PERFECTLY Said my Amigo, I tip my hat off to ya.
Well said, well put & Amen.
Yes allow it to stay on PS3 & option to upgrade for the PS4 for a $10 upgrade like the other TITLES have, COD, Battlefield 4, Assassins Creed Etc. They can still make MONEY that way for I would be happy to pay for it just for the better next generation console graphics why not.
As for GT 7 it can wait 4 to 5 years just as we waited for GT 6 between GT 5, just fix it make it right they been doing this too long to put out such a half done unpolished product out with such a long WAIT since GT 5.
They are the connoisseurs of the simulation car industry we just all feel cheated the ones who don't have the means to purchase a PS3 what do you say to them? GT 6 WILL be obsolete within a year or so, NOW go buy a PS4 & new GT 7 game because they will probably not be having any servers on the PS3 because they will be focusing on the PS4! now THAT'S NOT RIGHT, GT series isn't a year to year game because of the magnitude of time to recreate a game but it's been close to 5 years since GT 5 plenty of time it should of been PERFECT!
As for us who do have a PS4 toss your GT 6 game away from your PS3 & go buy another game again, as in GT 7, C'mon lets be real here, just been lots of false promises, advertising, we just want our fair shake Give us our MONEY'S Worth you been DOING this to long PD to know better then to release a game of this MAGNITUDE & it not being properly finished.
So that being said I hope they do focus on GT 6 like for the NEXT 4 to 5 years like they did in GT 5 now how AWESOME would that be?
It can be done.