The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Yeah, but unless you know Japanese you miss out on a whole lot of the words spoken. And I know this for a fact because I've watched of both the Japanese and English of Trigun, and with the Japanese you just miss out on a lot of the funnier parts of the series. I don't see how that makes the Japanese better. I could understand if you know the language, but if you don't, it's somewhat disappointing to watch the Japanese when you have seen what extra things you catch with the English.
I couldn't agree more with Vash on this one. I also found out that I end up concentrating more on the words than I do on the characters' actions and facial expressions. This takes away from the whole experience of watching an anime that was nicely dubbed into english (Inu Yasha if the one I'm refering to here).

However, if an anime is dubbed badly then, I'd take the subtitled version anyday.

I totally agree with you, when you have to sit there and concentrate on reading the words, you don't just miss out on some of the extra things that the English has to offer, but you also miss out on the facial features and the action that is going on the screen.
I prefer subbed, i can read the whole sentence before the character finishes the first couple of words and then i can can focus on the characters in more depth (even though i can still see what is happening). For people who cannot read it all that fast i say great! gives you another reason to watch it again :D
Another reason why i prefer it is becuase i can pick up the language easily, a lot of the time i dont need to bother reading some subs because i understand what they are saying, and i still know very lil japanese. :)

oh hey, off topic but here it goes, if you guys have an extra 8.50 (can) , 6.00 (us) go get this years drifting magazine released by import tuner. i just got it, i absolutley love it! they talk about all sorts of ways to tune your car, and plus i just read this inspirational story about this teenager. mastered manual trans at age 8, started drifting at 13, currently is 16 and doesnt have license. :lol: it's cool, reading this i was saying this is like takumi from initial d, then this guy started talking about initial d and how it influenced him! :)

i love this magazine.
I would, but Import Tuner and all that other Japanese riced out cars magazines make me laugh. I love some of their claims. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the good Japanese cars . . . but some of the thing people do to the good ones and even the crappy ones is just sad. Plus I don't really care about drifting too much.
But even if you can read the subs and watch the character, you still miss some of what is said . . . unless you know a fair amount of Japanese. I know none whatsoever . . . so it is just annoying to me when I miss some of the funnier things from Trigun by watching the subs. I like to hear everything that is going on, I don't want a general or somewhat alittle more specific of what is going on. I want to hear all of it, not just a part of it.
i'm kinda the opposite, sure some people do ****ty stuff to good cars, but there are equally much better ones made. I hate muscle cars, mopars, crap like that. compared to imports they absolutley suck in performance. all they are is big noise makers for kids.
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
I prefer subbed, i can read the whole sentence before the character finishes the first couple of words and then i can can focus on the characters in more depth (even though i can still see what is happening). For people who cannot read it all that fast i say great! gives you another reason to watch it again :D
Another reason why i prefer it is becuase i can pick up the language easily, a lot of the time i dont need to bother reading some subs because i understand what they are saying, and i still know very lil japanese. :)


After watching 3 volumes (which are 9 dvds each are 2 and 1/2 hours) of Inu Yasha with subtitles, I have only learned one word in japanese and that is the word for demon, hell, I don't even remember it, so I guess I didn't learn it then. The point is, I watch anime for leisure and I don't want to learn another language during it (that goes under the work category). I have a friend who is japanese and when she translated one episode for me, I noticed how much I missed out from the subtitling (this is just to add to Vash's point).

Originally posted by duo17
After watching 3 volumes (which are 9 dvds each are 2 and 1/2 hours) of Inu Yasha with subtitles, I have only learned one word in japanese and that is the word for demon, hell, I don't even remember it, so I guess I didn't learn it then. The point is, I watch anime for leisure and I don't want to learn another language during it (that goes under the work category). I have a friend who is japanese and when she translated one episode for me, I noticed how much I missed out from the subtitling (this is just to add to Vash's point).


That's what I am talking about. I've seen the first episode of Trigun like more times than I can count . . . I've watched it a couple times in Japanese, and there is not near the humor that you get with the English because so much is left out of the subtitles.
i cant stand dubbed, to me it is "westernizing" it and ruining the whoole feel of it. the c haracters dont even sound right anymore, and if anyone has read the initial d mangas or played the arcade game, well... they really ****ed up a good thing, itsuki = iggy, iketani = cole, takumi is a pizza delivery boy, his dad, bunta, now becomes grandfather bunta (when the hell did takumi have a kid?!). oh yeah, and worse of all the characters all say stupid things like "homie", and in general they write new lyrics to the show that never were in the original. subbed, thank you.
If they screwed up Initial D as you said they did (as I haven't seen Initial D before) then they dubbed it very poorly. I have only seen a handful of animes that have gross slang in the dubbed version compared to the subbed version. That is when someone has screwed around too much. In most of the animes I've seen the dubbed characters sound very similar to the japanese ones.

