THE GT5 Online Connection Problems Thread (error 717,716, disconnections.. etc)

  • Thread starter TSracing
The more connections between the ps3 and the modem, the slower your connection is likely to be. Good luck.

No, this has 5 star reviews on amazon, and is meant to give 200mbps, our maximum is 54.
I wonder if the OP for this thread has given up with trying to fix his connection with GT5 as he hasn't loged in here in quite some time now :indiff:

I dont blame him if he has I still get every problem listed in the OP, players with loading bars/stripes not visable when on track, random diconnects, incompatibility with room host, error codes.

Very annoying there seems to be absolutly nothing I can do to get a solid connection with GT5, and evan more annoying there seems to be no explainable reason to the cause.

Would be helpful if GT5 actualy gave some meaning to its error codes and explained why it gave it, or at least have the infomation on their website :rolleyes: "Great I have error code 768, that used to be 755 or 716 or 749 or whatever number Polyphony Digital renaimed it too.. what do I do to fix it? Nobody knows"

But I wont give up, one day I will fix whatever my connection issues are, or PD will release a patch that fixes them for me. I hope at least :lol: My patience is starting to wear thin now.
I was having disconnects and freezes evey 2 races online since the last update April 4. It turns out that my gamedisc was scored, likely from the laser head. Applied a disc refurb compound, and all was well.
Got it, still as bad as ever. How else am I gonna fix it? I'm not messing with my internet, because it's obviously a problem with the servers.
I am using phone 3g at the moment, waiting for new internet connection. if you like, download teamviewer it will allow me or somebody to remotely access your PC. If you have no problems with me doing so, I can have a nosy around your router settings, change anything if required and then give you instructions to change the necessarily settings via your PS3 to match up with the settings I change on the router. Will not be able to do it for a week or so though.

I had the same problems as you, multiple loading bars/stripes, constant disconnects etc, nothing a 5min router tweak did not sort out.

Let me know.

In the meantime I need to know your router brand, your ISP (internet service provider)

Run some tests at

PM or post here the results.
How old is your router? Mine was 4 years old when i had my problems. After getting a new one, it solved all my problems.

Good news guys, we switched from our belkin n1 adsl to our bthomehub with Ethernet. Working well so far, wish me luck!
Hardwired to a router or modem? If it's to a router, it may as well be useless. If it's to the modem, contact your ISP.

Check the above post.


Everything's been going very well today- every lobby I joined was completely fine. I joined a free run and a few shuffles, which weren't laggy at all. So, my advice is, get a wired connection, and get a modern router, like a BThomehub 3.
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I wonder if the OP for this thread has given up with trying to fix his connection with GT5 as he hasn't loged in here in quite some time now :indiff:

I have not played GT5 or much else in months now, so at the moment I have given up.

My foot started to dislike my pedal position so had a break from driving early this year..

Back from the break I played a little with the person who host problems free rooms, but he was getting into some army duty/service stuff a couple of days later so I have not tried online since.. Tired of all the disconnections and problems.. Made me loose some interest. Been busy with other stuff aswell..

I will get fiber optics and new internet provider in about 3 months! :) Ill try again than. Hopefully it will work fine. And hopefully I will have some interest left for the game.. Last but not least, hopefully some of my old GT5 friends are still active and not "alien-fast" behind their wheels when that time comes.. ;p
Hi guys,
I live in a pretty rural area and have recently switched to a cellular data type internet connection through a Netgear router/sim card setup. I am now NAT type 3 and have encountered ALL previously mentioned problems. I forwarded all the correct ports, made sure my NAT was OPEN on the router setup site and put my PS3 in a DMZ. It's helped a little I have more luck now with entering rooms and staying, but there are many players I can see when I'm in the room. I have not solved my problem yet but I am nearing the solution. Apparently all of these problems stem from the fact that my ISP has assigned me a PRIVATE IP. I found out that you can request a public IP by contact 'aquisitions' at your ISP.

I sent an email to mine that looked like this;

"To Whom It May Concern,

I was told this is the place to request a Public IP address for my cellular data account. I was told the charge would be between $5-$10/month.

My account info is as follows;
Mobile #: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Account #: xxxxxxxxx

Please inform me of any additional steps needed to activate a dynamic Public IP address.

Thank you."

And got this response the next morning;


I will take care of that, it usually take around 2 or 3 business days to process the request.
I will get back to you with the IP information and how to configure the Netgear."

This was this morning, so I'll keep you updated. This seems promising to me though.
Apparently all of these problems stem from the fact that my ISP has assigned me a PRIVATE IP. I found out that you can request a public IP by contact 'aquisitions' at your ISP.

