The GT Sport Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter ukfan758
Whether he was being serious or not I also hope (in a dream) for some sort of TT reincarnation of motorcycles in a Gran Turismo game or simply Tourist Trophy 2. :sly::sly:
I do also want a Tourist Trophy 2. But just because they won't add motorcycles to Gran Turismo Sport doesn't mean anybody should not be impressed. None of the Gran Turismo games have ever had Motorbikes in them. (Some got going in GT Concepts game files & in the beta screen for GT HD they where motorbikes shown, but no gameplay but all that doesn't count as being in the final product) I understand this is a moaning & crying thread, but that is just ridiculous.

Tourist Trophy 2 would make more sense. It would be great though I do agree with that.
What can I improve in these situations? Especially the start of race and end of the clip.

You were driving fine at the start of the clip and done everything I would have. You cannot help that guy that bumped you into the final chicane. Maybe you could have tucked to the inside sooner and avoided him but that would have been tough. Unlucky with the track reset on that one which put you further behind.

The 2nd incident down at turn 2, you did well to evade that car into turn one, it put you on the outside for turn 2. Watching your radar there was a car on your inside which you tried to turn in on, causing you to hit and go off the track. What I would have done there is just let him by and not turn in on that corner. I know it was tight but there was room to do so.

The worst part was quitting. No matter what happens during a race, it is always better to finish it than to quit. You don't learn anything by quitting, you don't know where you could have ended up, but quitting puts you last regardless what happens during the rest of the race.
Well, I really like to be able to use N series cars on daily races and constructor races by changing its engine power and weight ratios as it happens on lobby races... like N 400 can be 300, N 200 to 300 etc. that is a nice spice on my meal. Thinking of a Shelby in Gr.3 races!

...or please adjust the power ratios of Scirocco and Megane, I am tired of driving them just to make sure winnig the race...
Just had one of those annoying good and bad races. I started 2nd and finished 2nd so in that regard it was a good race but there was this annoying prick in 3rd that just kept trying to overtake at the most annoying places and bumping into me, I'm just thinking pass me cleanly or piss off man! I eventually just let him past at a bit where I wouldn't lose any time, he caught up to the guy in 1st who I probably would have passed by now if it wasn't for this diddy behind me. Sure enough, as expected, he got just as eager to pass the guy ahead at a stupid place, bumped himself of the track and past I went, luckily he dropped back a good few places so I wouldn't see him again.
Some folk just do your nut in sometimes!

Whine over :irked:
Whining why this thread isn't used anymore, people creating thread after thread for whining and crying..

@Moderator sticky this perhaps?
Would you like the staff to create just two threads per game, one positive and one negative and only allow posts to be made in those?

People have comments, opinions, views, etc for a variety of reasons, sometimes positive and sometimes negative. As such a single thread is never going to cover them all.

I do wonder why those upset that they can force all negative comments into a single thread, are not doing the same for all positive comments. Could it be a desire to shut down discussion they don't like?

Let me be blunt, as the message is clearly falling on deaf ears for a few.

Members are free to post any comments they like, the only criteria is that they follow the AUP when doing so.

That multiple threads exist for a topic is not an issue, the ones people see the most value in will stay active and the others will not.

If you don't like these threads then stay away from them, if you don't like how the site operates, then leave.
..... The worst part was quitting. No matter what happens during a race, it is always better to finish it than to quit. You don't learn anything by quitting, you don't know where you could have ended up, but quitting puts you last regardless what happens during the rest of the race.

Thanks man, I watched the reply more after I posted it, and came to the same conclusion, I should have gone easy on my steering, if I was smoother or let off my throttle I would have avoid it. Quitting is the weakest part of me. I sometimes get bad races in a row and just can't not contain my rage. I had a similar situation where I dropped to last place on second lap after this race, but I decided to carry on, and ended up at 6th place somehow, was really happy about it.
After a long day of ups and downs on Suzuka, this game is definitely better on a Sunday when more people are on. After a long week of frustrating races knocking me all the way back to the lower D rank I made it back to B
Sat Dec 09 2017 18:01:59 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) -> DR:1098 | SR:99/99 | Races:406 | DPUR:27
Sun Dec 10 2017 23:32:55 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) -> DR:23293 | SR:99/99 | Races:434 | DPUR:66

It wasn't without frustrations though. What can you do about this behaviour?

