunbuster.:D Oh yes, and two first episodes of Battle Angel Alita. I'm claiming that I haven't seen a lot. That's only 6 movies, 6 complete series and bits of a few.

My memory is quite good, and I used my video shelf and anime directory as a memory aid. Easy.:) One of my previous flatmates has even more anime, and we used each others' collections, so there was a lot of stuff to watch. Actually, he still has my Metropolis DVD.

count another complete , dude, as those two Alita episodes are all there is. anime was never favored, and was never a hit like the manga, so it stopped there. read the manga, tough, its AWESOME.


also, Kiki's delivery is a movie, not a series, if I remember well
I love Anime.

I watch:
Cowboy Bebop
Outlaw Star
Initial D

Not really, besides our colleges Anime Club

Definitely Cowboy Bebop

I love the Cowboy Bebop Movie
im back!

oooooo nice pick! i always like to embelish in the rumors of NGE
most poeple dont believe in it. 🤬

omg FLCL is the most though provoking anime out there, a true classic. i cannot stress this recomendation enough.

heard about "PuniPuni" cano? i hear its a character spinoff of excel saga and more ridiculous than beans in my cheerios.

well worth the wicked

I've seen that pic before. Awesome indeed.
Technically it's a fan movie poster for a fanfic made in Japan, not something H. Anno and GAINAX cooked up.
Originally posted by kirkis9
im back!

omg FLCL is the most though provoking anime out there, a true classic. i cannot stress this recomendation enough.

i need help understanding flcl. I loved it, but i really don't get it? For evangelion, i finally sorta understanding the last ep. But y is flcl so thought provoking?
the gundam kit into the vespa?
the definition of masculinity (the eyebrows)?
there are sooo many small allusions to sooo many themes being gently touched here.
the south park animation scene?
did you see kenny in the car? (form southpark)
dont even attemp thinking anything about the relationships here, way over our heads to comprehend. :) thats just the thing, folks tend to grow on things they dont understand, NGE, X-files, and other wierd stuff. XD
fu-ri..ku-ri? *Whack*

one of my fav parts from flcl is the manga scense, especially the second one where the dad makes them stop and you see the prop guy in the back carrying one panel away because they cost too much to do and the camera man was getting sick XD
thats was totaly cool, totaly cool as in awsomely sweet.

and the whole mecha ironing movement towards the end? atompskt smoothing out the wrinkles in the world. XD
In Initial D, Tak does one job that is just crappy, delivering tofu. At least, one day when he became a skilled driver. Now that is what I call stardom :)