Hi sideways. I think maybe you have confused a public/private ip with a static/dynamic ip. They are two completely different things.

Public/private refers to the ip addresses of devices connected to your home network. This has nothing to do with your ISP and nothing to do with internet itself. It is all contained within your computer, PS3 and modem/router.

Static/dynamic refers to the ip address that your modem/router displays to the internet. It is your web address as such.

A static ip is one that is permanently assigned to your account. It doesn't change. A dynamic ip does change occasionally, depending on demand, I believe. It may change if you restart yor modem, for instance.

IMO, having a static ip won't do anything for your problem because the ip cannot change while you are connected through your ISP.

I hope this helps, I just believe that you would be wasting any cash spent on a static ip address. I would hazard to guess that the problems you are experiencing are due to cellular bandwidth congestion. It isn't the best connection to have for gaming, where pings are important.

Best of luck.
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Well I thought I had replied to a similar thread over at the Official GT forums but cant find it SO I am adding to this one here.

First - some background info.
Comcast Cable - 18/20 MB down 3/4 Going.
I use to have issues with my wireless router until I set PS3 s NAT 2 instead of NAT 3. Solved all connection issues UNTIL the latest GT Academy and the update when that came out. Now I am getting disconnected constantly. The joke is " don't worry he will loose connection" when I'm in the lead of a race.
Have reset everything there is to reset and cleared any and all cache(s). Nothing.
Now normally it wouldn't log me out. Just drop me from Online server. And I NEVER have issues with Seasonals. Every now and then it will trip router & which I will have to reset it.
Last night I noticed I got dropped right when a friend came online.
He Happens to be in the #1 spot on my friends list. Reason I am noting that is that
tonight i hooked the PS3 directly into modem. So nothing else is on line. Not even TV's.
Got into a lounge with that same friend and 2 other mates. Everything seemed fine. He and another mate left. So 2 of us in lounge for a good 30 minutes or more. Tuning and farting around. Then my friend (same one - #1 spot) came back into lounge. As soon as he did it kicked me out. I got right back in. We both mentioned that phenomenon.
I left to go race online. Raced a few different rooms. And then hosted a room. No one on so only 4-5 people at one time. 3 races over 2 tracks with 9 laps each. No issue what so ever.
So I will get with that friend and do some testing.
Will report back here what happens.
I have raced with the same 50 odd people for a year and a half. After 100s of official competition races and probably 1000s of casual races with the same group it is always the same people with the connection problems.

Admittedly GT5 Net code could be better and not so sensitive to router type and set up, but the majority of the issues people have are down to the personal connection, router type and router set up they have. Despite this people love to blame PSN and the mythical GT5 servers. PSN and the Mythical GT5 servers are more or less the same for everyone but when it comes to personal internet connections, routers and router set up, there are a magnitude of Variables that all influence the end result you get when playing online.

I live in Italy, first connection I had was with an old Phillips router. Although old it was quite good and had tons of settings. When I first started racing in my group, I had many disconnects, could often not see or hear other racers and also my car glitched around. It got so bad people did not want to race with me. 5 minuets of router PS3 set up and problems fixed instantly.

Moved house a few months ago, and got a new connection. Could not use the old Phillips router so took an old Cisco from my GF's uncle. Out of the box and on default settings, once in Private lounges racing with the same guys, I think I go disconnected around 8 times in a 5 hour stint of online play. 5 mins later, quick router/PS3 set up and now I am back to a stable set up.
I have raced with the same 50 odd people for a year and a half. After 100s of official competition races and probably 1000s of casual races with the same group it is always the same people with the connection problems.

Admittedly GT5 Net code could be better and not so sensitive to router type and set up, but the majority of the issues people have are down to the personal connection, router type and router set up they have. Despite this people love to blame PSN and the mythical GT5 servers. PSN and the Mythical GT5 servers are more or less the same for everyone but when it comes to personal internet connections, routers and router set up, there are a magnitude of Variables that all influence the end result you get when playing online.

I live in Italy, first connection I had was with an old Phillips router. Although old it was quite good and had tons of settings. When I first started racing in my group, I had many disconnects, could often not see or hear other racers and also my car glitched around. It got so bad people did not want to race with me. 5 minuets of router PS3 set up and problems fixed instantly.

Moved house a few months ago, and got a new connection. Could not use the old Phillips router so took an old Cisco from my GF's uncle. Out of the box and on default settings, once in Private lounges racing with the same guys, I think I go disconnected around 8 times in a 5 hour stint of online play. 5 mins later, quick router/PS3 set up and now I am back to a stable set up.
what setup do u mean?
Set the PS3 to a static IP both on router and PS3, as well as mirror primary and secondary DNS and Subnet Mask settings on both router and PS3, Then put that IP you are using for the PS3 into the DMZ on the router. Its is pretty simple and take 5 mins.