He was quite a bit behind me, just didn't brake, was I wrong to take the corner?
That dropped me from 2nd to 7th. I climbed back up to 4th then this happened

He swerved back into the road, I though he would continue to go to the left side yet somehow he over corrected again and hit me, result the game gave me a 10 sec penalty, dropping me to 7th at the finish (this was the last corner) and a red SR rating with those 2 incidents.

The next 2 races were a complete pinball fest dropping my SR almost into A, down to 82/99. Luckily matchmaking got on my good side again after one more messy race so I could finally recover, just by the grace of starting up front. The carnage continued in the back.

Out of the 9 wins today thanks to a good qualifying time, the one race where I ended up 6th, as the sole blue SR rating in a sea of red and white felt like the biggest achievement. You better start in the top 4, from 5 to 12 is usually a mess.

At least with a good qualifying time I didn't have to deal with this today

Penalty for passing a ghosted car backing up into the track.

Or this

Braking as hard as I can to avoid a reckless track re-entry, still get penalized.
Should have just punted him I guess...

And that's my main gripe with the game. Penalties are usually wrong nor help during the race, time penalties are pointless unless given right at the end. It all evens out when you have the time to spend on qualifying and get tuned into the track, yet when you only have an hour to play, don't bother with sport mode. It's likely going to frustrate more than be an overall enjoyable experience.

Miracles do happen eventually, ghosting system finally does its job

That's some pure sportsmanship there in SR.S class....
After a long day of ups and downs on Suzuka, this game is definitely better on a Sunday when more people are on. After a long week of frustrating races knocking me all the way back to the lower D rank I made it back to B
Sat Dec 09 2017 18:01:59 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) -> DR:1098 | SR:99/99 | Races:406 | DPUR:27
Sun Dec 10 2017 23:32:55 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) -> DR:23293 | SR:99/99 | Races:434 | DPUR:66

It wasn't without frustrations though. What can you do about this behaviour?

He was quite a bit behind me, just didn't brake, was I wrong to take the corner?
That dropped me from 2nd to 7th. I climbed back up to 4th then this happened

He swerved back into the road, I though he would continue to go to the left side yet somehow he over corrected again and hit me, result the game gave me a 10 sec penalty, dropping me to 7th at the finish (this was the last corner) and a red SR rating with those 2 incidents.

The next 2 races were a complete pinball fest dropping my SR almost into A, down to 82/99. Luckily matchmaking got on my good side again after one more messy race so I could finally recover, just by the grace of starting up front. The carnage continued in the back.

Out of the 9 wins today thanks to a good qualifying time, the one race where I ended up 6th, as the sole blue SR rating in a sea of red and white felt like the biggest achievement. You better start in the top 4, from 5 to 12 is usually a mess.

At least with a good qualifying time I didn't have to deal with this today

Penalty for passing a ghosted car backing up into the track.

Or this

Braking as hard as I can to avoid a reckless track re-entry, still get penalized.
Should have just punted him I guess...

And that's my main gripe with the game. Penalties are usually wrong nor help during the race, time penalties are pointless unless given right at the end. It all evens out when you have the time to spend on qualifying and get tuned into the track, yet when you only have an hour to play, don't bother with sport mode. It's likely going to frustrate more than be an overall enjoyable experience.

Miracles do happen eventually, ghosting system finally does its job

That's some pure sportsmanship there in SR.S class....
I wonder, PD has all the data and they must have data on which drivers move around the most in the breaking areas of tracks... I hope that after the big single player patch they are putting out a refined SR system that actually penalises drivers who are unsafe and unsporting.

The number of times I’ve been driven into in DR-S. I feel your pain, Saturday I came across a guy who really disliked being overtaken and got me dropped to SR-A, which then in turn dropped me to SR-B.

I also think, the game should reward reactive and safe driving, like coming across someone joining the track dangerously and you avoid them or brake hard, you should be rewarded rather than penalised as it shows your willingness to be sporting... and isn’t that what those silly videos tried to hammer home prior to even being allowed into Sport mode?
After a long day of ups and downs on Suzuka, this game is definitely better on a Sunday when more people are on. After a long week of frustrating races knocking me all the way back to the lower D rank I made it back to B
Sat Dec 09 2017 18:01:59 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) -> DR:1098 | SR:99/99 | Races:406 | DPUR:27
Sun Dec 10 2017 23:32:55 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) -> DR:23293 | SR:99/99 | Races:434 | DPUR:66

It wasn't without frustrations though. What can you do about this behaviour?

