The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
How the hell did we end up talking about cars for 40 some posts in "The General Anime Thread?" Lets not turn this into "The Color Blue" thread, please.

I'm sorry nightkids4ever but both of those cars are ugly as hell, the only way I knew the first one was a Skyline was by it's headlights. Other than that, it's not really recognable as a Skyline . . . that to me is a waste of a fine Japanese car. That Supra is definitely the waste of a good Supra. Other than the headlights and the tailights, it could be any car other than a Supra under there. And I would know what the waste of a good Supra is, as I own a Supra. That is exactly why I hate people who rice out Supra's, they give my car a bad image and by doing that makes me want to rip their freakin' head off and anyone else's for calling my car a ricer, when in reality it is not because I haven't done that kind of crap to it. I am only going to do body work to the car if it offers better aerodynamics or a significant amount of downforce. If the body work doesn't offer significant gains in both of those areas, then it is total crap to me.

BTW, anyone going to watch the final episode of Trigun this Sunday? I was just wondering because I can't wait to see the episode again . . . so freakin' awesome!
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
if a skyline faced that camaro faces that the owner will get rid of the camaro

I'm sorry but the only way I would give up my Camaro for a Skyline is if it didn't have all that ugly as crap body work done to it (and even then, it would definitely depend on what Camaro I owned . . . I wouldn't give up a '69 Camaro for it). The Skyline is a great looking car straight from the factory as it is . . . all the crap that has been done to one you have shown has absolutely ruined the car.
my fav anime is anital d not the bull**** american version were they change the charectors names the Japanese version i just cant wait till saga rosso brings up the game to the us than my collection will be complete.
Holy ****???!!! :eek:

What the hell happend with this thread.

When I started it I thought it was gone no more than two days later.

I have never come back to the thread till now and I am very, very pleased to see the number of replies.


There are some otakus here after all...

Question is, what are you guys watching?

Im not going back and reading 500+ replies, so please, let me hear what you guys are watching these days.

What you like, what you love and what your paying attention to.

I am personally still watching all the classic cn stuff that I get on cable, but in this new line up Im quite pleased to see blue gender.

Adult swim sure is nice. But then again, it sucks sometimes with the editing.

Oh well, Im just glad to see I wasn't alone at the otaku with a love for anime.
That's funny! Well I'm currently watching Trigun and I absolutely love it. I've already seen the whole series about two times through and that it just through watching it on TV. I own the DVD box set of Trigun and I think it is worth what I paid for it off of eBay. As of right now, I'm slowing buying all of Cowboy Bebop on DVD. I've already bought the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sessions . . . freakin' eBay didn't have the 2nd Session when I went to buy it, so I went ahead and got the 3rd and 4th ahead of it. I just hope by the time I go to buy the next DVD they have one of the three I don't have in. I was watching Rurouni Kenshin before they took it off of Toonami . . . but now that it is only showing on Saturday, it is kinda hard for me to remember to catch it then. Man did that ever piss me off when they took it off of Toonami. I have seen all of DBZ, and I was greatly disappointed with the ending of the series. Well I pretty much always watch Adult Swim every night, except as of late . . . I've still been catching Trigun and some of the time Lupin the Third. But I haven't really been watching FLCL and Blue Gender . . . I've been watching MacGuyver instead. But I will eventually get around to watching all of FLCL and Blue Gender, as I catched the first episode of both. Both of them seem pretty interesting, at least what I saw in the first episodes of both. I was completely lost in FLCL because it is just alittle odd :odd: . :lol: Well that's about all I can think of though at the moment.
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
i am goin to watch even i did watch it already

Oh well, who cares if you have already seen it once? I've seen it twice and I'm still just a pumped to watch it for the third time. :lol: But I guess I'm alittle wierd to when it comes to watching Trigun. :lol:

This kinda blows . . . I just got my 500th post just a few minutes ago and I can't change my tag under my name until I've been a member for 90 days. :( :( :( :( :(


Originally posted by VashTheStampede
This kinda blows . . . I just got my 500th post just a few minutes ago and I can't change my tag under my name until I've been a member for 90 days. :( :( :( :( :(

You've got 500 posts in less than 90 days!? What the hell is wrong with you. It took me forever just to get 200.

Originally posted by duo17
You've got 500 posts in less than 90 days!? What the hell is wrong with you. It took me forever just to get 200.


Yeah, check out the number of posts I have. Between like yesterday and the day before that, I acculumated probably 125 posts just between the two days. I had a whole lot of commenting going on in a couple threads. Just look at this thread and you'll probably see at least 50 from just me. I guess what is wrong with me is I have a lot to say or something. I don't really know. Don't ask me . . . I really have no idea. :embarrassed: :rolleyes: :odd: :lol:
I've been watching Blue Gender and the second season of Big O, it's the good stuff on now.

A Supra's worst nightmare:


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Originally posted by Viper Zero
I've been watching Blue Gender and the second season of Big O, it's the good stuff on now.

A Supra's worst nightmare:

How is the second season of Big O going? I think I've seen all of the first season and I only caught about 10 minutes of the first episode of the second season. And let me ask how Blue Gender has been too? I've already said why I haven't been watching it though . . . but I will get around to watching it.

I think you are alittle off on the Supra's worst nightmare . . . the 3000GT is a nice car, but they are a tad overweight. But then again, I wouldn't mind having a 3000GT or a Supra . . . but I would definitely prefer the Supra. Both are nice cars as long as they aren't riced out.
Originally posted by Mr. Snowtire
What are you going to change it to? You can tell us...we won't copy:mischievous:

Are you talking to me??? Cuz if you are talking to me well then I just might have to pull one of these!


(Not really though, I just felt like sounding tough or something like that.)
Originally posted by Mr. Snowtire
:D It's on now! I'm gunna Optimus Prime yo butt:D

Are you now? What if I pull this one out?


Being this is an angel arm - the most powerful weapon in the world and will blow your body clean to nothing, you've got to ask yourself a question--Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk!
I've seen a 3000GT VR-4 take on a Supra TT and win. Both weigh about the same stock, 3700 pounds for the 3000GT and 3500 for the Supra. The 3000GT is no slouch by any means.

I think Blue Gender is going well, more of the plot is being developed. Not sure about Big O, it only comes on once a week. So far, a lot of the story isn't there and the animation seems weaker than the first 13 episodes.
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
a 3000gt worst nightmare the junkyard or this

Actually that is any vehicle on the ground worst nightmare! That thing will bust tanks open like they are an egg.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
I've seen a 3000GT VR-4 take on a Supra TT and win. Both weigh about the same stock, 3700 pounds for the 3000GT and 3500 for the Supra. The 3000GT is no slouch by any means.

I think Blue Gender is going well, more of the plot is being developed. Not sure about Big O, it only comes on once a week. So far, a lot of the story isn't there and the animation seems weaker than the first 13 episodes.

Like I said, both cars are great cars. But this is just me thinking out loud, I don't think the 3000GT take a Supra on a road course, to me the extra weight of the 3000GT hurts it's chances. But I agree with you, the 3000GT is no slouch. I would just rather have a Supra . . . I may be somewhat biased in that though since I own one right now. :lol:

Well I ask about Blue Gender because I've only watched the first episode. I'm sure it's probably not too bad though. So basically with the first episode of the second season of Big O I haven't missed anything?