The GT6 Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor
I don't really use mics, but it seems to be corrected as I hear others never having issues with them. Disconnections however are the main problem though, but not sure if it happens more often when you're wired or wireless.
Thanks for your input TT. I run a wired connection with a wired mic and everything worked great 99% of the time in GT5.

I have been thinking about something lately. I wonder if all the missing features of the game are finished and PD is just going to slowly string them out to us. In their minds that would keep some of you playing the game for at least a year. I mean, they already use the log-in bonus to accomplish the same thing on a daily basis. Thoughts?
Seriously. Camera view might have something to do with it. As might the sound system I'm/you're using. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I love it's engine sound, but I don't think it's one of the really bad ones.
Could be, could be...I have always used the mashed-bug-on-the-front-grille cam position; aside from a glorious outing in GT5 at Grand Valley in a Ferrari 430 in I think the first or second endurance race. And my sound is just whatever the PS3 puts out to a 32" flatscreen; nothing special hooked up.
Just to be sure I hadn't dismissed anything I revisited the thing today: still sounds like a walrus was trying to un-eat a polar bear a mile away:lol::cheers:
(About the Ferrari 430's engine sound) sounds like a walrus was trying to un-eat a polar bear a mile away:lol::cheers:

And to think Kaz said he changed the sounds from Unrealistic to "More-Than-Realistic" (<-- His delusions, as usual! :rolleyes:) between GT4 and GT5. Here's an example, take the Vauxhall/Opel Calibra touring car in GT4, GT5 AND GT6. You'll notice the engine sound is the EXACT 🤬 same.

He's a total liar and he's slowly turning Gran Turismo into a racing academy with his "Nissan GT Academy" every year... Total waste of game development time. With all the complaints there's been about the franchise and the fact he never addressed the crap he's done, you know he doesn't want to fix it. Especially not the ones that don't co-incide with the projects he shoves down our throat or the engine sounds... too much work for his team... or whatever. See if I'll care in October... (Hint, a game with car clubs.)

Kaz: ":dunce: Ayrton Senna!! Legend legend legend!! For what? His driving skills ! :dopey:"

Kaz!!! You need to wake the 🤬 up, the guy isn't just a driver, he's done much more than just crashing and dying. Look at his past before this 🤬 happened... Look at what he did for children care in Brazil, you're poisoning yourself with too much "racing, racing, cars, cars, Senna, Senna, skylines, skylines, Standard vs. Premium :crazy:" nonsense!!:banghead:

Calls for another avatar change in a few months... Driveclub/Project Cars on the helmet. Yep.
Thanks for your input TT. I run a wired connection with a wired mic and everything worked great 99% of the time in GT5.

