THE GT5 Online Connection Problems Thread (error 717,716, disconnections.. etc)

  • Thread starter TSracing
Yeah i have now gave up playing GT5 altogether because of this problem -- 9 rooms out of 10 i either get the incompatable with room owner issue , or i actually manage to get into a room only to be disconnected roughly 30 - 60 secs later .
This is the ONLY game i have connection issues with , and i play shift 2 , formula 1 2010 , bad company 2 , dirt 3 , and crysis 2 without a problem .
Yesterday I was in a race with 7 cars. I could only see one of them! Had to ask after the race was over how many people were in it. But had no loading stripes/stars or signs that something were wrong.
Luckily managed to rejoin and everything was fine after that.

Read the forums today. Another player experiencing problems.
Ill quote bgmad where is writing about things he wants for next game update.
- Make the multiplayer system work well - the amount of bugs of the multiplayer is just abysmal. Wrong grids, invisible cars, inexplicable damages. Racing online with GT is a pain sometimes.
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The good new about GT5. More updates are coming, DLC and stuff.
And they have fixed something about the online thing since the servers have been down at some occasions?

The bad news! Online experience, wich is 97% of the game for me, this part is still crap due to the 717 ERROR, loading stripes and disconnections!! No improvement there!
Just wanted to get a little frustration out!

It's weird, because I rarely (if ever) get error messages while online.

Hi Mate,

have you setup your router in a special way? i.e. any specific settings?

who is your ISP?

I too have had many problems online. For example, last week, 2 friends came online, i created a room, both my mates joined, and when I went to track, 1 of my mates I could not se on the track throughout the time we were online. So then my other mate created the room and we joined him, and same issue.

When 3rd mate created a room, i couldnt join due to error 717.

What a mockery!!!
Wanted to play with friends for a little while ago.
Not possible due to a combination of 717, Loading stripes and disconnections.

If i join a room and only get loading stripes on 1 person then everything is fine. (except im racing someone who is invisible, wich sucks!)
If I get it on 2 or more then i get disconnected.

But, if am already in a room with not so many people and more people keeps joining then I usually dont get disconnected, even with LS on 3 people.
On the other hand, if I get them on several people there is no fun in racing in that lobby, because I will drive trough invisible people. Maybe think I won a race, and really got in 2. place and stuff. Not fun for me or the others who cant see me. So I usually leave then..

Hoping the Spec II update will do wonders, but to be honest, im starting to loose faith now..
Here is another new thread with disconnection problems (and 717 errors and stuff)

Ill quite eran0004
I have 50mb per second and huge connection issues. So it seems like the connection speed doesn't matter at all, at least not for the connection issue that I have. I get the 717 error, network incompability, disconnects and sometimes the loading bar reach the end and everything freezes. It's probably some router thing causing it, but the connection works excellent for everything else, other games are no problem at all.

I've found that I'm allowed to enter rooms with only a few other players, and then other people can join after me and fill the room without causing a problem for me (usually). But if there's a room with like 10/16 players I get some sort of error/disconnection most of the times I try to join.

If I become room host in a room I joined early, and the room is full, there will likely be a huge mass-disconnection orgie for everyone else and then I'm all alone again.

I really hope this will be fixed soon. And as all other games works without problem on the same connection it has got to be something with GT5 that is not working as it should be.

Basically same problems as me.. Only that he is on a much faster line.
Did not have high hopes for the Spec 2.0 update fixing the problems, but got my hopes up when reading this on the list of things done.

- Fixed an issue where there was a server connection problem in certain network environments.

Just tried a server with some people and had loading stripes, and disconnections! :banghead:

Yesterday some of my friends were playing in a lobby. The guy who host problem free lobbies were not hosting, but was second on the list of people in the room. I got LS on one player. Just for the test. I left and rejoined. Still LS. Room owner left, and the person that can host problem free rooms became host. I then rejoined and everything was fine.. Did not have to restart room or anything. But with the right person hosting everything got fine! :odd:
I'm going to try this later when I get home.

This issue ended my GT online fun after Prologue. Can't connect to most rooms and when I do, I can't see most of the cars on the track.

Hoping this fix solves it.
Tried to join some random lobbys now. I can confirm that I have not once gotten the "Entry was refused due to network incompatibility with the room owner -717."

