The GT6 Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor
............Man I detest the Huayra seasonal so much - I don't even like the car but then I'm forced into driving a vanilla version while I have a perfectly-tuned-for-my-liking version sitting in my garage. Why can't I use that one?? I know I'm not L. Hamilton but still Huayra is over-hyped and oversteer-y...I rage-quit after crashing umpteenth time. Now I'm not even gonna bother with it....
Regardless of those statements - no game should be released until its finished! NO excuses!

Yes sometimes there are glitches/bugs but they are minor that only pop up once released into it's actual setting, missing components are just a sign of disrespect, laziness, greed and an unfinished non-ready product for commercial release.

@Imari - could you PM me or reply here on your process with obtaining a refund, I want to do the same!
Agree totally. :grumpy:

We ALL paid for a suggested "finished game" 12 months ago.......and still we wait.
I could care less for VTG cars or whatever they are.....WHO really gives a S:censored:. NOT me, that's affirmative. 👎

Course maker, advertised as "almost ready"??? WTF, 12 months, how was it ALMOST ready.

Sound update, may only be a makeover for GT6. WHEN?????????

I recall, NO standards. (Ok, we heard they were to be included prior to release...)
But really, WHY the hell could you not have ALL cars updated prior to release?
(oh yeah, that's right, you are only a small team. HIRE MORE PEOPLE!) :dunce:

And yeah, where's our B:censored: Enduro races?????
"Oh, we can leave those out, no one ever races them" (fictitious quote from PD)

AND, did someone say REFUND???? :bowdown:

Merry Christmas GTP and don't get too silly tonight peoples, ok. :D ;)
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Why did PD make the Pontiac GTO '04 perform better with a 5mm lower suspension, 25hp/3kgfm more torque, stiffer front springs, weigh 32kg more, have the same gear ratios except a better 5th and 6th gear, have a pp of 468 vs 462/459, all the while with the GTO engine two(2) cc's LESS AND sound like a proper V8 with the stock exhaust, than the Holden Commodore SS & CV8? The GTO is the export!

Lap times Mount Panorama(SH tyres) 1 Hot lap each car

GTO- 2:36.452

CV8- 2:37.305

SS- 2:39.017

Why, if it's the same engine, not just make all 3 cars sound the same? The Holdens sound like M3s and when the racing exhaust is equipped, sound worse. Nothing like a V8Supercar or other V8s. The Corvettes- the engine that the Holdens use, don't sound any better either in the game.

I'm a Ford man, but even the Chevy V8s should sound like V8s. Just use the sounds from the Ford V8s.
I'm forced into driving a vanilla version while I have a perfectly-tuned-for-my-liking version sitting in my garage.

This. It's almost as though holding the brake does nothing, and looking at the accelerator causes it to do a 1080 spin :grumpy:

I rage-quit after crashing umpteenth time

Turn on Active Steering. It helps a lot, trust me.

I could care less for VTG cars or whatever they are.....WHO really gives a S:censored:. NOT me, that's affirmative.

I agree, kind of. I like the VGT's, especially the new Mazda. However, I think PD could really add cars that the community have suggested, as well as adding the VGT's. We got the TS030, the ISF, the M4, the FT-1, and the GT-R Nismo. I think those are all the cars that are actually real, and not just a 'Vision'. (please correct me if I'm wrong) Where's the E30 M3? The premium Supra? PD, look at what the community wants. Please, try to implement these things into the game.
I agree, kind of. I like the VGT's, especially the new Mazda. However, I think PD could really add cars that the community have suggested, as well as adding the VGT's. We got the TS030, the ISF, the M4, the FT-1, and the GT-R Nismo. I think those are all the cars that are actually real, and not just a 'Vision'. (please correct me if I'm wrong) Where's the E30 M3? The premium Supra? PD, look at what the community wants. Please, try to implement these things into the game.

The FT-1 is still a concept (and technically Toyota used it as their VGT, did they not?).

They've said that it's going to be the next Supra, but it'll change at least a bit from now until production, just as the FT-HS became the FT-86 became the FT-86 II became the final production versions of the 86. Concepts are indications of generally how the car may be, but they generally change a fair bit on their way to production, enough to warrant being considered a different car, IMO.
There are some people on GTPlanet that think the people who complain about Gran Turismo 6's faults are just​
a "liability" to GTPlanet itself. I heavily disagree with that statement and I'll elaborate why.

