The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
can someone explain the scene in the 1st ep. where Taku (i forgot every1's name, that right?) meets the vespa women for the first time. And during the whole scene where he gets beaten up, it goes to this like grainy camera view of all of them in a room talking about it. Wut was the point of this?!
good point! i think they are reviewing a adult flick, and admist explaining it to eachother

+its a small theatre
+theres hardly anybody there
+harukos kissing naota (in real life)
Originally posted by kirkis9
good point! i think they are reviewing a adult flick, and admist explaining it to eachother

+its a small theatre
+theres hardly anybody there
+harukos kissing naota (in real life)


yo, what happened to drifting manga?


"It’s about Jesus, right? And the robots are supposed to three wise men? And Gendo is Abraham, who must kill his beloved son Shinji on the mountain-top except he’s not trying to kill him, the Angels are. And there’s no mountain-top. Also, Kaji is supposed to be Samson, or Delilah, or the great beast with six heads and the talking sheep of the eighth seal, or something. And Misato is Mary Magdeline because she’s such a slut. Right? Am I right?" asked the newbie Otaku, who hadn’t been to Sunday school in years.

"That’s not it at all," said Eva creator Hideki Anno, "It’s supposed to be about Penguins. Pen-Pen is the Messiah, and the other characters are his apostles. The angels are supposed to represent the economic state of Austria-Hungary during World War I. Except for the Ninth Angel...he’s just a big spider. And Adam is supposed to represent the episode of Three’s Company where they all go camping and Jack has to sleep outside the tent. I mean, isn’t all that obvious? I could NOT have made it more simple for you people!"

"Oh." replied the world’s Otaku, "Yeah, we knew that."

the kaede GTI manga? hold on.... wait, let me get home first...
"Well, why didn’t you tell me he wasn’t real?" asks leader of the free world.
Originally posted by kirkis9

"It’s about Jesus, right? And the robots are supposed to three wise men? And Gendo is Abraham, who must kill his beloved son Shinji on the mountain-top except he’s not trying to kill him, the Angels are. And there’s no mountain-top. Also, Kaji is supposed to be Samson, or Delilah, or the great beast with six heads and the talking sheep of the eighth seal, or something. And Misato is Mary Magdeline because she’s such a slut. Right? Am I right?" asked the newbie Otaku, who hadn’t been to Sunday school in years.

"That’s not it at all," said Eva creator Hideki Anno, "It’s supposed to be about Penguins. Pen-Pen is the Messiah, and the other characters are his apostles. The angels are supposed to represent the economic state of Austria-Hungary during World War I. Except for the Ninth Angel...he’s just a big spider. And Adam is supposed to represent the episode of Three’s Company where they all go camping and Jack has to sleep outside the tent. I mean, isn’t all that obvious? I could NOT have made it more simple for you people!"

"Oh." replied the world’s Otaku, "Yeah, we knew that."

the kaede GTI manga? hold on.... wait, let me get home first...
i thought misato isn't such a slut and weren't NGE was based on greek religon like the dead sea scrolls or the evas based off the greeks gods :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Originally posted by kirkis9

"It’s about Jesus, right? And the robots are supposed to three wise men? And Gendo is Abraham, who must kill his beloved son Shinji on the mountain-top except he’s not trying to kill him, the Angels are. And there’s no mountain-top. Also, Kaji is supposed to be Samson, or Delilah, or the great beast with six heads and the talking sheep of the eighth seal, or something. And Misato is Mary Magdeline because she’s such a slut. Right? Am I right?" asked the newbie Otaku, who hadn’t been to Sunday school in years.

"That’s not it at all," said Eva creator Hideki Anno, "It’s supposed to be about Penguins. Pen-Pen is the Messiah, and the other characters are his apostles. The angels are supposed to represent the economic state of Austria-Hungary during World War I. Except for the Ninth Angel...he’s just a big spider. And Adam is supposed to represent the episode of Three’s Company where they all go camping and Jack has to sleep outside the tent. I mean, isn’t all that obvious? I could NOT have made it more simple for you people!"

"Oh." replied the world’s Otaku, "Yeah, we knew that."

the kaede GTI manga? hold on.... wait, let me get home first...
thxs for the 411
Originally posted by kirkis9

"It’s about Jesus, right? And the robots are supposed to three wise men? And Gendo is Abraham, who must kill his beloved son Shinji on the mountain-top except he’s not trying to kill him, the Angels are. And there’s no mountain-top. Also, Kaji is supposed to be Samson, or Delilah, or the great beast with six heads and the talking sheep of the eighth seal, or something. And Misato is Mary Magdeline because she’s such a slut. Right? Am I right?" asked the newbie Otaku, who hadn’t been to Sunday school in years.

