The GT Sport Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter ukfan758
I worry that PD will ruin this game by trying to sticky tape on some kind of resemblance to GT's of old to appease the people that want "GT7" and in doing so, will completely derail where GT-Sport was going (dedicated to online racing).
The two can easily co-exist. We already know there are lots of people playing online so there would be no reason to torpedo that part of the game. It's not a contest between parts of the game.
Brands Hatch Gr.4 daily race is a death trap, I lost 75% DR progress in two races. This is what happened in the second race:
Was booted to 14th after this bump

Clawed my way to 7th and this happened:

Had the same issue in Suzuka a while ago.
I was leading when somedy crahsed into me at the hairpin.
This is one of the reasons i don't like online racing.
I'm not a perfect driver,far from actually but i just don't have fun when others bump you of the track.
The next race the same player was again in the field,i let him pass en tried to bump him but i ran just through him.
So i ended up offtrack once again.
Brands Hatch Gr.4 daily race is a death trap, I lost 75% DR progress in two races. This is what happened in the second race:
Was booted to 14th after this bump

Clawed my way to 7th and this happened:

Being towards the top, and being clean to tend to go hand in hand, it's not 100% but I've noticed a large + obvious trend. I *really* feel sorry for the clean guys that aren't 1st or 2nd all the time and end up with people like that idiot.

Did you message them? It's amazing how healing an apology is.
Being towards the top, and being clean to tend to go hand in hand, it's not 100% but I've noticed a large + obvious trend. I *really* feel sorry for the clean guys that aren't 1st or 2nd all the time and end up with people like that idiot.

Did you message them? It's amazing how healing an apology is.
I only msg people when I accidentally bump them, but can't find a good place to hand the place back, to apologize. Interesting that Ie never get a reply.
Brands Hatch Gr.4 daily race is a death trap, I lost 75% DR progress in two races. This is what happened in the second race:
Was booted to 14th after this bump

You came in too hot and ran off track after trying to avoid the driver ahead. That one is on you.

Clawed my way to 7th and this happened:

That was either very unsportsmanlike or very sloppy driving of the other driver. Definitely unfortunate for you. Sad to say, sooner or later this "punting" or "nerfing" happens to most of us playing sport mode or online lobbies. There are some ways to help avoid this, but the problem is, it's hard to see it coming while still watching your own racing line (staying fast and keeping with the lead pack, while keeping an eye out behind you is not easy). I guess practice is the best way to get good at it, as well as not using the chase camera position (which requires a button press for rear view).
You came in too hot and ran off track after trying to avoid the driver ahead. That one is on you.

That was either very unsportsmanlike or very sloppy driving of the other driver. Definitely unfortunate for you. Sad to say, sooner or later this "punting" or "nerfing" happens to most of us playing sport mode or online lobbies. There are some ways to help avoid this, but the problem is, it's hard to see it coming while still watching your own racing line (staying fast and keeping with the lead pack, while keeping an eye out behind you is not easy). I guess practice is the best way to get good at it, as well as not using the chase camera position (which requires a button press for rear view).
I got bumped from behind, I would have easily made the turn, also I use the bumper cam.
There are some ways to help avoid this, but the problem is, it's hard to see it coming while still watching your own racing line (staying fast and keeping with the lead pack, while keeping an eye out behind you is not easy). I guess practice is the best way to get good at it, as well as not using the chase camera position (which requires a button press for rear view).

Its a good point to be honest, here in my vid * at the start of Lap 2 Turn 1 I had to let off the brakes and go wide, I was convinced I was about to get punted off, no idea if I saved myself, but the guy drove close! He may be a great racer and maybe wouldn't of hit me but, I don't know that lol. However in a lot of cases (earlier videos for example) you probably couldn't of done much about that :/ .

this might belong in Physics discussion, but I wish to share that having spent a fair amount of time this past weekend, 1.10 , playing GTLeague / Arcade modes to level myself up to 20 , I find cars to either:

  • understeer on accel to a great degree
  • oversteer on decel to a great degree

now I'm not whining too much for reasons that this game is still in beta mode, and also for the fact that both of these are far more controllable than they ever were in GT5/6

but the constant battle between the two symptoms with little threshold for tolerance as if only to reward a "cruising/casual" driving approach.

no aids, except for weak ABS. T500 RS latest firmware c47.]
sport softs only on all production cars for events.

