The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
See, rice boys do not know what the 3000GT is capable of because it wasn't in the Fast and the Furious movies. :rolleyes:

It's definitely a sleeper. Rice boys will laugh, until they hear the 320 HP 3.0 Liter V6 Twin Turbo fly by their puny 4 cylinder.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
See, rice boys do not know what the 3000GT is capable of because it wasn't in the Fast and the Furious movies. :rolleyes:

It's definitely a sleeper. Rice boys will laugh, until they hear the 320 HP 3.0 Liter V6 Twin Turbo fly by their puny 4 cylinder.

I never thought of it that way. Those b@stards of Fast and Furious really screwed the image of the Supra up and it really pisses me off. It is just as a legit car as the 3000GT, but they had to include it and thus f!ck up it's image as a great car.
I think the extra weight can be made up by the AWD system on the 3000GT. Though, I've never seen a Supra on a road course, so I don't know how it performs.

The first episode of Big O was about Roger Smith waking up in a different dimension (I guess) and he wonders if he was dreaming about everything before.

NewType is a anime magazine.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
I think the extra weight can be made up by the AWD system on the 3000GT. Though, I've never seen a Supra on a road course, so I don't know how it performs.

The first episode of Big O was about Roger Smith waking up in a different dimension (I guess) and he wonders if he was dreaming about everything before.

NewType is a anime magazine.

Well the factory Supra pulls something like .99 G's on the skidpad and are pretty much known to handle well.

So that is what NewType is, nope haven't seen it.

I thought the first episode of Big O was rather odd.
Yeah, the Supra is a great car. But, after the Fast and the Furious, the prices for a used one sky rocketed.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
Yeah, the Supra is a great car. But, after the Fast and the Furious, the prices for a used one sky rocketed.

Actually even before that a used Supra was still pretty high. I know this because even before the movie, they were still cost a pretty penny used. I've always kinda looked at Supra just in interest of about what they are going for (basically dreaming to own a fourth gen, but no money=no car). But since I don't really remember what the prices were before the movie, I can't say how much they've gone up. But I just know the Supra has always been a car you don't see a whole lot of and has caused it to cost a decent price.
god, I go for three days and this thread turns to rice!!!! I think nothing in GTP can escape from the epidemic wave of rice... can we focus on anime, please??? at least I dont care at all in what a 3000GTVR4 can do, nor ANY japanese car, for that matter. Im SICK with japanese cars. I dont have nothing against them, they are cool, the wave of the future, but Its been a constant OVERLOAD of japanese cars. nobody talks about any other car. its just japan, rice, drifting, and the such. its enough. even in this thread I find such stupid things as "a Cpomaros worts nitemare is a (incredibly horrid) veliside skyline omfg its so coo" and things like that... can we really focus on anime please??? there is a section called general cars. there we can all discuss how cool Japanese cars are on some of the 1276345943658734675 threads there are on japánese cars. I really liked this thread befoire it talked about cars. and before 5 out of ten posts were of crappy-quality pics of lame cars. please, anime, people. the discussion about anime was cool. it really went good, and Id like it to stay that way... so, anime, please???


now for anime... well, amnga anyway. anyone here fan of CLAMP??? I am a huge fan of these four women's work, I love their mangas and their series. anyone here likes their work???? what do you like? what have you seen, or read??? lez pay homage to this incredible team.
Never heard of it . . . man the exposure that CTN gives to anime is terrible. And I have nothing else that shows anime. Damn cable TV! BTW, maybe you shouldn't have been gone for three days. :lol:
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
who reads the NEWTYPE magazine