I have been thinking about something lately. I wonder if all the missing features of the game are finished and PD is just going to slowly string them out to us. In their minds that would keep some of you playing the game for at least a year. I mean, they already use the log-in bonus to accomplish the same thing on a daily basis. Thoughts?
This is what I assume their doing as well. I mean it's pretty smart of them to do, but strange at the same time. Imagine the Course Maker was finished and PD desided to release it in December? Oh lord, how that would be bad. I just hope they release all the missing features soon, like say, in June. That, imo, will be perfect! :D
Kaz!!! You need to wake the 🤬 up, the guy isn't just a driver, he's done much more than just crashing and dying. Look at his past before this 🤬 happened... Look at what he did for children care in Brazil, you're poisoning yourself with too much "racing, racing, cars, cars, Senna, Senna, skylines, skylines, Standard vs. Premium :crazy:" nonsense!!:banghead:
I assume you missed ''Ayrton's Wish''?
I would guess 80% of the sounds we hear are altered copies of the 10 or so samples they started with. Certainly seems like it.
That's what i think too, shows to me they are either lazy or can't be bothered. Standard cars, lame career modes and their series trademark zombie AI only serve to confirm my sentiments, especially since it's been like this since the 90's.
I have been thinking about something lately. I wonder if all the missing features of the game are finished and PD is just going to slowly string them out to us. In their minds that would keep some of you playing the game for at least a year. I mean, they already use the log-in bonus to accomplish the same thing on a daily basis. Thoughts?
I think what's more likely is Spec 2. I don't believe the game has sold well, so what they need is a big splash, something that will grab everyone's attention. Re-release the game in a Spec 2 version and tell the world that everything promised at release is now in the game and with any luck they can win back some of the people they lost over the last few months.
Why are the sounds getting talked about? The online in GT6 is horrible, why do I keep getting disconnected even when I'm wired (which is supposed to have perfect connection?)
I don't know why that happens to you. I never get disconnected on my WiFi.
At times it works good, but than at random moments I get disconnections. Is it really GT6's severs? In GT5 it was perfect and disconnection were always non existent.
I don't know if it's GT6 servers or not. At least with the regular group of people I race with it's always a solid connection with no anomalies. If your connection is solid on a speed test then there might be something causing some connection issues between you and the servers? I have no clue.
I don't know if it's GT6 servers or not. At least with the regular group of people I race with it's always a solid connection with no anomalies. If your connection is solid on a speed test then there might be something causing some connection issues between you and the servers? I have no clue.
Very strange. I'll check the connection speed test later or at some point to see what's up.
Probably in the recycling bin at PD HQ.
PD: Ohhhh weeeell. We couldn't finish it because we're too busy attempting to half-ass the Senna content, so we kinda dumped it... But please be excited for the Senna content, it'll blow all your minds and it won't be half-assed.

Fans: PD did you just contradicted yourself?

PD: What? Oh yeah, we gotta go, bye. *leaves*

Fans: .....

"Gran Turismo 6 is coming to PS4 as 1080p 60FPS repackaged title in the vein of Gran Turismo 7: Prologue. stunning visuals, extra features (social connectivity, new tracks, dlc etc). Coming mid-late 2015."

If true then ps3 owners officially just got screwed over..
That's why I hope they do what Call of duty, assassin's creed, battle field etc. And allow us to pay the $10 upgrade charge to be able to play it on the PS4 version & not charge us the whole amount again for a new disc & considering my wife surprised me by purchasing some online credits, for if they do I'm completely done with the GT Series hands down, I'll then just wait for Project Cars, & Drivers Club, sick of the micro transaction cash cow gimmicks that GT6 has bestowed upon us.
PD: Ohhhh weeeell. We couldn't finish it because we're too busy attempting to half-ass the Senna content, so we kinda dumped it... But please be excited for the Senna content, it'll blow all your minds and it won't be half-assed.

Fans: PD did you just contradicted yourself?

PD: What? Oh yeah, we gotta go, bye. *leaves*

Fans: .....

Wait, what? I know this is a designated whining thread, but how is the Senna content half-assed?
"Round 3 of GT Academy 2104 online events..."

Nah it's cool - not that it's the 394th spelling error you've made. 👍 Even the News needs hot fixes. :lol:

I understand though - probably celebrating not being late on something.

*Looks at GT5's content from its 2010 release, especially Top Gear*
I see bitterToko is back:lol:

"Round 3 of GT Academy 2104 online events..."

Nah it's cool - not that it's the 394th spelling error you've made. 👍 Even the News needs hot fixes. :lol:
Technically it's a transposition error. PD must be expanding their repertoire of errors.
No. I have this believe that the Senna Content may end up being rushed like GT5's Top Gear.
You know better than that, Toko. They've had more than plenty of time to work on both the Senna tribute and the Top Gear license. PD's inability to utilize and make worthwhile content with licenses they've aquired is a norm at this point.
You know better than that, Toko. They've had more than plenty of time to work on both the Senna tribute and the Top Gear license. PD's inability to utilize and make worthwhile content with licenses they've aquired is a norm at this point.

What about their WRC license?
What about their NASCAR license?
What about their Super GT/JGTC license?
What about their Pikes Peak license? (In GT2)
