The General Anime Thread...

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Originally posted by Jpec07
I just found this thread and have no clue how to introduce myself to it. I guess I'll just do what most of the n00bs here do...

I think that works well, doesn't it?

the miyazaki stuff works well dude. desecrate all the others :D


welcome aboard Jpec. nice to have you here.
It was better when the relationship between yuji and what's her name was less open. until yuji's b cell dominance was defeated, it was ok. i think i was most annoyed by the nomads.

i'll give it one high ranking, though it could be a bit overboard, i thought the voice acting of the main female, marlene, i think, was pretty good. it sounded like there was some passion.
The relationship between Yuji and Marlene was good, him being the scared, cautious type and her being hard and rigid. The story was good all the way up to when they reached Second Earth. Then their personalities turn 180 degrees and now Yuji is screaming his head off, killing everything he sees, and Marlene whimpering about his B cells taking over his body.

I didn't like that at all.

I liked the voice acting, considering most of the actors were from DBZ.
Yeah, Yuji is played by Trunks' voice actor. How does it remind you of Halo? It's not even close, Halo is much better.
looked good from the review, looked good in concept. guess Id have to see it to say if it sucks @.@

i must point his outr, hating halo and being a fan of starship troopers, bugs taking ovber earth spounds a lot more like sst.... not the wimpy halo game
Yeah, Starship Troopers is similar to Blue Gender. Why do you hate Halo? I think it's one of the best Sci-fi series out there and I've only read the first novel (waiting for Halo on PC, not Xbox).
i've seen numerous halo books for sale, never sparked any interest, on the other hand, starship troopers, i could easily read those books, i dont know if anyone else has seen the cg series they made, very well done, seen evry ep, cept the last couple because they made them and havent released them. why do i hate halo? i ws really excited for alonng time before halo came out, played it and it was ****... suppose good marketing can make almost anything look good.
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
has any one seen a vid called tokyo breakfast

what is that about??? Asking because last thing you mentioned (Voices from a distant star) was real cool, so, tell me, what the hell is dat?

Ive recently gotten really into Trigun, i even sign my posts with vash at the end. ITs amazing now that i go by vash that my best friend goes by legato or knives, odd...

Who watches anime?
Engineering students, for example.

What animes do you like?
Haven't found any yet I didn't like. The ones that don't look promising are ones that have the first episodes missing.

Seen so far:
Wings of Honneamise
Porco Rosso
Tonari no Totoro
Ghost In The Shell
Dominion Tank Police eps. 1 & 2
Card Captor Sakura
Initial D
Hikaru no Go
Martian Successor Nadesico
Mini-OMG (Hilarious, but can't take much more than one viewing)
Three first seasons of Ranma. I have most of the rest, but they're dubs, not subs. The voices Just Don't Fit. 'sides, for me it's easier to process text than speech.
Some "Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu"
Also some Sailor Moon
Also also some Dragon Ball Z
Currently wading through "Ayashi no Ceres"
I have my work cut out for me after those. About 10 complete or partial series. (Kazaa is your friend.)

Are you into anything else directly related to anime?
Directly? Can't say I am. No artistic bent, no interest in cosplay, cels & such are unecessary (even though I'm a bit of a hoarder; I just moved, and I finally decided to get rid of a few hundred magazines).

What is your fav. anime series?
Um... Of the ones I've seen, perhaps Ranma, even though the transformations and fights get a little tiresome on occasion. (Probably my favorite quote: "I'm a guy!", shouted by Ranma-chan. Yeah, sure.:P)

What is your fav. anime movie?
Ghost in the Shell. This may change soon, as I have a few movies on the HD.
Originally posted by Civic_VTi
Engineering students, for example.

Haven't found any yet I didn't like. The ones that don't look promising are ones that have the first episodes missing.

Seen so far:
Wings of Honneamise
Porco Rosso
Tonari no Totoro
Ghost In The Shell
Dominion Tank Police eps. 1 & 2
Card Captor Sakura
Initial D
Hikaru no Go
Martian Successor Nadesico
Mini-OMG (Hilarious, but can't take much more than one viewing)
Three first seasons of Ranma. I have most of the rest, but they're dubs, not subs. The voices Just Don't Fit. 'sides, for me it's easier to process text than speech.
Some "Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu"
Also some Sailor Moon
Also also some Dragon Ball Z
Currently wading through "Ayashi no Ceres"
I have my work cut out for me after those. About 10 complete or partial series. (Kazaa is your friend.)

Directly? Can't say I am. No artistic bent, no interest in cosplay, cels & such are unecessary (even though I'm a bit of a hoarder; I just moved, and I finally decided to get rid of a few hundred magazines).

Um... Of the ones I've seen, perhaps Ranma, even though the transformations and fights get a little tiresome on occasion. (Probably my favorite quote: "I'm a guy!", shouted by Ranma-chan. Yeah, sure.:P)

Ghost in the Shell. This may change soon, as I have a few movies on the HD.
thats alot
and i watch the one throught fourth seasons of ranma
Well, MiniOMG is 7.5 minutes/episode and there are 32 episodes (I think; I have 1-32, but I haven't actually checked), so you can watch through it on one sitting. It's only 4 hours. (AIEE! Mental image of chibi-Urd! Run away! Run away!)

I have to say that second-level quotes look a bit surrealistic with only one real level of quoting.:) Non sequitur? Something edible?:P