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Hmm so i found out today that a chick I work with... well more specifically works under me has a crush on me. I thought she was pretty cute and has a cool personality too but I've kept my distance for obvious reasons. She likes to flirt but said shed never "do" anything with me because I work with her. Crappy thing is when she is going to leave work she's going to Denver for school. So... think I should enjoy it while it lasts or put distance on this... flirting?
If she's going to leave work for Denver, get in some fun while you can. The work excuse really only stands if you & her are actually going to be working together indefinitely. But, if she's going to be leaving, then it won't matter.

The only long term issue I could see would be you getting attached to each other.

Kind of possibly experiencing that myself. My girl told me a couple days ago she was considering staying in Tulsa & going to school there, but remembered she had already made commitments down her. Regardless of what she does, she then wants to pursue grad school in New York after this year. If we get attached enough, it might put me in a position to make a huge change in my life. Of course, if we get that far since she already feels we may be going in different directions just because she goes to school & I chose to work. :ouch:
Ahh bugger, well I should have expected this. The girl I fancy has found a guy, yep, but I'm not angry/sad because she's happy and this is what she needs so :)
Meeting up with my friend and a group of girls he met so should be fun, hopefully one of them will fit the bill ;)
To anyone that might be willing to give me tips or ideas on my situation...

Yesterday I went to the mall to meet up with some friends and a friend of mine which I've been fancying for a while was there. My friends told me that, that friend of mine had broken up and I was like happy cause obviously now I can try to see if he likes me. We were talking and he told me that his GF had cheated on him and a lot of other stuff. I am a good listener and told him a lot of stuff and although he isn't over her, he isn't freaking out or obsessing over her either, he seems really ok with the situation.

But as we talked he told me about how he liked some other girl and stuff and I was trying to make little hints that I was interested but nothing, when we text he doesn't make much conversation either although that's how he is, shy.

I don't even know what to do anymore. :/

But as we talked he told me about how he liked some other girl and stuff and I was trying to make little hints that I was interested but nothing, when we text he doesn't make much conversation either although that's how he is, shy.
I don't even know what to do anymore. :/

Well, that could have been a description of me there...

However, what I think you should do is, just ask him how he feels. And you might tell him, how you feel, about him. He might want to talk about it, but if he doesn't, don't give up, then you should think of something that interests him, and talk about that instead, and try again another time. - That's best advice I can give you.
Dean J
Well, that could have been a description of me there...

However, what I think you should do is, just ask him how he feels. And you might tell him, how you feel, about him. He might want to talk about it, but if he doesn't, don't give up, then you should think of something that interests him, and talk about that instead, and try again another time. - That's best advice I can give you.

I'll keep that in mind then... I mean I am insecure enough as it is and if it was by me then I would just keep my mouth shut. To be honest I normally don't go after people because I bring more problems to the table. I am not a easy person. Even though I know of a lot of people who are after me, I don't like them because I've had my fair share of bad experiences. I've been cheated on twice, one of my ex's is a total psycho and well. I don't even know if I should indeed go after that guy. Plus I don't know what to talk to him about either. I've ran out of topics and need ideas. :/

Oh... and all the people that are after me well... They aren't "decent" or people I wanna be with. Bad boys basically.
There's nothing hard about asking a girl out... It's as easy as forgetting to mind the step when stepping onto a train... Or is that the Subway trains? All you need to do is say, "OI!!! WOMAN!!! YOU WANT TO GO OUT WITH ME!!!?" And then let her make the choice...

Or you could simply continually try and play with their minds to make them come out and say that they like you before asking them... Like me. Oh yes, I actually got a girlfriend... The most confusing event to happen among mankind ever since text speak.

She told me that she likes me when we were talking via the Book of Many Faces, I went over to see her today because I wanted to ask her in person rather than be a coward with the internet. And it went well... ... Once again, don't know what she sees in me. :lol: My luck Pony and listening to some Edguy beforehand... Always works.
All you need to do is say, "OI!!! WOMAN!!! YOU WANT TO GO OUT WITH ME!!!?" And then let her make the choice...
It may sound a bit stupid the way you worded it, but you're right, basically. After all, by the time you'd probably ask her, she's likely to have made her mind up, anyways. If she likes you, she'll go out with you even if you're being pretty straight forward. If she doesn't like you by that time, well, no amount of carefully chosen words will change that :lol:
:lol: Wow, I am actually right on something relationship related... Does that mean that when I'm not being serious that I'm more likely to state something that is true? But yeah, I definitely agree that by then she's probably already made her mind by then. As many would know, if she says maybe... It means that she doesn't want to but doesn't want to be mean. And if she does say yes after saying maybe... Don't get comfortable.
All you need to do is say, "OI!!! WOMAN!!! YOU WANT TO GO OUT WITH ME!!!?" And then let her make the choice...

