The GT5 Garage Editor Thread.

  • Thread starter VBR
Thanks for this. The GE is the easiest way to breath new life into a retired title. One needn't be a computer wizard to use it. Just keep a few thumb drives handy, back up your saves, and always remember to close the GE before extracting the thumb drive. Nice for completing collections and re-running old races with different cars. I don't recommend trying more sophisticated hack programs or cheating online races, but the GE is a pretty user friendly tool and harmless for the kind of players who still play good old GT5. I've been able to organize my collections into logical orders and get my paint chips down to around the 100-150 most useful (12 Reds, 12 Oranges, 12 Yellows, etc.). Free's up time for running different cars around the ring.
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Great news-Great job VBR especially for any new comers or to others that have decided to return to the GT5 series. Question... I know some time back someone had published various code lists somewhere I recall which were being used in conjunction with GE. Don’t wanna push our luck to far, so I wasn’t sure if that type of discussion would be allowed.

Edit added... An example of this might be the Chrome Line Jaguar XJ13... It was a totally a free ticket promo for getting one that was run on Facebook years back. Some never made it on time or even knew about that straight up promo before it was gone. The good news is that car for example is not lost forever if using GE.

As I mentioned below and above, I seem to recall that there was a original older version of GE ( 1.2 ? ) that evidently had the Jaguar XJ13 chrome line in it as a item or a few others.
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I've not used it as yet, but as Tim says; it's good for breathing some life into an old game. Now that GT5's online servers are closed, nobody can cheat online with hybrids, so it's not gonna hurt anyone. I've not used it yet myself, but do find the Secret Menu options interesting. I used the Secret Menu in GT5 Prologue to run some interesting races, & had fun. So. might get around to trying this Garage Editor out sometime in GT5.
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VBR... read my edit on my above post...
Also the cool thing about that secret menu is you can choose your race competition with your choice of premium cars. Not available with standard cars though.
Edit added... An example of this might be the Chrome Line Jaguar XJ13... It was a totally a free ticket promo for getting one that was run on Facebook years back. Some never made it on time or even knew about that straight up promo before it was gone. The good news is that car for example is not lost forever if using GE.

Yeah, I got that car on FB but with a different PSN ID. So, if I delete my other PSN & just keep my main one, I get an error saying car not found or something. But, with the Garage Editor I guess you can gift it to yourself somehow...
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If it is ok with the mods, cause I don’t wanna break any rules, I can leave easy full instructions here of how to get one. The car was a free be on Facebook so I don’t see the harm in that... or like you mentioned others bought DLC, but for one reason or another don’t have their old game saves anymore... (See my above post about the older version 1.2 ? GE).
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If it is ok with the mods, cause I don’t wanna break any rules, I can leave easy full instructions here of how to get one. The car was a free be on Facebook so I don’t see the harm in that... or like you mentioned others bought DLC, but for one reason or another don’t have their old game saves anymore...

Jordan already gave his permission, so it's ok for us to discuss everything Garage Editor related here. I'd be interested to find out more, as I know next to nothing about it, even if it's just for the sake of curiosity.

Are there any lawyers or counselors in the house lol ! Always appreciate free advice ! Cause I've never used the garage editor either, but it's sure interesting...
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I haven't built any Hybrids since GT2, there were several cars in that game with non-correct engines or unused Race Mod bodies. I like building realistic cars rather than monster-mobiles, but I did try some other players hybrids just for fun. It's a bit more difficult than simply giving yourself some paint chips or an elusive used car, which is the most useful feature for many players. Time to watch the Indy Race now. :)
Well... I know for one reason or another that the GE, that was developed by someone else NOT ME, was 1.3.1, but it did not offer any DLC cars like the older version or they were removed. The old version that I think was called 1.2 something did have some chrome lines on it if I recall and maybe some others. I think it may still be around on a download somewhere, but not sure...
For me, the GE solved an old problem. Like many others, I bought the Paint Pack DLC which only included 1 chip for each color so if you used it, you lost it. With the GE, you don't need to use your only chip to paint your cars, you can paint your cars very quickly in any color, even hidden colors or colors that were never available as paint chips. I entered 8-digit codes until I ran out of colors and wrote them all down. I found the cars for those colors and wrote them down too. Now I have a list of previously unavailable colors to paint my cars with. That's very cool. :cool:
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Here is a Fail Safe procedure that I use when editing any game save with the GE:

1.) Always close the garage before exiting the GE and removing your thumb drive.