Now, with spec 2.0 the number have changed from 717 to 749. :banghead:

Anyone else that used to have 717 that has not given up on online yet and is now getting the 749 code?
Yes, I, and many other have tried with port forwarding and all we can think about.
List of stuff to try is in my first post.
I, and others like me only have these problems in GT5.
Tried to join some random lobbys now. I can confirm that I have not once gotten the "Entry was refused due to network incompatibility with the room owner -717."

Now, with spec 2.0 the number have changed from 717 to 749. :banghead:

Anyone else that used to have 717 that has not given up on online yet and is now getting the 749 code?

Didn't get the chance to try it last night unfortunately but that is disappointing to read. I'm still hoping that it will be better than before.

I'll report back here after I've tried again hopefully tonight.
Also getting a 749 error??

This is so frustrating. I was looking forward to this after a days work and I can't even get into rooms. And if I can, it's for about 2 minutes then I'm disconnected.

Guys, not sure if related, Sony was hacked again, change your passwords.

If you read this properly, you would have noticed that PSN was not hacked.

Your link even explains that 'a Sony spokesman is quoted as saying that his company observed attempts to hack into 35,000 accounts in the US and another 24,000 in Europe between October 7 and 10. Again, Sony is claiming that “if you have a credit card associated with your account, your credit card number is not at risk.” '

This US Playstation Blog Entry even explains that accounts which may have been compromised are being forced to reset their password. Those affected are getting notified by email.

"According to Reitinger, the Sony Entertainment Network, PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment Network were affected. The company halted about 93,000 user accounts across these networks and warned users to secure log-in details via e-mail."
I think GT5's main priority should be to fix the online issues first before anything else. We don't need no new racing suites and helmets. I play other online games without a single problem but GT5 is a different story. What good is all this content being put in GT5 if you can't play online without issues. Wake up guys and fix it. I have been playing GT games since GT1 came out and loved all them,now GT5 comes along and does nothing but make you pissed off half the time with its online problems. Since the 2.0 download it seems to be worst online problems then before it.
Am I the only one that, no matter what room I join (that isn't a fixed host), if it has more then say, 3 people, I get "You have been disconnected from the server" after about a minute of being in the room? It pissed me off quite a bit yesterday as in the 15ish rooms I join, I was only able to stay in 3 of them. This did NOT happen before 2.0.
Basically the same thing that happens to me when getting disconnected. Takes about 1 minute for me to get disconnected.
But before I get disconnected I always see 2 or more people with Loading stripes on them..
Less people= less chance for loading stripes= less chance for getting disconnected.
Kinda the same problem, only I often get 749 error and can not join. And i see people with loading stripes, which ruines online fun, or gets me disconnected.

Either way, you have same "symptoms" as I do when it comes to getting disconnected.. It sucks!
Lets hope they know about this problem at PD. In my view it looks like it all started when they started moving out of Tokio to their new HQ somewhere else in Japen.
Maybe they are experiencing technical problems with the amount of traffic passing through the servers. Who knows...

The only thing that matters now, is that the problem is going to be solved! Nothing is more frustrating then getting kicked out from all the games for no reason. So the more attention this problem gets, the more change we see it getting fixed.

That is not it, it happened when I got the game back at christmas. I couldn't connect to m friend, now it works once in a while.
I am at the end of my patience level with this piece of crap online horsh SH-T!!! I sit here and download 2.0 for 40 minutes which is supposed to cure the server problems and now it's ten times worse.. Way to go PD.. Doing a damn fine job.
Im getting this network incompatibility msg code 749 Im trying to join my neighbor's lounge we have the same net connection but still it says network incompatibility WTH
Im getting this network incompatibility msg code 749 Im trying to join my neighbor's lounge we have the same net connection but still it says network incompatibility WTH

Well, I think this might be the problem. Although you to seem to be in the same local network, the traffic (at least for the race setup) will be routed through the internet.
This also means there will be two incoming attempts to both of you PS3s... Normally this should work, but faulty upnp implementation and/or putting one of the PS3s in the DMZ will prevent this from working.
Constantly getting disconnected now after Spec II even with cache cleared out and PS3 connected direct to my router, never had a problem before Spec II :banghead:
I'm getting it too...LS bars and people not showing up in races. It's a pain in the ass, but I'm just dealing with it...i'm sure those who I'm racing with would rather I see everyone though! :P
Never mind - I binned all the cache, restarted PS3 and router, binned all the net connection setting and put them back in again and it has now worked. No idea what it was though.

My issue since the update is that I cant find ANY rooms online - at all. It connects, searches but always comes up with 0 results. I cant join friends rooms either, even though they are connected etc.

Anyone getting this?
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