Being towards the top, and being clean to tend to go hand in hand, it's not 100% but I've noticed a large + obvious trend. I *really* feel sorry for the clean guys that aren't 1st or 2nd all the time and end up with people like that idiot.

Did you message them? It's amazing how healing an apology is.

Matchmaking likes to place me 7 or 8 every time. It's exhausting. I rather race without qualifying and work my way up from the back, the result is usually the same anyway. Brands hatch is also terrible for missiles re entering the track. Most people that go wide in the middle of the track are so focused on getting back to the track that they'll crash straight through a line of cars to do so. When you evade them by cutting the corner you get a time penalty, hit them penalty, brake get hit from behind penalty, go off the track on the outside, end your race. Yet the idiot that swerves back on the track gets to keep going... SR.S should have rules for re-entering the track.
Man, I'm so bummed out, I was so excited about today's FIA Maggiore, I practised a lot and were doing high 1.57s. But I admit I messed up the qualifying after hitting traffic. I still kept positive and thought I could make something out of the race, however, other people had different plans.

First turn incident, pretty sure he didn't have to turn violently into me:

I dropped to dead last, made some places and then this guy decides he can't wait:

Finally, a pink Merc practically ended my race:

The most annoying thing I'm finding, is when back markers go off the track in short circuits, they get reset on the racing line. If you are on the racing line, you end up driving right through them (while they are in transparent reset mode) but the game thinks you have crashed into them and gives you a 5 second penalty. This has happened to me quite a few times now and it's starting to wear a bit thin.
4 dirty races in a row. Rammers are out tonight. Last race was an Irish guy rammed me last lap in which he lost 1st to 3rd while trying to serve his penalty. What was the point in ramming me and end up finishing a dirty 3rd instead of finishing a clean 2nd.

Hope PD sort out the stupid penalty system. An automatic slowdown and ghost for the offender would be much better. Don't think that would compromise the ill designed system at all.
My quick gripe? The BoP favors certain cars and it's getting 🤬 annoying seeing 8 Porsches, 5 AMGs and a lone Viper and Corvette in the same Sport mode lobby.. In online lobbies this gets remedied fast because one CAN CHANGE SETTINGS TO SUIT THEIR PERSONAL DRIVING PREFERENCE! Like I legit can't use any other car to race in Sport mode for Gr. 3 or Gr. 4 and stay competitive. PD might as well make Gr.3 and Gr.4 one-mske series as well seeing as everyone uses the same damn car. Maybe I'm not driving them right but it's hard to keep a good line when a Porsche is taking a turn a full throttle whereas you have to let off the throttle the same turn..

I guess it pisses me off because I can't drive the Porsche, AMG, or BMW M6 on the pad without having issues with it.. Ironically enough, I'm fastest with the Vette, Viper, and Mustang.. (Go figure right?) But with a stock tune, none of them have the cornering ability of the former..

PD just let us tune and change settings in Sport mode.. Especially for the 10 lap mini Endurance races!! :banghead:
It’s honestly PD’s own fault for underestimating how many people want single player content and not putting enough in the game from the start.

And to put things into perspective, over at the GT Sport forum on GameFAQs, someone posted these interesting stats from other racing games:

And here are GT Sport’s very own stats for online:
I know you posted this a while ago but I just read it. There is one thing that stands out about the stat for GT Sport, non PS+ accounts can't play online. I've tested on a non PS+ account and I can't race online on that account, so even though I have raced online my offline account has contributed to the stat of not racing online. In my house we have more offline accounts than online accounts as not everyone has a PS+ account but everyone with a PS+ account has at least one extra testing account and I have everyone's account on my PS4. Most of us have accounts on each others PS4's. The point is only 3 accounts from this house can play online and have played online and I'd guess we have had at least as many offline accounts play GTS if not more.