In my opinion, even complaints are a good thing on GTPlanet because at least the people that posted complaints​
spent time to comment about the game. The complaints indicate that there are flaws in Gran Turismo 6 and a lot of these complaints show that the fanbase is not completely satisfied. A reason for a considerable amount of unsatisfied enthusiasts lies within the lack of the eternally promised features (B-Spec,Course Maker), tracks, and cars. These are things that Polyphony Digital should take into account as a sign to get real and work even harder to fix the game. Not something that will be ignored because they think mixed/negative reception is discouraging.

Secondly, not even bothering to talk about Gran Turismo than complaining about it is​
much,much worse. A lot of people that did complain about Gran Turismo 6 actually have valid points, so even in that sense they're not Polyphony Digital's enemies. However, if they said "Screw it" and stayed on the Rumble Strip forums without looking back, then that is a problem since Polyphony Digital just lost a customer.

In conclusion, Polyphony Digital should still treat their fanbase, even the ones that lost interest in the recent​
iterations, like gold. Because if you are selling a product for the people to purchase, it's only common sense to listen to what the people want before your Blu-Ray box hits selves.
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The frame rate takes a huge hit when you drive in interior view. At least that is what happens in my game.

I never noticed this before because I drive exclusively with bonnet or roof camera, but when I changed the driving view I could instantly tell the difference.
I agree that a lot of complaints rather than none at all is a good thing, but I at the same time am starting to think there's no point in complaining at all.

I'm sorry guys, but I'm not really sure that complaining will even help with the series anymore. I mean, I've seen people list the same flaws of GT5 & 6 over and over again for as long as I have been on this forum, but I never seen PD put enough effort or any effort at all to fix these problems and some of the these problems have been around since GT5's launch (sounds and A.I.). It just seems that Polyphony is too stubborn to get out of their old ways to a point where nothing will budge them. It's why I have repeated over and over again that the GT series is going to end.
I agree that a lot of complaints rather than none at all is a good thing, but I at the same time am starting to think there's no point in complaining at all.

I'm sorry guys, but I'm not really sure that complaining will even help with the series anymore. I mean, I've seen people list the same flaws of GT5 & 6 over and over again for as long as I have been on this forum, but I never seen PD put enough effort or any effort at all to fix these problems and some of the these problems have been around since GT5's launch (sounds and A.I.). It just seems that Polyphony is too stubborn to get out of their old ways to a point where nothing will budge them. It's why I have repeated over and over again that the GT series is going to end.
Starting to see your point here. :(

I have been a complainer on and off for a long while, complaining in the hope of seeing some of the issues either addressed and fixed, or simply for the missing content.
Since the closure of the Q&A forum, it has become clear that Kaz and PD do not really give a damn as to what the fans want, or would like to see fixed. :confused: Strange....

As for GT7, I feel they (PD) are channeling as much time and resource they can, into that. Forget GT6, it's done!
IF GT7 makes the streets, it had better be something totally out of the ball park, or I think it will fail miserably...:ill:
Yeah, it's sad, but GT to me is becoming a sinking ship at the rate Polyphony is doing.

With that said, I will still though buy every last game that comes out just to see what's there and to enjoy the things I still love in the series. Which is mostly just chasing rabbits & hotlapping with the cars I enjoy. Oh, and taking pictures on photo mode. Another thing I'll say is that even when or if GT goes under; at least there are other titles that are there to enjoy. For me, that will probably be Forza Motorsport, Horizon, & Project Cars.
I was doing the Pagani Huayra overtake challenge but only managed to get silver. I decided that I would try it again later, so I exited.

A connection to the server could not be established.