The concept is right, but I guess it'll work better if said in a more gentleman way. (I could be wrong). I would say, “(Dear) [name], would you like to go out with me for [something, eg. eating, dancing etc.]” or something similiar.

I too think it's a bit disrespectful, to talk that way (quote), however it might work on some.
The concept is right, but I guess it'll work better if said in a more gentleman way. (I could be wrong). I would say, “(Dear) [name], would you like to go out with me for [something, eg. eating, dancing etc.]” or something similiar.

I too think it's a bit disrespectful, to talk that way (quote), however it might work on some.

I might just think he was joking. :crazy: But if he wasn't, Dean, you are a complete gentleman. :)
I might just think he was joking. :crazy: But if he wasn't, Dean, you are a complete gentleman. :)

Yeah, I was joking. I wouldn't dare say something like that to anyone. Let alone one I wanted to start a relationship with. :P Don't know if I used the right words in that sentence... DId I use let alone right? It's something that sounds like that.
I wouldn't dare say something like that to anyone.

I guess we're in the same boat there.

And if I should be honest, I would be too scared to say anything to a girl I like, even “my own” sentence.
Well, just being pretty straight about it worked for me, so far. Something along the lines of: "Hey, you know, I think you're a great girl so, uh, do you have any plans for the weekend yet? If you're free, I'd like to take you out to my favourite bar/restaurant."

You could always invite her and pay for a dinner or whatever if you really mean it, but I suppose that that isn't exactly necessary. The "favourite restaurant/bar" bit usually serves as a conversation starter, too.
I'm fine with asking girls out it's just I have no idea where to go, especially when you're skint. There's a girl I want to ask out (not the one I mentioned before) but I have no money so my options of places to take her are pretty limited :-/
"Hey, you know, I think you're a great girl so, uh, do you have any plans for the weekend yet? If you're free, I'd like to take you out to my favourite bar/restaurant."
The "favourite restaurant/bar" bit usually serves as a conversation starter, too.

- In my case, - I haven't got the guts to say that... I'll probably run away.

But, I would consider using it, whenever it'll be needed in the future.
I'm fine with asking girls out it's just I have no idea where to go, especially when you're skint. There's a girl I want to ask out (not the one I mentioned before) but I have no money so my options of places to take her are pretty limited :-/

Hm... Have you considered bowling? I don't know the price outside Denmark, but I guess it isn't too expensive.
I'm fine with asking girls out it's just I have no idea where to go, especially when you're skint. There's a girl I want to ask out (not the one I mentioned before) but I have no money so my options of places to take her are pretty limited :-/
Go on a picnic. May sound stupid, but it's a great and cheap way to take a girl out. You might even ask her to prepare some of the munchies herself or, even better, ask her whether the two of you could do it together.
- In my case, - I haven't got the guts to say that... I'll probably run away.

But, I would consider using it, whenever it'll be needed in the future.
Well, yeah, I know that situation. It takes a bit of time before I've got the guts to ask a girl out like that - but I usually don't ask a girl out if haven't known her for a bit, anyways... ;)
I'm fine with asking girls out it's just I have no idea where to go, especially when you're skint. There's a girl I want to ask out (not the one I mentioned before) but I have no money so my options of places to take her are pretty limited :-/

Free stuff. I'm sure if you looked up free stuff in your area [I'm guessing Leeds] you could find a heap of stuff to do on very little money, perhaps only needing enough for a bus and a Mcdonald's!
Also a walk in a park is free. No need to pay for that. Doesn't have to be a romantic walk either, just walking together and talking at the same time to find out things about the other person. That works a lot. Being relaxed and allowing things to develop works as well, so just see what happens.
GT5 date? :dopey: