The General Relationship Thread

  • Thread starter Type S Tony
Never been in one too, and I'm 21.

Today, the only girl that I really liked so far, send me a text, saying that she was seeing a guy that I know. (Not really my friend, but my friends hang out with him a lot, so you get the point).

Another 21 year old here.
Today I found out that my object of sighing and internal pain is getting married.

Never been more destroyed in my entire life.
Well I just got a nice punch in the gut.

I was texting my ex gf sice we are still friends and all and I asked why we haven't been talking much. Low and behold her friend texts me back saying "oh she has a new man now and is really happy so you can stop now, happy new year dude".

Well I guess I still have feelings because after I got that, stomach went to throat. Heat is racing. I'm not sure if I should cry or....I'm in an odd place while typing this. I asked when this happened and she said 2 weeks then I guess you really didn't love me then.

This just happened within 10 minutes ago, and I really need to I just shut my phone off and threw it on my bed, and it was clearly obvious she was trying to piss me off. I feel I am a worthless pile. I wish I knew how long this was going on...

Great way to start the new year huh?
I don't even at this point.

All I can say is I want this night to end. And with me being suicidal on the side, yeah well. Not a good situation right now. I just want to curl up in fetal position and die quickly in a hole somewhere.

What gets me is the fact she preached that she wouldn't ever do this to me , and the next thing I know she leaves me for someone else after almost a year. Yeah, 🤬 you too.
I thought I was over her...we were so close. Then BAM.

And tonight of all nights. I don't even know what to do. I need to do something to get my mind off it before I feel invincible and do something incredibly stupid.

If its who I think it is, well its not a good situation either way.
I swear every New Years Eve I have exactly the same thoughts. Whether I am somewhere crowded or just with family, I see couples together and I just feel 🤬 about myself and just wish that I was in a similar position. Maybe next year... :(
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I thought I was over her...we were so close. Then BAM.

And tonight of all nights. I don't even know what to do. I need to do something to get my mind off it before I feel invincible and do something incredibly stupid.

If its who I think it is, well its not a good situation either way.

Don't worry bro, the girl I loved broke up with me the day before final exams - great isn't it. :irked:
Wow... that was extremely low... :(

And the timing... I mean... on New Year's eve...

Hang on Slash, just hang on... don't do anything you'll end up regretting later...
I found out who the new guy is.

A friend of mine.

Well I feel fantastic.....
You know the best way to get over her (with a side helping of getting back ;)) is to find another girl to go out with ASAP. Shows you've moved on and forgotten about her already. The worst thing you can do is sit there pining over her.
You know the best way to get over her (with a side helping of getting back ;)) is to find another girl to go out with ASAP. Shows you've moved on and forgotten about her already. The worst thing you can do is sit there pining over her.
I appreciate the advice TB. My problem is, I don't even know where to start, and at the same time, I'm not sure i could ever trust someone the way I trusted her. It was the most real relationship I have ever had. I just feel used and its all really bothering me. Everyone can see it.

Break ups don't usually phase me but there must have been something there because once it set it it really hurts.
Well over time I've developed a different way of thinking about relationships.
Here's an example:
New years party I met a really nice lass, we ended up talking way after everyone else had passed out, now me about 6 months ago would have fallen in love and gone to the ends of the earth trying to win her heart even despite her having a boyfriend.
Me now, I've changed, I don't see going out with someone as the be all and end all of life, I just see her as an awesome person that I hope to become good friends with rather than "I MUST MAKE HER LOVE MY EVERYTHING!".
Basically what I'm saying is not to look at being single as a negative. Just surround yourself with your closest mates and if you meet a new girl DON'T fall instantly in love with her, I've been prey to that predator too many times.
I can't really explain the feeling, but you definitely know it when you are in love with someone, since you feel you can't be apart.

It's really killing me not even talking to her. I'll get over it, but this is so much harder than I anticipated...
Oh I understand the feeling dude, it's why I've changed how I go about my thoughts of people. I recommend just finding as many activities to do as possible, let as little of your time able to just dwell on sorrow, eventually after enough of this the pain will be somewhat alleviated. Although I understand it can never truly go, even I have minimal backlash feelings about girls I've truly loved who I don't anymore.
When you get THAT close to someone...share your greatest secrets, your strongest emotions, accept your insecurities, they know everything about you...and then get it thrown in your face by dating your friend?

