The GT6 Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor
Just in case, for your copy and pasting pleasure......

and my personal favourite...

You are kinda on a custom-smiley binge recently, aren't you? :lol:
Oh, nevermind then.
I still have to say this, I hated that TG special event in GT5. HATED IT!
Those races were no fun at all.
Me too bud. That's why I hope the Senna content doesn't end up the same. :nervous: But I'm sure it won't. :)👍
You know better than that, Toko. They've had more than plenty of time to work on both the Senna tribute and the Top Gear license. PD's inability to utilize and make worthwhile content with licenses they've aquired is a norm at this point.
I know. It's just my worries that gets to me. :P
Just in case, for your copy and pasting pleasure......

and my personal favourite...
Awesome smilely Johnny. 👍 I like the PC fist one. :lol: Gotta use those. :D
That's our Johnny. :lol:
Me too bud. That's why I hope the Senna content doesn't end up the same. :nervous: But I'm sure it won't. :)👍
I doubt we'll get the same events. We're probably going to end up with either race events like the redbull challenge or just time trials and honestly; I rather have those than the torture I putted up with in the Nascar & Top Gear special events in GT5.

Anyway, a personal annoyance I do have Polyphony Digital though is that they didn't follow through with their monthy dlc announcement. Seriously, they shouldn't annouce that they'll do something like that unless they're absolutely sure that they can follow through.
This is what I assume their doing as well. I mean it's pretty smart of them to do, but strange at the same time. Imagine the Course Maker was finished and PD desided to release it in December? Oh lord, how that would be bad. I just hope they release all the missing features soon, like say, in June. That, imo, will be perfect! :D

I think what's more likely is Spec 2. I don't believe the game has sold well, so what they need is a big splash, something that will grab everyone's attention. Re-release the game in a Spec 2 version and tell the world that everything promised at release is now in the game and with any luck they can win back some of the people they lost over the last few months.
Interesting viewpoints. I'm also glad that I'm not alone in my thinking that PD is withholding features and content. As a customer though I don't appreciate being strung along for something that I paid for 6 months ago.

Also, since you all are currently talking about content I would like to add my opinion. I find it a bit insulting that content and gtacademy have been released without them finishing important game features. If they have the time and resources to make content and GTA they should have finished the game.

IMHO this game has enough content and not enough ways to enjoy said content. Seriously, we have dozens of tracks and hundreds of cars and very few ways to actually use them as we see fit. I want an event creator so I can race my way as racing is why I and others bought the game.
Also, since you all are currently talking about content I would like to add my opinion. I find it a bit insulting that content and gtacademy have been released without them finishing important game features. If they have the time and resources to make content and GTA they should have finished the game..
While I sympathize with your position, it's different people working on modeling vs. game design. Working on Senna content certainly displaced some effort modeling DLC car and track content, but stuff like the Course Maker and Online Community Features would be a whole different part of the team.
While I sympathize with your position, it's different people working on modeling vs. game design. Working on Senna content certainly displaced some effort modeling DLC car and track content, but stuff like the Course Maker and Online Community Features would be a whole different part of the team.
That may be true but it has been 6 months since release plus however long they have been working on the game. They also have experience with making those missing features on the PS3 in GT5. So that means they have had plenty of time and the know how yet we still don't have a complete product 6 months after release. What's worse is PD hasn't even felt the need to keep their customers in the loop as to what is going on.
Hello all again, back from a long break of:gtplanet:!

Dissapointing nothing has changed here? The fact that everyone is expressing the same dissapointments since I was last here who knows how long ago...

Still don't touch GT6 only to grab the updates and do the odd worthwhile seasonal, aka ones with decent prizes such as the vision gt bmw. Funny though how I was basically disowned by :gtplanet: moderators for expressing my own oppionions and accussed of not reading threads! Oh I have been keeping an eye out and most are complaining about what I had suggested what I saw most of us were/are complaining about and the fact that my appology for any harm/insult caused was unintentionally has been deleted, yet a direct assault on their behalf on me was left on (last time I looked).

Oh almost forgot - I'm looking forward to the senna content, especially to see what is in-store. A formula car will be a good addition as these have been left out mostly in the gt series. Read on another forum where a post was expressing a desire for some of the old gt formulas to be included, reffering to the multiple variants in GT3.
Kaz reply to this forum: *laughs*

And that is why GT6 sucks. Because the great and powerful Kaz listens to no one.

Hello all again, back from a long break of:gtplanet:!

I check in once a week or so just to see if PD has released anything worthwhile. I don't usually bother posting because, well, what is there to say...
I am somewhat interested in the Senna cars. But not hyped so probably won't bother.
I vote to change the name of this topic. I think it is highly insulting and I won't post again on this forum until it is changed, locked and/or a new topic is created with a more appropriate name. I'm tired of hearing others call us and others complainers, whiners and haters. This topic title just perpetuates the problem.

And yes, I am being very serious.
I vote to change the name of this topic. I think it is highly insulting and I won't post again on this forum until it is changed, locked and/or a new topic is created with a more appropriate name. I'm tired of hearing others call us and others complainers, whiners and haters. This topic title just perpetuates the problem.