He was quite a bit behind me, just didn't brake, was I wrong to take the corner?
That dropped me from 2nd to 7th. I climbed back up to 4th then this happened

He swerved back into the road, I though he would continue to go to the left side yet somehow he over corrected again and hit me, result the game gave me a 10 sec penalty, dropping me to 7th at the finish (this was the last corner) and a red SR rating with those 2 incidents.

The next 2 races were a complete pinball fest dropping my SR almost into A, down to 82/99. Luckily matchmaking got on my good side again after one more messy race so I could finally recover, just by the grace of starting up front. The carnage continued in the back.

Out of the 9 wins today thanks to a good qualifying time, the one race where I ended up 6th, as the sole blue SR rating in a sea of red and white felt like the biggest achievement. You better start in the top 4, from 5 to 12 is usually a mess.

At least with a good qualifying time I didn't have to deal with this today

Penalty for passing a ghosted car backing up into the track.

Or this

Braking as hard as I can to avoid a reckless track re-entry, still get penalized.
Should have just punted him I guess...

And that's my main gripe with the game. Penalties are usually wrong nor help during the race, time penalties are pointless unless given right at the end. It all evens out when you have the time to spend on qualifying and get tuned into the track, yet when you only have an hour to play, don't bother with sport mode. It's likely going to frustrate more than be an overall enjoyable experience.

Miracles do happen eventually, ghosting system finally does its job

That's some pure sportsmanship there in SR.S class....

Definitely feel your pain there, that last one was shocking.
Disregarding my own advice not to do sport races with limited time available, 3 races with karts, first one clean fun (starting 4th finish 4th after swapping places a few times) the next 2 messy again.

Some people claim DR.B and DR.A drivers behave better, I don't see it. This is DR.A DR.S

Not 1, not 2, 3 bumps, to end me in the wall. How does the game not punish this.

I guess he couldn't take being overtaken, or thought it right to avenge my small yet harmless bump in lap 1

I probably even saved him from #3 cutting the corner and losing control. I was braking already when he swerved in front of me, it was the first time I saw him on that track so didn't know his behavior yet.

The game gave me a time penalty as well for ending up in the grass and cutting the corner although I waited to re-enter the track safely giving up many positions. I made it back to 4th anyway, passing him in the process with a further clean race. Still the game thought it prudent to give me a red S for those 2 contacts and 'short cut'

Next race same stuff, except it didn't happen to me. Still another red S for a couple of bumps with erratic driving. Nothing malicious yet PD punishes regardless. Jittery carts, half a field with only 3 bars, #1 only 1 bar, too bad you can't simply decline a race you know isn't going to end well.
When I was in the Navy, I was stationed in Japan for 2 years. While there, I did a lot driving off base. It was taught to us when going for my international license that the Japanese look at an accident as a 50/50 position. For the first year that a Japanese national has their license, they are referred to as an apprentice driver. After 1 year they are professional drivers. If a professional driver is in an accident with an apprentice driver, the professional driver is at fault. The reasoning being that the professional driver should have anticipated the accident and taken action to avoid it. Now mind you, this isn't in writing anywhere. Being military from another nation when we got our license we were automatically assumed to be professional drivers. If my memory is correct, the apprentice Japanese driver had a green Y inside a green circle on the rear of their vehicle. I believe this is some of the reasons for both drivers in the game being penalized during gameplay. I haven't participated in any online races, yet. I do watch videos of races that have been posted here and know that I do not have the reaction time that I used to have. I do not want to be "that driver" that is talked about on this forum or any others like it. I am on meds that dull my reactions so I am content to stay in the races in the arcade area and other non-internet activities. Just my 2cents.gif.
Just far too much of these people in daily races.

Bell ends.

Yeah he definitely was absent during that first lesson: what they first warned him about in those sportsmanship videos about weaving left and right to block other drivers from passing him.
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I joined a league race with the hope it would be at least more fun than a random Sport mode race.