Haven't you asked that question once??? :lol: But nevermind that, I don't read it. I've never even seen it. I don't get much past my car magazines, Game Informer, and now that I have ESPN the Magazine, so I probably won't pick it up any time soon. Who knows though, I may end up picking up one.
i buy newtype whenever i'm in here in edmonton, i started buying as soon as the first issue came out, anyone read this months? they screwed up the initial d characters and switched them around. (figures, they deserve to **** up like that after they butchered the series , as i wrote an essay about earlier....)
in other news regarding this issue i like to look into a couple of series they showed, last exile, and najica. any opinions about them? (yes najica is done by the same people who did aika, this looks much more promising)
why the **** do they do this? i mean really? what good does it do? you gain a little bit of fame with 6 year olds and lose all fame with the older fans to which the series is directed at. why the hell do they aim it for younger kids who wont be able to even drive for about 8 years anyway.
newtype rulez because they diss initial D :D

as for clamp, whoa, Im really astounded that none of you really know anything about them. no one has ever heard about X-1999? chobits? rayearth? angelic layer?? hell, I know some of you saw Card Captor Sakura. that one is from CLAMP.


this takes me to ask... how much time have you been REALLY into all of this anime stuff??
i've been watching anime for jsut over 5 years now, i've heard of all those series from clamp you like, the only one i ever willed to finish and did was chobits, i watched it when it came out and showed it to my friends which in turn made it's way to the club where we finished it.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
I fail to see how the red Mustang Mach 1 qualifies as lame.

I definitely have to agree with you on that. I don't know how a Mach 1 would be lame period, I would love to have one right now.
Originally posted by Cano
newtype rulez because they diss initial D :D

as for clamp, whoa, Im really astounded that none of you really know anything about them. no one has ever heard about X-1999? chobits? rayearth? angelic layer?? hell, I know some of you saw Card Captor Sakura. that one is from CLAMP.


this takes me to ask... how much time have you been REALLY into all of this anime stuff??

I've heard of the card captors one, but I've watched some of that series and frankly it was rather corny. And I didn't really have much interest in it. I have heard of Chobits, but haven't seen any of it. And the others I've never even heard of. The exposure that most people in the US get to anime is basically none, at least other than what CTN shows. Plus someone like me isn't going to go buy a session of some series on DVD just to see if I like it, anime is expensive as hell to buy. That's the main reason it's taking me alittle while to buy all of Cowboy Bebop on DVD. I'm slowly getting there, but it'll take me over a month at the pace I am buying each session . . . probably longer since Best Buy doesn't have the ones I need to finish the series off.
Magic Knight RayEarth, whatever, one of my bros loved it for a while, got several volumes. Me, I saw some of it and found it on the cheesy side. I think Cano's avatar is one of the characters. I know it's anime style if not exactly anime, but has anyone seen transformers armada? it's terrible. there should never be a seen where people say in unison, "they're fighting to save the (take your pick: universe; future, the people, the car wash from da man)," ever.
Well, me um not sure.

some girls get sucked into another world to help someone die or something. i rarely watched it.
Originally posted by Talentless
Well, me um not sure.

some girls get sucked into another world to help someone die or something. i rarely watched it.

yes. it IS something like that, but rayearth is an Iconoclast. its a stereotype breaker. it seems ALOT like the annoying magical girl in an rpg world series at first, but it evolves (maybe slowly... not as fast paced as in the manga) into a deep story wich ending just leaves you cold as ice, as it is unexpected, cruel and dark. virtually everything on the series is turned upside down, including the role of the three magic knghts. believe me, Magic knight Rayearth is a perfect example of why one should have patience for a series. as it may seem LAME at first, rayearth really turns into something completely deep in the end. on the second season, the sadness invades all, and the three girls fight themselves and their conciousness to get the pain out of their hearts. if any of you EVER has the chance to see it complete, do it, and most important, HAVE PATIENCE. rayearth is a complete breaktrough in the magical girl series. it ends up being some really valuable series, not just another Sailor Moon on another planet.


for one time, trust me.

and, something else. as anime drifter (?) said, clamp is really degenerating... their stories were far more interesting before than now. chobits and sakura are a good example of some lame stories by CLAMP. and even like that, they are very over the top series, cheesy, but good in their way. I think that its been too long with them, but they still have good ideas. the X movie and TV series is great, as is rayearth (of course), RGveda, clover and wish. they are not lame, cheesy, nicey at all, in fact, X is one of the bloodiest, darkest animes I've ever seen. maybe that is what I like about clamp, their dinamism, their flexibility to create great stories of any kind. and most of all, their sheer talent, creating, writing and, OMFG, drawing.

Well said cano.