"That’s not it at all," said Eva creator Hideki Anno, "It’s supposed to be about Penguins. Pen-Pen is the Messiah, and the other characters are his apostles. The angels are supposed to represent the economic state of Austria-Hungary during World War I. Except for the Ninth Angel...he’s just a big spider. And Adam is supposed to represent the episode of Three’s Company where they all go camping and Jack has to sleep outside the tent. I mean, isn’t all that obvious? I could NOT have made it more simple for you people!"

"Oh." replied the world’s Otaku, "Yeah, we knew that."

the kaede GTI manga? hold on.... wait, let me get home first...

:lol: Oh man, I didn't realize how bad I needed a laugh until I read this. Good stuff. 👍
Breathing life into LAME ANIME XD

Ill jump right to it, there are a lot of stingy ultra sleep inducing anime’s out there. Like gundam wing, of which TO WARN CHILDREN about
“stay away from the obnoxiously themed gundams” or to go further “stay out of the inconsistent plot lines!”
to be honest many enjoyed GW so much few years back. I ordered the HK complete series in eng just to get a flash at it again. HOW AMUSING IT NOW IS.
Commentary by mark

summary episode 1
Narrator: Mankind emigrated to space, because it got bored of sitting in its room all day. Several space colonies were established, and our governments set about to immediately opress them. It is the year After Colony 195. Operation: Merchandise. the colonists devise a plan to smuggle new weapons to the earth... disguised as shooting stars. God, that is corny. Do I actually have to read this with such a serious tone?

Dr. J: OK, let's auger this baby in, Heero. Whoosh!

Heero: Whatever.

Zechs: Look at that, ensign. Could it be Operation M?

Ensign: Sorry, Zechs. It's disguised as a re-entry shuttle, not a shooting star. There's also 4 other pods falling towards the earth, Lord Vader.

Zechs: I may wear a fruity mask, but I'm not Darth Vader. Since we can't get all them, let's go after this one! Shoot him a lot until he stops moving! No machine gun for him!

Ensign: That sounded really dumb, sir.

Zechs: I am a _true_ robot soldier. So shut your gob or I'll take a nine-iron to your head.

Heero: A civilian shuttle is in the way. I can't destroy it in front of this guy, but I REALLY REALLY want to, and later on I'll wish I had.

Relena: I hate you, daddy.
Dorlian: I'm sorry I can't buy you the new Barbie Death Star, but I have to spill confidential files on you. You didn't see that. Or that, outside the window.
Relena: Look, it's the title of the episode. "The Shooting Star She Saw." And I still hate you, daddy.

Heero: Oh crap. My thing fell apart.

Zechs: It became a bird-like fighter, so I'll just hop into this Leo and go after him. Ouch! Low ceiling. Good thing I'm wearing this cast-iron Kool-Aid pitcher on my skull.

Ensign: I'll follow you after I run potty.

Heero: Zechs will totally freak when he sees me take all his shots with no effect. Uh-oh, it seems my engine has an owie.

Zechs: I kick ass.

Ensigns: We're here to save you, Zechs!

Zechs: Thanks for the parachute. And thanks for nothing as well. Oh crap!

Heero: Trans-former, more than meets the eye. Trans-former... now you're gonna die.


Zechs: That machine is so strong, it has to be a Gundam. Catch me, daddy! Oh, right, that annoying 'gravity' thing is going to slam dunk us into the icy water. I luv you buh-bye!! *EJECT*

Heero: I flirt with suicide, sometimes it kills the pain... Oh crap. That girl saw my face. Let me slap my wrist and blow myself up. Damn! Doesn't anything work today?

Relena: I don't understand. Here comes the ambulance. Heero, why are you biting the head off the doctor and stealing the ambulance!? And by the way, my name is Relena!

Heero: Maybe I can wrap this thing around a utility pole while giving myself a cyanide injection and cutting my wrists with scalpels. Or better yet, I'll enlist at this private school.

Zechs: Isn't it great how I magically got back into my carrier in space with no vehicle? It seems there's another four Gundams. Please, enjoy these brief cameo appearances.

