The General Anime Thread...

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Originally posted by nightkids4ever
so cano did u go to the site if not

well, no, I didnt go. but thanks anyway, Ill go rite now.


and dont you put ANY BG music in a page. its ANNOYING.

EDIT: saw the page. it has nothing o.O what are you trying to do with that?
full metal panic, alright. you can draw. i agree w/ cano, absolutley no bg music, it is annoying as hell, whenever i encounter a page w/ it i just close it right there.
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
now do u believe me that i draw

I dont see how "you draw" o.O


and I just saw Voices of a Distant star. WOWO. sad to the bone, and very interesting also, its cool dude, thaks for the reccomendation!!!! :D
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
did u guys heard that they r making a initial d for reals

eeeeeek!!! :scared: more stuff to vomit into.

as for Voices.... it was a really well made animation. character design was pretty weird, it is not conventional stuff at all. mecha deign was AWESOME. yeah, it was one of the most striking elements of the whole movie. I love its cabin!!!! but I cant see how they piloted with just clothes :odd: well anyway, it was really cool. even the music is decent. and, well, the plot is REALLY simple, but very touching, and the end is way sad and touching too. yup, reccomended!!!


also, I had one effin question: how many episodes Trigun has??? 26????
yeah i've stopped at 19, for a rl initial d, well, i cant say i have high hopes for such a thing, if they use a script provided by tokyopop i would prob just skip seeing it @ all. chances are if they made a rl movie it would be too much like 2f2f and not be very similar to the naime.
oh, fine! then Ill jump at the chance to download 22 episodes :D
thanks palm for the link!!!

Originally posted by MeM
Yea i tried to download them. COuldnt find a good place., as frustrated palm said before. you have to be a member of the forum to download, but its worth it, they have many things to download.


as I said, cool link palm!!! thanks!
hmm is this happeneing to anyone else, gtplanet is really really rellly slow, i mean this is bad, i type this msg now and i wont see what i typed until i leave it for awhile and everything will appear. scrolling is very choppy, etc etc, every other page is fine, just this one.. :/
Originally posted by Cano
:scared: :yuck: :nervous: eeeek!! another one!!! not again, PLEASE!!!!



anyway, ive been watchin alot of .hack sign, i dont really get the concept, but i do realize its soem kind of cyber world like phantasy star online, but this one kid cant disconnect and doesnt seem to remember much about his old life.

I just found this thread and have no clue how to introduce myself to it. I guess I'll just do what most of the n00bs here do...

Hey everyone, how's it going? My name's Jpec and I like All the Gundam Shows, Dragonball (orig., Z, and GT), and most of the stuff by Miyasaki.

I think that works well, doesn't it?
hack sign is good, never finished it but i know hw it ends, maybe someday i'll get it :P
but the whole cyberworld concept as a being a giant game where you can play how you want facinates me, vey lain-ish :D