Engineering students, for example.
Haven't found any yet I
didn't like. The ones that don't look promising are ones that have the first episodes missing.
Seen so far:
Wings of Honneamise
Porco Rosso
Tonari no Totoro
Ghost In The Shell
Dominion Tank Police eps. 1 & 2
Card Captor Sakura
Initial D
Hikaru no Go
Martian Successor Nadesico
Mini-OMG (Hilarious, but can't take much more than one viewing)
Three first seasons of Ranma. I have most of the rest, but they're dubs, not subs. The voices Just Don't Fit. 'sides, for me it's easier to process text than speech.
Some "Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu"
Also some Sailor Moon
Also also some Dragon Ball Z
Currently wading through "Ayashi no Ceres"
I have my work cut out for me after those. About 10 complete or partial series. (Kazaa is your friend.)
Are you into anything else directly related to anime?
Directly? Can't say I am. No artistic bent, no interest in cosplay, cels & such are unecessary (even though I'm a bit of a hoarder; I just moved, and I finally decided to get rid of a few hundred magazines).
What is your fav. anime series?
Um... Of the ones I've seen,
perhaps Ranma, even though the transformations and fights get a little tiresome on occasion. (Probably my favorite quote: "I'm a guy!", shouted by Ranma-chan. Yeah, sure.

What is your fav. anime movie?
Ghost in the Shell. This may change soon, as I have a few movies on the HD.