The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Originally posted by GoKents

Well said cano.

hey, you have seen rayearth, Gokents???


and yeah, it may be a little cheesy, but as I enjoy apocalyptic, crude stories, and often dispise what is "cheesy" I really enjoyed the movement towards feelings that CLAMP gave to MKR. yeah, its "cheesy" in a way, but its not awfully, stupidly cheesy, nor cheesy without a sense or even without style.
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
you like x just because it is bloody?:odd: get a taste in anime will ya.

hahaha, NO dude!! god. I just said it is one of the bloodiest animes I have ever seen, but its history its impressively cool. the manga tops, but the movie isnt bad. the TV series just kick ass. you just dont know what side you are in. dragons of earth? of heaven? 'sides, production is impressive and character design is also awesome, thanks to clamp supermangaka Mokona Apapa. I love X not because its bloody, but because its bloody awesome, in history, art and plot development.


and yes, there are Mechas in rayearth. each of the girls "drives" one.
this one is Rayearth. he belongs to red knight hikaru. magic element (his and the girl's) is, obviously, fire.

each mashin has an animal-like form. these are not always robots, but... somewhat guardian spirits that protect the land of cephiro. they have a far more important function, but that you wont know until you see it :D
well, however, rayearth is something like a fire lion or a big firey dog o.O

this blue dragon is ceres, he belongs to Umi, the blue knight. element of both is water.

this is his animal form... this mashin is also the one I like most.

last, this one is Windam, mashin belonging to green and coolest knight Fuu. both's element is wind. and their sword is just bastard-size :D

animal form is this four-winged bird.

these are the mechas in rayearth. there are more, as the "bad gouys" in the series "drives" one too, and also in the second season. I think their design is indecently cool. Ceres, most of all. that dragon looks just bad-ass!!!


Ill post more later.
Clamp does make some good anime. I just wish the companies here in America could work a little fast on getting more resent anime out. I mean some of this stuff is from 15 years or more ago in Japan, yet to us is brand new. Now they have more people interested and looking for what's coming out new in Japan, if it's something they like, they have to wait a couple years befor finally getting a chance to see it. Well more like understand it.
Oh yeah, Hi! Just butting into the conversation here cause it was interesting. Hope you don't mind. Heh heh.
mmhh.. that is why you look for it on the internet man :D there are many web pages and communitys that trade or eve let you leech anime. irc channels, hubs, ftps... posibiities are endless. you just have to know where to look for. sometimes is as simple as kazaa!!

Originally posted by Viper Zero
I've been watching Blue Gender and the second season of Big O, it's the good stuff on now.

A Supra's worst nightmare:

with a 2JZGTE and some nice turbos, they are about matched. i know what they are capable of and a supra is capable of just as much, and if done right more. but most people dont know what any cars are capable of. i know that somewhere out there there is a civic or a prelude that can destroy other cars without nitrous oxide. personally i know that the cars in that movie are complete stupidity. a magazine only ran the new skyline in fatf2 to get 14, tho the makers claimed it could do a 10 second quarter mile. that movie sucks and all the cars in it.

oh, god, not again. anime, please people. or in this case, manga. I am downloading the complete battle angel alita manga, after finding an old (year and a half) unfinished .RAR file that a friend started to send me but never finished. it was the volume 1 of the alita manga. it was almost complete so I could read almost entire chapter 1. it is TOTALLY AWESOME. the art is IMPRESSIVE. the history goes very well, and its action is fine, even for a starting first chapter. if anyone wants a good (GOOD) cyberpunk history, you REALLY should go for it, in anime form, but even MORE SO in manga form. it RULES.

really man? why?? I mean, I tought it was pretty cool, a really touching, deep human story in a completely apocaliptyc surround. it does sound good to me o.O

well, for what I know, the anime is pretty lame compared to the manga. GUNNM ovas just get to volume one of the manga. the manga xtends another 7 chapters or so. I think that is why it wasnt as catching as the manga is. 'sides, anime is good, but the manga is unbelievable.

Originally posted by nightkids4ever
has anyone seen a anime called a voice from a distance star

The story of the high school students Mikako Nagamine and Noboru Terao. When the alien Tarsians attack, Mikako volunteers to be a pilot in the space force that will protect mankind. The lovers try to remain in contact using cellular telephone text messages, but as each battle takes Mikako further from the Earth, each message takes longer to arrive. Will their love stand the tests of time and distance?

A stunning work of art, Hoshi no Koe is all the more remarkable for being the fruit of labour of a single, talented and dedicated man. Written, drawn, animated and directed by independent talent Makoto Shinkai, this Original Voice Version also sees him and his wife voice the two main roles of this film. Highly recommended viewing.

HELL, nightkids, WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US it was something like dat???? now OF COURSE I want to check it out!!! it will be my next download when battle angel alita's manga is over (522 mb >.<). now, answer dude. is it a series or a movie?? how many episodes?? etc etc, you know, the works.


damn, of course I want to see it!!! it looks MIGHTY INTERESTING!!! :eek:
Originally posted by SupraFly
with a 2JZGTE and some nice turbos, they are about matched. i know what they are capable of and a supra is capable of just as much, and if done right more.

Yes, the Supra can match the 3000GT. But, most Supras only get a stupid body kit thrown on them and they perform no better than a stock Supra or worse. No matter which one is better, both cars can destroy those lame ricer cars out there, in stock configuration. :lol:

I want to see Voices of a Distant Star as well. My local Blockbuster has it for DVD, I'm just waiting for it to become a 5 day rental instead of just 2 days.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
Yes, the Supra can match the 3000GT. But, most Supras only get a stupid body kit thrown on them and they perform no better than a stock Supra or worse. No matter which one is better, both cars can destroy those lame ricer cars out there, in stock configuration. :lol:

Yah, i hate when people go for looks and not speed, it makes me think what that car would be capable of, in so cal thats all u see, looks looks looks. ive seen one car, an eclipse, that went speed b4 looks, and now that hes got speed hes going for looks.

and yes, 100 hp hondas are easily beaten

has anyone watched initial d extra stage, with the sil eighty girls? i just watched an amv for it("audience") and i must say that is one of the best ID amvs i hacve seen yet and i am currently dloading the movie now, any opinions on the movie?
i stayed up til like 5 last night watching it, now my love for sil-80's grew by about 300% ^_^

Go Mako!
Think they are gonna make another, seems they kinda left it hanging.
Has anyone ever hear od Gate Keepers 21? THey just started showing it on TechTV on Thursday. I missed the first episode but I caught the second one and I don't plan an missing any more. :)