Seriously?! I've been having this problem since I got this game, and it is STILL happening. It's not my internet, because I'm always still connected to the PSN. I can't believe this is still happening.
That must be very annoying for you. I have personally never had this problem, and i do believe this is the first time i have heard of it. My 2 cents is that your internet is cutting out for just enough time for GT6 to realize that it has, but not long enough for the PS3 to realize it. sounds weird, but if i turn of my internet, it takes about 1 minute for my ps3 to come up with the connection lost error, even if i try using online things, the ps3 just thinks and thinks until the error comes up, then it fails. however, with GT6 (just a guess) if you try using the internet parts of the game, as soon as it can't connect it comes up with an error. Again, just my theory.
That must be very annoying for you. I have personally never had this problem, and i do believe this is the first time i have heard of it. My 2 cents is that your internet is cutting out for just enough time for GT6 to realize that it has, but not long enough for the PS3 to realize it. sounds weird, but if i turn of my internet, it takes about 1 minute for my ps3 to come up with the connection lost error, even if i try using online things, the ps3 just thinks and thinks until the error comes up, then it fails. however, with GT6 (just a guess) if you try using the internet parts of the game, as soon as it can't connect it comes up with an error. Again, just my theory.
Telstra. That is all. :lol: It's strange though, I never get this problem in other games or when streaming media, which is when I would expect my connection to choke.
Telstra. That is all. :lol: It's strange though, I never get this problem in other games or when streaming media, which is when I would expect my connection to choke.
That made me lol :lol: And I can relate as well. :(
Even though I use a different net supplier, it's all Telsta cables in the end.
Got notification the other week that my little community is next in line for NBN.....Maybe that'll change things up. :)
I know the sound mix is awful but It's only when you race online against other cars that it becomes absolutely bloody appalling. I can't differentiate the engine sound that comes from my car and the cars that I'm racing against because all I can hear is a huge mish mash. I really can't race that way. It's too distracting for me personally.

FYI: I play with HUD turned off
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I know the sound mix is awful but It's only when you race online against other cars that it becomes absolutely bloody appalling. I can't differentiate the engine sound that comes from my car and the cars that I'm racing against because all I can hear is a huge mish mash. I really can't race that way. It's too distracting for me personally.
More games suffer from that, i have FH2 on the 360 and you can't adjust the volume of your own engine compared to the ambient sounds. Your engine always sounds muted and the ones of the bots you race again seem extra loud so it's difficult to hear when to change gears.

On the other hand the engine samples themselves in FH2 are spot on, it's just the sound mix that sucks. In GT6 both are not good :P
That's interesting, I thought it was a problem only exclusive to GT6. The devs and sound team for these racing games ought to take this into consideration. I'd even go as far as to call it 'game breaking.'

Yeah, it's very irritating when you're shifting gears and all you can hear is the sound of the car behind you. :confused:
There is some hope for the PS4. Project Cars will have both your engine sound level and opponents engine sound level adjustable. Perhaps GT7 will follow suit.
Does anyone else feel like there's been a lot of wasted opportunities for Seasonal and Career races?

I would think, after going out of their way to obtain so many rarer older cars, there would be some sort of classic Le Mans or Daytona omage. Come to think of it, the Le Mans trio are only featured in like 4 races or something, right?
Does anyone else feel like there's been a lot of wasted opportunities for Seasonal and Career races?

I would think, after going out of their way to obtain so many rarer older cars, there would be some sort of classic Le Mans or Daytona omage. Come to think of it, the Le Mans trio are only featured in like 4 races or something, right?
Only several hundred of us:lol:
I just saw this video and just can't help myself not to epically whine and cry.

Seems like Project Cars will out-Gran-Turismo Gran Turismo itself.

Both games will be on the same console too. Direct competition.

The gaming press got access to a recent PS4 build so the reviews are coming fast and furious. I found this one entertaining and funny and informative at the same time.

I think Gran Turismo's only saving grace, will be online. The FiA events and online lobbies will keep GT alive. Offline, if there aren't at least as many AI cars as in PCars, GT is dead. GT bores me. I love the RLN GT3 up and down Mount Panorama, but that's not enough to keep me interested.

I played Grid AS, then Shift 1 then GT6. I got 2 laps in and stopped the game. It's boring.
I think Gran Turismo's only saving grace, will be online. The FiA events and online lobbies will keep GT alive. Offline, if there aren't at least as many AI cars as in PCars, GT is dead. GT bores me. I love the RLN GT3 up and down Mount Panorama, but that's not enough to keep me interested.

I played Grid AS, then Shift 1 then GT6. I got 2 laps in and stopped the game. It's boring.
So i've been trying to clear space from my PS3 harddrive as i wanted to download some games that were on offer on PSN, i have a 150 GB drive and i was busy copying and deleting movies from it as i thought they were the big culprit for eating disk space. After that i only had a couple of them left + a handful of games and still there was only 22gb of free space... how can that be?

Until i went looking further into the saved games data utility and i found out my GT5 save (so not the game itself as i have the disk) was 18gb!!

How on earth can one game take so much damn disk space. Even deleting the damn thing took like 5 minutes...

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