And yes, I am being very serious.

Let the "others" believe what they want to, we all know where we stand here (im assuming) and with everything that's being said in here I'd say it's quite the contary. If, by you referring to us, we obviously all have a passion for GT and are able to post as many posts in here as we all know the series quite well and therefore are able to reflect upon GT6 and/compared to the series:idea:. As we know the series well, we are able to see the workings of it we do not like, as we are able to refer GT6 to previous GT games. Most of those "others" that call us whiners and haters obviously probably pick & choose what they want to hear. Without actually pre-reading any early statements within the flow of conversation topic here 👍.

A particular pet peve of mine of the so called "others" is to complain about the bulk of posts being somewhat negative in nature towards GT/the series/PD and/or Kaz and flooding other threads of that nature. They then say instantly that we are ignorant - hinting at us being idiots or believe we think they are idiots as we refer to GT gamers collectively not being happy with GT6! Stating we are quick to jump on the bandwagon of "PD/Kaz took our money", "i want my $s back", "Kaz is doing it for himself" and etc etc. Then complaining that happens in said posts, warning of consequences of it which are not perceived then complaining of that, which just cycles - well then if you don't like a potential answer to something, don't ask the questions. Well to myself that highlights an issue - when their is a bulk of a similar thought/idea then generally relatively most have that thought/idea! They then go on to complain about this happening and then whinge and/or attack those posting dissatisfied GT related post then post every excuse under the sun of why. Well GT6 has been out for 6 months, there are still many features missing - to me there are no excuse for that, bottom line GT6 should never had been released given its current state as it was/is clearly an unfinished game. That's what I perceive as most gripes are with GT6/PD/Kaz and I believe all of those posted on here have a right to do so as they are not happy and no one has the right to tell how another's emotional state should be.

I am not saying GT6 should never had been released, I do respect PD'S & Kaz efforts with their work, just that it in my opinion probably shouldn't had been released yet. Yes they are a business and need to garner that bottom line (the only meaning of business) but do not see why or how GT6 had to be released then. Yes they wanted a initial market advantage over Microsoft but there isn't really any competition within GT. There are very few other racing games on the Sony of GT's nature (plus there) and similar for the Xbox's (+/-). PD have however severely damaged their sales (-) [read somewhere GT6 had only made a quarter of GT5's sales within a similar time frame - sorry cannot confirm atm] and due to the current state have damaged their image (-) making many being tentative about the coming GT7. Why couldn't they had just left it? Was there really a need for GT6 to be released as soon as it was? GT5 sales were still on the increase so why not just leave it, allow more time to develop GT6, longer life for GT5 and not incurr the potential damaged that has been incurred now :boggled:.

I vote to change the name of this topic. I think it is highly insulting and I won't post again on this forum until it is changed, locked and/or a new topic is created with a more appropriate name. I'm tired of hearing others call us and others complainers, whiners and haters. This topic title just perpetuates the problem.

And yes, I am being very serious.

This post falls so perfectly within the topic title's meaning. Thanks for the laugh! :)
I vote to change the name of this topic. I think it is highly insulting and I won't post again on this forum until it is changed, locked and/or a new topic is created with a more appropriate name. I'm tired of hearing others call us and others complainers, whiners and haters. This topic title just perpetuates the problem.

And yes, I am being very serious.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I'm getting to the point where I dunno if I should get GT7. PDI isn't really doing well, and VGT isn't enough to keep my interest so far. I want a course maker and Zahara. Then I will shush up and get back to playing.

On another note: I ordered GT1, GT2, GT4, a component cable for my PS2, and a DS2 controller. Time to catch up on the past GT games! Let's see if aiming for 100% in those games will make me yearn for GT6. :indiff:
So.... what the hell happened to this dlc track they were meant to bring out like 4 months ago? Did anyone ask KAZ at this interview why hes such a lieing git?
Nearly june and GT6 is almost entirely the same as the day it was released especially if you ignore the crap they added that doesnt actually change the game at all, Even with this Senna stuff, It's still the same pile of crap, The pride and passion from PD and Kaz must have surely gone? I dnt see any passion that has gone into GT6 unless they get boners over moon buggys of course
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Nearly june and GT6 is almost entirely the same as the day it was released especially if you ignore the crap they added that doesnt actually change the game at all, Even with this Senna stuff, It's still the same pile of crap, The pride and apssion from PD and Kaz must have surely gone? I dnt see any passion that has gone into GT6 unless they get boners over moon buggys of course

Well you never know what people are into these days ;)
Why? The guy has a fair point.

A spade is not a elongated metallic scooping implement. This is a whining and crying thread. Might as well just call it what it is.

Entirely apart from the fact that as we near 5000 posts in the thread, the name is pretty well established. I don't see any need to be politically correct about it now. It's clear and concise. Wanna complain about the game? This is the thread for you. Bish bash bosh.

There are other threads for rational constructive criticism and the like, this one is where people can just let loose. And very popular indeed, it seems to be.