Duo: I'm the bright n' sunny God of Death! I've broken a window with a baseball, and will proceed to run away real fast! I'm like Dennis the Deathscythe-Driving-Menace!

Soldier: We're being massacred!

Trowa: As if anyone cared, my name's Trowa. Faster, Heavyarms! Kill, kill!

Another Soldier: I think I found the droids from Star Wars. Ack! Were being attacked by Alladin's Forty Theives!!

Quatre: I'm sorry! *SLASH I'm sorry! *SKLVICH, GORE I'm sorry! *BOOM You shoulda surrendered... *sob,sob

Wufei: I'm Wufei, and I'm not hiding from anyone. Grr! CAN YOU SMELL WHAT NATAKU IS COOKING!?

Teacher: Have a seat by Miss Relena, Heero. Ask her anything you like.

Heero: Lick me.

Relena: But we just met! Here, come to my birthday party. Maybe I'll lick you then.

Heero: *RIP

Relena: But why?

Heero: Don't cry. I'll kill you. Cripes, who turned on the Terminator soundtrack?


Zechs: Gundams are on Earth.

Relena: I want to lick you

Heero: what? Bothersome noise >


"The Gundam Deathscythe."

Zechs: Hey, captain. I'll trade you a sub tune-up for these cool new mobile suits.

Captain: Are you kidding? Didn't you see us shoving a dozen or so of those things overboard? Oh well. Yours must be special or something so, what the hell.

Zechs: Fool. I'll get the Gundam before him.

Heero: I've cleared my entry fees, downloaded about 56 MB of porn, and located some torpedoes. It's time for an angry orgy of death and mayhem.

Duo: Speaking of which, heeeeere's Duo! Cue the Jaws theme! *slash-slash BOOM* Dude, another Gundam just like mine. Well... not JUST like. But whatever! It looks so cool with the red and the white and the blue.

Friends: Happy birthday, Relena!

Relena: oh its you three, isn’t there an actual hetero guy over there . I hate you daddy.

Dorlian: Oops, I dropped those pictures at your feet again. Call me butterfingers.

Relena: Hm. This preppy twerp says he saw Heero driving towards the miltary base. I'd better wander right into the crossfire to get him to notice me.

Heero: Relena... Hold really still. I'm going to play William Tell and try to knock a head off your shoulders.

Relena: you remembered my name, thank goodness..

Duo: Cue the James Bond theme! *BLAM! What the hell? That's the bad guy!

Relena: Don't hurt Heero, hes a good main character.

Heero: Hurt me. And her. Badly. In fact, kill everyone.

Relena; look its gekiganger coming out of the water!

Duo: A flare. Hey, doesn't this remind you of Men in Black? Cue the Men in Black theme!

Heero: SUUUURGE!! *KABOOM* (surge is a soda from the 1995 era)

Duo: He blew up both Gundams (and himself)! That must mean he's that thing's pilot! Duh…

Heero: I hope this is the last time I attempt death.

you too man? im on a tiny island only 15 miles across, the connection doesnt help any for the few of us, AND YOU PLAY RAGNAROK! omg i just noticed your avatar!
like lonwolfe said its a great game, best feature is the interactivity with people around the world and the vast enviorment. i remember having a quests with a guy from austrailia, netherlands, and the philipienes.

Hey, kirkis9. I like your mini GW story you got going there.
yeah its fun to do with friends, it takes some wit to tie in some good comedy.
anybody else want to continue it? that wuold be cool!


  • screensakray 034 copy.gif
    screensakray 034 copy.gif
    44.2 KB · Views: 68
when ro went p2p there ewas a huge hole left in my life, still is, and i'm kicking myself for not taking more screenshots , here is the only one i have.:banghead:

oh yeah, those things on my character are bug antenae and a medical mouth mask, just before i had to stop i was on a quest for glasses to fully complete the 'unique' look :D


  • spot the wolfe(or insect).jpg
    spot the wolfe(or insect).jpg
    88 KB · Views: 64

this a great index from halloween night! what a masacre in the spirit of an obnoxious holiday. it was a huge mass grave of cute sprite people. the battles got cosmicaly enourmous with hundreads of yoyo monkeys and MUNAKS, :(

official homepage of international raganarok

the download is about 600mb now and costs 9-12\$ a month ~

P2p fighting is a blast especialy when its 5 on 5, this is where the priests come in handy :D one day

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