2.) If you forget, you often can re-open it and do it correctly so long as you don't do anything else.

3. ) Once you close the garage, restart the GE and re-open your garage. If corrupted it won't open.

4.) Once you know your game save is in good shape, you may have a problem copying it to PS3.

5.) If this happens you will be prompted to delete the "bad" data and use the PS3 backup file.

6.) Do NOT delete the edited data that you know isn't corrupted, despite what the PS3 says.

7.) Turn off the PS3 and restart it. Remove thumb drive and reinsert it firmly and retry again.

8.) The USB port may become loose over time so be gentle, it may take several tries to work.

9.) Always keep extra back-up copies of your game save (thumb drives are cheap!) just in case.

These steps will save you much time and frustration when editing game saves.

EDIT: The GE also saves backups, we just need to copy the folder to a thumb drive in the PS3 / SAVEDATA folder and change the name to match a regular game save.
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Speaking of the Jaguar XJ13 Chrome Line, Cool Colors, etc... within Garage Editor there is almost limitless possibilities ! (Not Photo Shopped-Just a simple 5727cc paint job over a fully chromed out Jag)

Jaguar XJ13 Race Car '66 Special Color 5727cc.jpg
Got a question; is it possible to change the amount of opponents & my grid starting position with the Secret Menu?
The order of your selected cars as 15 opponents changes only when the same run and selection is run over and over again until you find the order and colors of opponents you might like. Seems random, however the lead car will change color, but still usually remain the same staying in the number one position. Now this is all for hard mode... Seems you will always be placed in the 12 position, but that is how I roll running hard mode only in arcade... I seem to recall that if you run easy mode things are a bit different. Best thing to do I guess would do some testing in both arcade and campaign modes.
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I sure wonder how many guys still have the body codes of all the cars including those that are NOT in garage editor, but still can be used in conjunction with it...
I know there is a older thread about GT5 car hybrids being posted before this allowance of a new Garage Editor thread since online use can no longer be used. So are you guys gonna post some of your newest GE creations here or what ? I really like customizing, but still keeping them with "reasonable" power etc levels. Oh sure, I can make cars that produce 40,000+ horsepower and what not, but I think running them only with the impossible otherwise stuff like doing a impossible slam or painting the normally impossible color is more fun and cool to watch with something new in a race reply. That's why I love GT5 as it never has to get boring.

1.5 Cel Phone Girl And VW Typ2(T1) SambaBus '62 Slammed M.I.P III At Bern Market Street # 1.jpg

Ferrari 330 P4 Race Car '67 Special Nero Black.jpg
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Well if that's the case with the OP, I definitely will show my creations. I've once made a Le Mans GT2 911 (Turbo). I'll show it.


(also just PM about your lost DLC stuff. I can kinda help that issue. I use another program to use those DLC cars if I need to.)

There are no RGB colors in the secret menu. That was when I last played GT5. I more or less I am figuring out how to mod GT6 since it’s offline.
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I am not good at posting pics in forums, but I have painted some in unique 'hidden' colors like Jeff Gordons 2011 Red-Black Fade and an elusive Yellow Chrome Line. Would I need a FLIKR account or some such thing to link from?
I'm working on a part guide for the Garage Editors. I might need help with this, and if you guys wanna help me out with it, I'll upload it to my Google Docs to where people can edit it. And, then we can release it.

Just wondering if that'll be possible. Too many cars to dig through in one night or day for me.

Oh, the images should be in PS3>Images> I think.

Another edit: Yeah, it looks like that. Gran Turismo 6 has tons of duplicate colors, just like 5 it seems.
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