The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
new EVA??? watf are ya talking about? and, if you do explain it, make SURE YOU DO IT WITHOUT SPOILERS please.

care to comment on what is its plot or something like dat?? Ive been hearing rumors of a new eva even before the first one ended, so im a little esceptical about all that stuff.

One bro used to get the animericas, but he quit that. i remember the voice actor that did shinji referring to the kid as a wimp. i didn't think it was fair. forgot why though, it was sometime ago. not into sci fi, i prefer fantasy. lodoss war stuff.
Ill watch it as long as it has some escence to it, not just a plain jane show. it needs something that cautivates me. it may take a while, but those are the shows I really like, regardless of their genre.


fine discussion on this!!! what gender you like more?? Sci-fi? fantasy-like? apocalyptic? mechas? wich???
in anime i have to find one tight design like the gundams from gundamseed or some thing that i like,like cars(initial d)
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
[i got some scan cano

scans of what dude???

also, what the hell happened to all the people in this thread??? are you on vacation? o.O
oh, yeah, a question: have any of you seen witch hunter robin?? I read some stuff about it and it looked pretty interesting. any of you can confirm that?

well, i dunno where everyone went, i may be gone for awhile, the forest fire in my city (kelowna, bc, can) has grown to just a few km from my house, i may be under evactuation any time now.
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
well, i dunno where everyone went, i may be gone for awhile, the forest fire in my city (kelowna, bc, can) has grown to just a few km from my house, i may be under evactuation any time now.

O_O OMG!!!! man, you be REALLY careful, please. that is such a bad situation. I really hope you go trough this and end up good. take good care my friend >.<


and no, I dont have AIM nightkid, but I do have msn. Its see ya there if you want. and, by all things, WHAT SITE????
Originally posted by LoneWolfe
well, i dunno where everyone went, i may be gone for awhile, the forest fire in my city (kelowna, bc, can) has grown to just a few km from my house, i may be under evactuation any time now.
man that sucks just becareful of what u do
i'm currently watching last exile, i suggets it, very good series, well done, same people sho did vandread only more realistic and stylish. The op is pretty cool too :)