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the late rx-7s and the NSXs before the current ugly ones are the best i can think of. supra has a neat body, but a face only a mother could love.
Originally posted by Talentless
what year firebird? btw, could you show an example of the import cars you like?

That is exactly what I'm talking about. It all depends on what the import is. You could be a ricer, but it is all determined by what the import is like.
i can only hope you are refering to the new supras (93+)
I have an 86' Celica GT-S, that and the 91' twin turbo supra are almost identical (i think they may have the same engines to).

point is i love my celica, best looking car i could ever hope to have.
(i can still dream fform my white r34) :)
i think i know vaguely what those celicas look like, they are nice. definitely the 93s up.

which firebird was it?
They aren't the same engine. I've owned an '86 Celica GTS and I can't remember the engine from it, but it's not the same as the Supra. If it truly is a true third-gen twin turbo Supra, then it is a JZA80.
i dunno, the camaros are more respectable looking imo, but anyway tis is what my car looks like, i should took a pic with the hood down, oh well, btw the engine is a 3s-ge or something along that lines.


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BTW, a JZA80 Supra is fairly rare . . . I haven't heard of many people owning one. I would love to have one. I currently own a '86.5 Supra . . . the first year of the third gen body style. And FYI, I have a Chilton's book on the '86 Celica . . . the engine in it is the 3S-GE powerplant.
I prefer the Firebird's head and tail light treatment, I think the Camaro's make it look goofy. To me, the Third Gen Birds looked good. Heck, I think some exotics are over designed. I like the Birds of the 80s better than the 'Vettes of the same period just because I don't like the Corvette's tail lights.
well there are two different engines that were put into this model, but anyway where did you get your repair manual?! i'm desperate to find one! (considering the ammount of work i gotta do on my car)
Well, I love Corvettes . . . but I wouldn't own one from about 1970 up until about 1991. All of those were terrible about making power and weren't the best of looking. The late C3s weren't that great of looking, but the early ones were. The early C4s weren't that great of looking, but the late ones were pretty nice.
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
well there are two different engines that were put into this model, but anyway where did you get your repair manual?! i'm desperate to find one! (considering the ammount of work i gotta do on my car)

Well it's not just for the Celica, it's also for the Supra. But I found it on eBay. I searched under Chilton's and after looking through all of them I found a couple that I could buy. And actually I have two different books that will work for my car (one of them covers '71-'87 Celica's and Supra's and the other covers like '86-about '93 Supra's and Celica's). And I also know of the other engine put in your car. The NA unit was the 3S-GE . . . there were also turbo models of the GTS. So I'm assuming that the turbo model would have been the 3S-GTE. I'm not sure if a Chilton's will work fo you though . . . but it does show how pretty much everything is put together on the car. And like you, it took me awhile to find a book for my car . . . they don't make Chilton's books for them anymore. So I used eBay to find one . . . you can find anything there.
I'm not big on cars with a lot of curves to them, nor do i worship the focus (the car) look. last comment i'll make on this, as we're going off topic. i prefer the 550 marenello and f355 to the modena.
yeah i know it is for the supra too, like i said they are almost i dentical. i ran out to the car for my celica book, trying to find out what the two engine types are
i agree with your comment about the curves, thats why i like my celica over the newer ones, same goes for the supras, and even into the skylines, the r34 is very box rectangle like and i love that, the r35 is muh more rounded.
Well there are some similarities, but they are also vastly different at the same time. But you probably won't find the JZA80 listed in any manual for the Supra because of the rareness of them. And you probably won't find the turbo model of the Celica listed either for pretty much the same reason.
Originally posted by Talentless
I'm not big on cars with a lot of curves to them, nor do i worship the focus (the car) look. last comment i'll make on this, as we're going off topic. i prefer the 550 marenello and f355 to the modena.

I love the curves of the Modeana and I also like the 550 Maranello which is still pretty curvy. But I also like the not so curvy F355.
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
yeah, ok here they are, there is the basic ebgine the 2s-e, and then there is mine, the more powerful one :D the 3s-ge.

Yep, the GTS has the 3S-GE . . . but I'm sure the turbo motor isn't listed in there.

That means the thing has never been opened and still has the clear wrapping on it. I'm pretty sure both of mine that I bought still were sealed, I know at least one of them was. BTW, I have the first two manuals listed there. You can get just about anything you can think of on eBay . . . at one time or another it has probably been listed and will probably be listed again. I got my Trigun Box Set on eBay.
well i'm off all this talk about supras reminds me i found some really great settings for my [R]Supra '91 (just putting all this info here so people look into it :P ) cya all l8r
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
well i'm off all this talk about supras reminds me i found some really great settings for my [R]Supra '91 (just putting all this info here so people look into it :P ) cya all l8r

Hey same year as mine, right now im having a major turbo seal leak.:(
:( but hey your car is better off than mine, heres a list of what i gotta do:
new engine
under carriage repair
all new fluids
probably some new lights
oh and a new component to the trunk, something got bent and a lilttle water can leak in.
pretty bad hey? :)