Many people would claim to have done this but with no improvements, but I suspect that they have not done it properly as if you are not IT literate it is easy to become confused and do the wrong thing and assume it is done correctly when in fact it has been done wrong.

The above may be gibberish to you, google the tings that are unclear to understand them, nobody taught me. Also Its hard to write a tutorial as routers are so different, they names things differently within settings. best thing is to go into your router setting and get comfortable with it and understand what each thing does.
Just my two cents here, I have a wireless connection but my PS3 is literally just 3 metres or so from the router, and no one else in the house has connection issues. However, whilst I don't go to the online lobbies much in GT5 I do find I lose the connection frequently with seasonals etc, where it says "no events found". The thing that bugs the hell out of me is that when it asks if I want to reconnect you can *guarantee* it won't work. However if I quit the game, and go into Network Settings and Internet Connection Test, all is well, and then it works when I load up GT5 again (this is a useful though time consuming tip for those having similar issues)

My point here is that I think there are problems specific to this game, it seems to time the connection out randomly when its not being used, which can be whilst you are putting in laps on a seasonal, as this in itself isn't utilising the connection, just when it updates your time vs. the rest of the world etc. It also fails to reconnect every single time, in fact I don't think i've ever been able to re-establish a connection when I am in the game.
This post is only about getting disconnected from the lobby server.
Last autumn I started getting disconnected. This was especially frustrating because I host.
Some nights all worked fine but I began to notice that on colder nights I would get DCd.
Web browsing didn’t seem to be affected and speed tests showed I was getting about 8 megs down and 3 megs up.
A service tech came out during the day, and found nothing wrong, but later that night I had the same problem. I called my ISP and they tested my modem. This was the first time I’d had it tested at night. I was told there was significant packet loss, so the next day I swapped out my modem for a new one.
That evening as the room began to fill with people I was feeling very confident that all was fixed. Then boink. Disconnected! I thought my online racing days were over.
The next day on my way home from work I stopped at a convenience store across the street from the condo complex where I live. I noticed a tech in a Comcast bucket truck working up on a pole adjacent to the condo’s property. Another tech was in the convenience store so I asked him if they were working on the connection for the condos. He said they were and that it was fixed. When I got home I did a speed test and was shocked to see I was getting 20 megs down. I have not had any problems since.
My advice to people with connection problems is call your ISP while you are having the problem. Keep calling them until the problem is fixed.
I have exactly the same problem like many other's.
But this problem is here to stay forewer with GT5, hope GT6 don't get the same problem, but if the idea' is to use the same server system with GT6 it probably will.
I like GT5 but if they can't fix the connection problem on GT6 then I'm done with gran turismo.
I think it's strange that a great game like gran turismo have a problem like this, I don't have problems with connection in any other games, and I have attemted everything without any result to get GT5 to work like it should..
I don`t know if I have connection problems because of GT5/PD. I have the lamest interwebz you can possibly imagine. Living in Germany it is a shame and I blame Deutsche Telekom at first if I get disconnected.
Paying for 6MBit and getting "nearly" 1MBit is bordering on impudence. Telekom - global player? Hahaha - watching their ads on tv let me say: S*T*F*U*🤬!!! What a dump.
(Thanks for the advice: "Change provider." Not as easy as I thought... :indiff:)
Sorry for being :mad: about this one.

So I have connection problems but I cannot blame PD/GT5/Sony for it, not surely. :lol:
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Not sure if this helps but it points to something very strange.

I have 2 brothers and we all play online - me and one of the other brothers can never see each other race just the LS stripes in the lobby.

However the third brother can see us both.

Recently the brother who i could never see moved in with the other brother and so they are both using the same router/network config.

and I can still not see my other brother which is strange as it must mean it is nothing to do with the actual router/network and must be either settings on the ps3 or somewhere on the servers which is physically stopping the connection
Epic bump required. Switched my PS3 on, went on GT5, loaded slow, not cannot create a room as it says "NAT 2 - Bandwidth Unknown" ? :odd:

Now connection is half my usual download (5mbps!) and only 39.7(!) kbps upload!
Epic bump required. Switched my PS3 on, went on GT5, loaded slow, not cannot create a room as it says "NAT 2 - Bandwidth Unknown" ? :odd:

Now connection is half my usual download (5mbps!) and only 39.7(!) kbps upload!

I would contact your ISP. Sounds like somethings going on their end.

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