The General Anime Thread...

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Originally posted by LoneWolfe
hmm only 21, this being 22... thought there was more :)

Here's another one! :lol: But I have posted a whole lot today . . . I've been on a bunch of other threads today, so if you count those . . . then who knows. :lol:
lol, i had 2 pages of replies, you know what is really funny tho? anyone who posted a reply in this thread should have a bunch of replies :P
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
lol, i had 2 pages of replies, you know what is really funny tho? anyone who posted a reply in this thread should have a bunch of replies :P

:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh, that's great stuff right there. I would love to see their faces when they see they have like at least 30 emails just from this thread.
Let's get back to the topic...

Has anyone seen that T-Mobile anime commercial? They're promoting their new two-way called the Sidekick. It looks cool, it has nice animation.
no, although i do have a commercial for a phone where there is this cat is standing on a couch and above him there is a toy swinging on the fan. of course he catches it, snags and gets spun around and thrown across the room. :lol:
(i know i have a bad sense of humor, but this isnt as bad as the kick dog commercial i have. this guys uses a treat to get this dog to jump up in the air and he kicks it across the street.... they were advertising something about soccer :lol: )
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
she sacrificed herself to save the coloney ships that knives had programed to crash into the planet.

You are correct sir! Now you can claim your prize . . . a big stack of paper, a cookie, or a whole lot of donuts. But choose carefully, you can only get one . . .
Oh, I don't know. Didn't think of that to be a prize. But wouldn't you rather have a huge pile of donuts instead??? :lol:
Alright then, we will throw in some beer. But you have seen what happens to me when I drink, at least what I did on my TV show.

What more like that when I'm drunk??? No way, the picture I put up more shows it. Here is another:


But that shot of me (that you put up) is more of along the lines of "did I earn the $$10 and the donuts?".
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
is vash a robot or does he have a curse

He is not a robot. I guess you are talking about the angel arm then eh?


Vash is not exactly human either . . . it explains what he is in the series. But I'll tell you if you want to know.
if i can piece together my amvs and little things people say correctly, then vash is a plant right? (power plant) kinda like that angel thing that he met in the reactor somewhere around ep 11.
He is pretty much a plant. But I think really a more accurate statement would be "those who exist outside of time".




Originally posted by LoneWolfe
so is he imortal? coooool :)

Well the reason I say a better statement on what he is would be "those who exist outside of time" is because I'm pretty sure it never directly in the series that Vash and Knives are plants. But in Episode 17, Vash and Knives are talking about a tree and it's fruit and I think it was Vash that asks Knives "do you think we will ever be eaten?". Vash asks this because the two of them are talking about eating the fruit off of the tree obvisously. So you can assume they are plants. But the connection that Vash has to those "beings" in the power plants can also lead you to believe that he is of the same specie that the "being" in the power plant belongs to; so thus, you can come to the conclusion that he is one of "those who exist outside of time".