Originally posted by Talentless
Well, me um not sure.
some girls get sucked into another world to help someone die or something. i rarely watched it.
yes. it IS something like that, but rayearth is an Iconoclast. its a stereotype breaker. it seems ALOT like the annoying magical girl in an rpg world series at first, but it evolves (maybe slowly... not as fast paced as in the manga) into a deep story wich ending just leaves you cold as ice, as it is unexpected, cruel and dark. virtually everything on the series is turned upside down, including the role of the three magic knghts. believe me, Magic knight Rayearth is a perfect example of why one should have patience for a series. as it may seem LAME at first, rayearth really turns into something completely deep in the end. on the second season, the sadness invades all, and the three girls fight themselves and their conciousness to get the pain out of their hearts. if any of you EVER has the chance to see it complete, do it, and most important, HAVE PATIENCE. rayearth is a complete breaktrough in the magical girl series. it ends up being some really valuable series, not just another Sailor Moon on another planet.
for one time, trust me.
and, something else. as anime drifter (?) said, clamp is really degenerating... their stories were far more interesting before than now. chobits and sakura are a good example of some lame stories by CLAMP. and even like that, they are very over the top series, cheesy, but good in their way. I think that its been too long with them, but they still have good ideas. the X movie and TV series is great, as is rayearth (of course), RGveda, clover and wish. they are not lame, cheesy, nicey at all, in fact, X is one of the bloodiest, darkest animes I've ever seen. maybe that is what I like about clamp, their dinamism, their flexibility to create great stories of any kind. and most of all, their sheer talent, creating, writing and, OMFG, drawing.