I'm sorry to hear that your experience with dubbed animes have been so bad, but most animes that have been dubbed by legitimate groups will turn out just as well as the original.

You can't tell me on Trigun that the English voice for Millie is a ton better. The Japanese voice is terrible for her . . . way too high pitched! Maybe they messed up Initial D with the English, but not all anime is messed up with the English. I have yet to really see anything wrong with the English on Trigun. If I knew Japanese and English equally, I couldn't care at all which one I was watching. Both of them would be equally good, and I would probably watch both of them. But watching the Japanese and not knowing it and missing out on a lot of what is going on down right blows. I don't want to miss out on a lot of what is going on.

BTW, duo I agree with you . . . whoever made the English dub for Initial D messed up (if it is that bad, I haven't seen it either, so I wouldn't really know).
i dunno, dubbed still takes away the big fact that it is anime, it comes from japan, works are best left in original condition, tht way a series doesnt have to be brutaly butchered and fed to 50 000 little 6 year olds where clearly it was aimed at an older audience. again refering to initial d.
i thought millie's voice was just right in the japanese trigun, it wasnt high pitched at all, i rem it being kinda soft, almost like matsume from love hina (the other character who looks like naru)
You do have a point there. Thankfully not every anime is dubbed horribly. I actually have played the Arcade Game (the one in the actual arcade). I did notice some name changes, but I guess I just blocked out the story. I'm off for tonight. It was nice having some good conversation in here with Vash and you.

Originally posted by LoneWolfe
i'm kinda the opposite, sure some people do ****ty stuff to good cars, but there are equally much better ones made. I hate muscle cars, mopars, crap like that. compared to imports they absolutley suck in performance. all they are is big noise makers for kids.

I think we have a rice boy here. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
i'm kinda the opposite, sure some people do ****ty stuff to good cars, but there are equally much better ones made. I hate muscle cars, mopars, crap like that. compared to imports they absolutley suck in performance. all they are is big noise makers for kids.

Muscle cars were the bad asses of their day, they weren't meant to able to crush modern imports. N one envisioned it. And, looked at in the context of their times, muscle cars are fast, but do suffer from handling issues. Cars can be too small too, not just in space, but in representing ones personality (please, no one make sarcastic references to "man hood" deficiencies, if you do, you are intellectually weak and must flog yourself). There are beautiful imports out there, but, though the muscle cars need a diet, I would rather be in them than in some of the horrendous designs I see in the Tokyo Auto show. Btw, the Firebird was the best looking muscle car. Muscle cars are inferior in direct comparison, I agree, but there is a connection with people in the US that muscle cars have that will take import cars time to achieve. Finally, though many cars are based on the chassis of grocery getters, the muscle cars appearance often tried to move away from that image, the fast back styling just looked fast. A Civic with a rear wing, 300 horsepower and a front air dam still has the econo box look to it.
Originally posted by Talentless
Muscle cars were the bad asses of their day, they weren't meant to able to crush modern imports. N one envisioned it. And, looked at in the context of their times, muscle cars are fast, but do suffer from handling issues. Cars can be too small too, not just in space, but in representing ones personality (please, no one make sarcastic references to "man hood" deficiencies, if you do, you are intellectually weak and must flog yourself). There are beautiful imports out there, but, though the muscle cars need a diet, I would rather be in them than in some of the horrendous designs I see in the Tokyo Auto show. Btw, the Firebird was the best looking muscle car. Muscle cars are inferior in direct comparison, I agree, but there is a connection with people in the US that muscle cars have that will take import cars time to achieve. Finally, though many cars are based on the chassis of grocery getters, the muscle cars appearance often tried to move away from that image, the fast back styling just looked fast. A Civic with a rear wing, 300 horsepower and a front air dam still has the econo box look to it.

Actually that Civic looks more like a POS to me . . . but that is my opinion on that. Plus when you look at the muscle cars, their numbers are significantly hurt by the tyres of the time. You put some modern tyres on them and you'll see a huge jump in the numbers. I myself like you would rather be seen in a muscle car than some of the design at the Tokyo Auto show . . . some of them are just horrid. I also agree to the fact that some imports are beautiful, but the numbers of ugly ones to beautiful ones is a huge margin.
I've got a slayers movie, the one with lina's sister, whoever does lina's voice is much easier on the ears than the one who did it in the series. i can't remember her name. she does pokemon stuff. i think she's jesse or someone.

bey blade is the greatest anime ever. ah, ha ha ha.
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
you gotta get this right, people who like imports over domestics are not rice'rs!

Not necessarily, they could like imports over domestics and still be a ricer. It just depends on what you like in your imports.