The GT Sport Livery Editor Competition 18 - CLOSED

  • Thread starter Cytoria
I'm surprised no one else made a Naruto Livery!
Probably one of the coolest animes in my book.

I went with a gradient theme, trying to give off the set blaze feel Naruto has when he's in "9 tales Chakra Mode". It retains a beautiful shimmer in the sun. I added in details like the fire edging and text from the Hokage's cloak, the seal on the hood containing the great power within, just like Naruto, and the tomoe representing his ascension to the sage of six paths.

The car is sponsored by Cerumo and some of their affiliate sponsors like ZENT, Toyota Gazzo Racing. Along with sponsorship from TV Tokyo and Shonen Jump where Naruto originated.
I tried creating a second account so that my daughter could enter the competition, but because I admitted that it was for an underage child and that I had access to multiple accounts it got deleted by the admins.

Does anybody have an issue with me making a second entry so that my daughter can participate?

I understand that multiple entries are not allowed, and I don't want to establish a precedent to create exceptions. She also understands that we broke the rules, and that she isn't supposed to participate until she's older, so it's ok if the answer is no. She still had fun making the livery.

Today at 4:13 PM
Report #123
I tried creating a second account so that my daughter could enter the competition, but because I admitted that it was for an underage child and that I had access to multiple accounts it got deleted by the admins.

Does anybody have an issue with me making a second entry so that my daughter can participate?

I understand that multiple entries are not allowed, and I don't want to establish a precedent to create exceptions. She also understands that we broke the rules, and that she isn't supposed to participate until she's older, so it's ok if the answer

I don't have a problem, I think it's awesome that she is so creative! I really enjoyed looking at it and if my children are old enough then I would like this as well.

But I think we let the decision at the organizer of this competition.
Revised entry, I felt my original design was a bit too loud, wanted it to be more refined. Hope you like it!

PS now it has the proper wheel nuts :D
I tried creating a second account so that my daughter could enter the competition, but because I admitted that it was for an underage child and that I had access to multiple accounts it got deleted by the admins.

Does anybody have an issue with me making a second entry so that my daughter can participate?

I understand that multiple entries are not allowed, and I don't want to establish a precedent to create exceptions. She also understands that we broke the rules, and that she isn't supposed to participate until she's older, so it's ok if the answer is no. She still had fun making the livery.

I love the nice work of this creative little lady. Isn't it great to watch the offspring come up with own stuff!?
Since it isn't allowed to create multiple accounts on one user, (see GTPlanet OP)* you might ask the mother of your girl to become a member of GTPlanet and post the work of the girl.
Multiple Accounts
Only one account per person is allowed on GTPlanet. If it is discovered that a user has two active accounts, they will be asked which they would like to continue using and the other will be permanently banned.
I love the nice work of this creative little lady. Isn't it great to watch the offspring come up with own stuff!?
Since it isn't allowed to create multiple accounts on one user, (see GTPlanet OP)* you might ask the mother of your girl to become a member of GTPlanet and post the work of the girl.
Her mother and I aren't together anymore, but were still on good enough terms that I can try that if her mother is available tonight.
Hello to all!

Long time lurker of GTPlanet, but only today I signed to the forum. As I usually make Itasha liveries, it seems fitting for me to take part in this competition. I'm not that great at creating anything, but I hope that I can improve my "creative process" around here.

I'm a novice on this kind of competitions, so feel free to correct me if I did something wrong. (Also, sorry for my bad english...)


In case you're wondering, the livery is inspired by the anime series "Re:Creators".

Link to the livery

Once again, just in time for the deadline !

This is my Okami tribute Atenza Gr.3. This is such an incredible yet not enough known game that it deserved a special livery in this competition. The two others games I've wanted to do was Journey, but not "itasha" enough, and Zone of the Enders, the 2nd Runner. This would have been an amazing livery but the SVG work took far too much time and was impossible to achieve in the delay (I might still finish it for my own pleasure).

So here is Okami ! You'll find decals from the original but now closed Clover Studios, Capcom the editor, obviously the goddess Amateratsu and her (very) little friend Issun. Cherry blossom plays an important part of the game, hence the decals and the scape choice. I've used a beige pearl paint to refer to the pastel and zen tone of the game.

Even if you don't vote for it, I hope this livery will remind you this amazing game ! Try it on PS4 with Okami HD, it is really worth it.
Once again, just in time for the deadline !

This is my Okami tribute Atenza Gr.3. This is such an incredible yet not enough known game that it deserved a special livery in this competition. The two others games I've wanted to do was Journey, but not "itasha" enough, and Zone of the Enders, the 2nd Runner. This would have been an amazing livery but the SVG work took far too much time and was impossible to achieve in the delay (I might still finish it for my own pleasure).

So here is Okami ! You'll find decals from the original but now closed Clover Studios, Capcom the editor, obviously the goddess Amateratsu and her (very) little friend Issun. Cherry blossom plays an important part of the game, hence the decals and the scape choice. I've used a beige pearl paint to refer to the pastel and zen tone of the game.

Even if you don't vote for it, I hope this livery will remind you this amazing game ! Try it on PS4 with Okami HD, it is really worth it.
Definetly have to agree on Okami, a wonderful game that never got the properly deserved recognition. Played it on the PS2, really something worth playing and having! I should find one again, as the one I played belonged to my ex so I gave it back to her.
Hello to all!

Long time lurker of GTPlanet, but only today I signed to the forum. As I usually make Itasha liveries, it seems fitting for me to take part in this competition. I'm not that great at creating anything, but I hope that I can improve my "creative process" around here.

I'm a novice on this kind of competitions, so feel free to correct me if I did something wrong. (Also, sorry for my bad english...)


In case you're wondering, the livery is inspired by the anime series "Re:Creators".

Link to the livery

Wow great work! The clean lines and colouring is top notch

Damn, this is one of my favourite RPG’s and you ****ing NAILED the colours and those decals are fantastic!

I REALLY hope you do a ZoE2 livery and release the decals the art and music in that game is fantastic (as it is in the first game)

I got in trouble the first time I tried to enter my 9 year old daughter's livery (too young for her own account / AUP doesn't allow multiple accounts), but I appreciate the exception that has been made to allow me to enter her livery with my account.

I don't know anything about anime, but my daughter watches some on Netflix. My original plan was to ask her what anime character to use for my livery, but instead of helping me, she wanted to enter the competition.

She did the livery all by herself, and I helped a little with the photos. She told me that it's based on kawaii, which I learned is the Japanese culture of cuteness.
Before this comp will be closed just a short reminder:
It's recommended to share the original livery online (in-game) to prove it’s your work.
Good luck in the poll!​

Recommended for everyone, and mandatory if you reach the podium.
Poll is out now :)

Been a long hiatus but I decided to jump in for this one. The whole idea is if Spoon Sports decided to jump into Super GT for the 2008 season. Naturally they would opt to run with Honda, and with the team being new to such a heavily competitive field the factory was kind enough to pull a lot of sponsorship their way. Most notably a romance comedy anime that had been picking up steam. Okay, so the show really debuted in the fall of 2008, but this is all made up junk anyway.:)

I will NOT apologize for the overbearing color scheme. :lol:

Uh oh... My bad.
Usually you were a day too late as the competition ends on wednesday... But I made a mistake in the OP and I've set the deadline to the 29.
I've added you to the poll.
Oh, wow. Thank you so much!