What the 🤬 is this 🤬????????????

UGH...bare with me. This is...I don't even know what this is. I don't even...

I just really need to vent...again bare with me....I'm just expressing my thoughts/feelings at this point. I'll be honest, I never thought I'd get this way, and I don't really have the best way of putting feelings through words...I'm sorry if this leads to a wall of text but venting here is the only thing that is making me feel somewhat decent...

Where do I go now. What do I do. I feel so hopeless. Nothing interests me anymore. Everything seems dull and gray, like the world has ended, and I'm the only survivor. If you've ever read "The Road" (book), my world feels like that. Lifeless. Everythings a struggle, a fight. It's tough to breath, to get out of bed every morning and keep going. I'm really jumpy as well, it seems like sudden noises make me scared...I've been shaking and in cold sweat almost all day...if you've ever had a fever wear you are cold but can't get's like that. I've been feeling actually sick and I know for a fact I'm not. My body hurts.Eating, drinking causes great stomach pain. I've always got that stomach to throat feeling you get when you know you've done something bad and you're either going to or already have gotten caught. Heart sinking feeling. I just don't know what to do.

And it's not like I even want her back, it's the fact that she's with someone else, specifically a friend of mine, and seeing them together in a picture today made me want to punch my screen. I don't want her back really...because I don't think I could trust her not to do this again. Maybe she's teaching me a lesson since I did that to her roughly 3 years ago...except I didn't get with anyone 2 weeks later. If it's meant to be it will happen, that's what I keep telling myself.

...and to be honest, it's not really helping. I don't want her back. But why do I feel like this then, if the latter is true? Something hidden deep down? When you get that close......

I don't know. Someone please help me.
It's because emotions are a pile of faeces. The only way I got through times of great emotional turmoil was confiding in my best friend at the time, but even that didn't make the pain go away at all. It will feel sucky for time but just push through it, constantly push thoughts into your head of anything that can make you laugh or feel even the slightest bit happy. At the end of it all, you'll look back at it as something of a life lesson, a lesson that life's a real 🤬 sometimes. There's no one way to get over her, and I'm sorry I can't offer some one-step-advice service, but just know it isn't the end it's just another phase of life, a very long and complicated life.
I can't get her out of my head. I've done everything I can think of. It's going to drive me crazy. The only thing I want to do right now is something I'm not allowed to do without a job atm.

I sometimes feel like I deserved what I got, but at the same time, while I may have not shown it, I couldn't see myself with anyone else. And she knew it.
It's really starting to feel that way. I feel like a part of me is missing.

I'm debating deleting her on Facebook. Every time I see her/his comments or a picture of them together I start shaking and can feel my blood pressure skyrocket.
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It's really starting to feel that way. I feel like a part of me is missing.

I'm debating deleting her on Facebook. Every time I see her/his comments or a picture of them together I start shaking and can feel my blood pressure skyrocket.
I think in these cases it really is best to forget a person. It's difficult, sometimes painful, but ultimately the best solution. Better a miserable end than endless misery. :)
It's really starting to feel that way. I feel like a part of me is missing.

I'm debating deleting her on Facebook. Every time I see her/his comments or a picture of them together I start shaking and can feel my blood pressure skyrocket.

Delete her. It'll help your mind off her.
I am really considering it.

Helps I've got friends backing me on this it really does help.
Cheer up, Slash. The toughest part - the breakup itself and finding out about the other guy itself - is behind you. Better time is coming :cheers:
Appreciate it man. This is just really hard for me right now. I do feel a bit better after talking to a few of my friends that approached me on the subject, knowing they are feeling the same way for me right now and angry at her for doing what she's done.
I somewhat know how you feel and definitely know how tough it is to get over stuff like this.

I'd recommend giving yourself a little vacation - may not help, but it's always something to take your mind off the issue. Watch some good movie. Go for a walk and think about some stuff, grab a little self-gift from the nearest mall (you're from New York so I believe it shouldn't be that hard ;) ). Feed ducks or pigeons in the nearest park. Do some base jumping. Steal a plane. It's going too far.

In all seriousness, focus entirely on yourself for now.

That's one hell of a terrible year beginning you're going through, geez... But even after the heaviest storms, sun breaks through the clouds and gives warmth to our sorry behinds C:

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