I can say the same about a few games, my boys and I all use a testing account for PC2, I have far more play time logged in my test account than my main account.
I know you posted this a while ago but I just read it. There is one thing that stands out about the stat for GT Sport, non PS+ accounts can't play online. I've tested on a non PS+ account and I can't race online on that account, so even though I have raced online my offline account has contributed to the stat of not racing online. In my house we have more offline accounts than online accounts as not everyone has a PS+ account but everyone with a PS+ account has at least one extra testing account and I have everyone's account on my PS4. Most of us have accounts on each others PS4's. The point is only 3 accounts from this house can play online and have played online and I'd guess we have had at least as many offline accounts play GTS if not more.

I can say the same about a few games, my boys and I all use a testing account for PC2, I have far more play time logged in my test account than my main account.
And what? He posted a stat of how many accounts have not played online. I think that stat is meaningless because people who play online also have offline accounts. I'm one person but my current contribution is as one person playing online and now I'm also two more people who have never raced online on GTS because I have played GTS on multiple accounts.
And what? He posted a stat of how many accounts have not played online. I think that stat is meaningless because people who play online also have offline accounts. I'm one person but my current contribution is as one person playing online and now I'm also two more people who have never raced online on GTS because I have played GTS on multiple accounts.
If you apply that logic to GTS then you have to apply it to all other titles as well, which makes the stats for GTS totally valid in comparison to every other title around.

That's of course without the elephant in the room of you using a singular piece of anecdotal evidence and applying it to every PS4 owner on the planet.
I'm no racing rules expert, but would you be penalised for overtaking a car that is off the track under a yellow flag?

I was handed a 5 second penalty for passing a car under a yellow flag, that had overcooked it on the corner in-front and went way off track. I'm I supposed to stop my car in the middle of the track and wait for them to recover themselves??

I'm no racing rules expert, but would you be penalised for overtaking a car that is off the track under a yellow flag?

I was handed a 5 second penalty for passing a car under a yellow flag, that had overcooked it on the corner in-front and went way off track. I'm I supposed to stop my car in the middle of the track and wait for them to recover themselves??

I'm no racing rules expert, but would you be penalised for overtaking a car that is off the track under a yellow flag?

I was handed a 5 second penalty for passing a car under a yellow flag, that had overcooked it on the corner in-front and went way off track. I'm I supposed to stop my car in the middle of the track and wait for them to recover themselves??

You need to stop, call for help, then get your first aid kit out the trunk to offer help. It's the real driving simulator.
Make sure you get the emergency triangle kit upgrade before racing online.

What is starting to annoy me more is 3 bar or less cars lagging into me in corners giving me a penalty and/or knocking me off road while they go on completely unaware of what happened, without even a penalty. The faster the race the worse the consequences of these saw tooth pattern cars that turn in suddenly and don't show brake lights until it's too late. Here's one example I captured

That was a 3 bar connection on #10's part. Yesterday was worse with 1 and 2 bar connections in the daily B race.

It seems a bad connection is a big advantage in online races. Your car takes up 3 times the space, creating a force field around you to knock other cars out of the way. Although you also risk getting run into if you brake early as others only see your brake lights after a delay.
Just came back to GT Sport after weeks of playing Assetto Corsa... So I started qualifying Brands Hatch daily race in Z4 Gt3 and it felt surprisingly similiar as in Assetto Corsa but with much much less road feel. After a few laps with muscle memory i confidently clocked about the same lap times as in AC (~1.24-1.25 which is quite good in AC) so, i expected to start in top 5, but BOOM i qualified 2nd last with ~3 seconds to pole, lol? ...Well, the race itself quickly reminded me the reckless over driving technique where you forget the health of your tyres and just throw your car into corners. Immersion died fast.

Edit: Yea... What's the point when you can't feel **** via FFB.
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