Lap 1, get a good start, from 13th to 4th... only to then get wiped out by a moron who can’t figure braking zones. No apology or even mention of said incident..

Least I didn’t loose SR I guess... :lol::sly:
That game.... again disconnected while joining the grid for todays race... that happens almost every season once or twice... i was hoping for bigpoints and got a perfect lobby...
Failed at completing 8-8 challenge last night, decided to give it a run today, finished 1st and now the game can't save - jolly.
GT League is funny. I did the Willow springs N600 pro race 4 times today.

First with N200 car, made it to second in 7th lap (of 8), first was way off +35 sec, was a fun race until 2nd though
Second with N300 car, made it second before half the race was over, closed 5 sec per lap on first, didn't make it
Third with N300 again, same, yet caught up to +3 sec behind first in lap 7, then he sped up and kept 3 to 5 sec in front on me while I'm doing laps like clockwork.
Fourth with N400 car, got in first in lap 4, 2nd suddenly started racing and kept on my tail for the rest of the race while getting a huge distance on 3rd. GT Towing or GT Rubberband league.
I worry that PD will ruin this game by trying to sticky tape on some kind of resemblance to GT's of old to appease the people that want "GT7" and in doing so, will completely derail where GT-Sport was going (dedicated to online racing).
I worry that PD will ruin this game by trying to sticky tape on some kind of resemblance to GT's of old to appease the people that want "GT7" and in doing so, will completely derail where GT-Sport was going (dedicated to online racing).

It’s honestly PD’s own fault for underestimating how many people want single player content and not putting enough in the game from the start.

And to put things into perspective, over at the GT Sport forum on GameFAQs, someone posted these interesting stats from other racing games:

What's even stranger is that the developers are fully aware of how people play their games, so they should know the vast majority don't care about online. Here's the data:

In Forza 6, 19% of people complete 100 laps in multiplayer. In fact, the highest % in any multiplayer achievement is 32%, for vote for a track in multiplayer, which Microsoft thinks of as "uncommon".

In Project Cars, 16% have the trophy for "entered and completed more than 25 Online races".

In F1 2016, 53% have the trophy for "Complete an Online Race", with 41% having "Complete 5 Online Races".

In Dirt 4, 31% have the trophy for "Finish in the Second Tier or higher in a Daily in Community Events".

In Valentino Rossi/MotoGP, 51% complete their first online race.

In Assetto Corsa, 36% complete a lap in an online race.

In Sébastien Loeb Rally, 49% complete a Special Stage in multiplayer mode.

In WipEout Omega, 25% finish 10 online races.

In WRC6, 42% complete their first Stage in online multiplayer mode.

In Ridge Racer Unbounded, the highest success rate in any trophy for online racing is 6%.

And here are GT Sport’s very own stats for online:

Even clearer, to play GT Sport online in the main Sport Mode you need to watch two etiquette videos. Only 50% of people have the trophy for doing that on PSN currently. Yes, just half have even watched the videos to merely allow them to race in the main online mode, the core of the game. Then how many of that 50% who did watch them only races online a few times? Quite a lot, I'd wager.

Also someone at GTP pulled up some stats from the official API and put them on this website

Peak of 135,000 players daily on Sport Mode.

66% (as of Dec 13) have finished ZERO sport mode races!

This game has sold well, but they are not playing what Kaz intended to be the main Sport part of the game.
It’s honestly PD’s own fault for underestimating how many people want single player content and not putting enough in the game from the start.

And to put things into perspective, over at the GT Sport forum on GameFAQs, someone posted these interesting stats from other racing games:

And here are GT Sport’s very own stats for online:
I think PD knew this wouldn't be the 100% popular route, and wanted to make something a little more specialised, but keeping it "mainstream" just enough to pull others in to join the specialised aspect of the game. "I didn't realise how much I liked online racing" is something I've seen a lot, so to a point it's worked.

I'm a little annoyed they bent over so quickly when people started complaining, stick to your guns man! Although that's not what the mainstream think and I do understand it, just don't agree with it. But this is why FIFA games sell so well, mainstream will buy it anyway, and if it's anything other than a copy and paste, there is a chance they probably won't like it. "Where is X feature last years had it can't be that hard to include it" etc etc.

GT7 was the obvious route, but it's just not the game PD wanted to make anymore.