The GT6 Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor
You forgot about being able to paint one more car and paintable rear wings. That makes all the difference.:lol:

I want mine pink!
I'm just gonna post this here, because I'll get 🤬 for being a negative nancy if I post it anywhere else. :rolleyes:

B Spec just isn't that good.

I was and am pretty critical of the GT5 implementation for being terrible, but I'm not sure that the GT6 one isn't worse. GT5 had structure and progression, and so while the gameplay was pretty solidly unfun (see the amount of people that would just turn it on and walk away for half an hour), at least from a game perspective there was something there.

GT6 B Spec is basically just an assist mode. It's quite similar to having steering and braking assist turned on in Forza, but even less interactive. Which could be OK, I could get behind having an assist like that if people were going to use it, but it's not what B Spec was sold as. It was sold as (and it's packaged as) an additional game mode.

Add in the fact that they've removed any reason to play B Spec over A Spec if you don't need the assist, and I don't see the point. There aren't any endurance races added where you might want a second driver to help complete them. You can't make your own endurance races in Arcade, which I find totally baffling. There's not even the collecting and grinding progression that GT is so famous for. It's just an easier way to finish races.

Maybe that was the design goal the whole time. It really shouldn't have been. B Spec needs to be fun in it's own right. Good games are approachable for newcomers AND deep enough to hold the interest of veterans. B Spec needs that too if it wants to be a serious game mode and not just an assist.

After playing this latest version, I'm starting to have serious doubts that it's possible to make an interesting game out of the B Spec concept. There's just not enough opportunities for meaningful interaction from the player to make it feel skillful and challenging. It was a cute idea, but it doesn't really work, and they should probably stop wasting time on it and put it into one of the areas of the game that could actually benefit.

I really hope they ditch the whole thing for GT7, or at least just put in a really basic version that is just a braking/steering assist. There's no need to get all fancy if the idea is just to help newbs get around the track in one piece.

TL;DR: GT6 B Spec is just an assist, and is worse as a game than GT5 B Spec.
I find it hysterical to see posts by people bragging that they can win races in B-Spec and earn lots of cash just by pressing the start button and then going off and doing something else and then hitting restart when the race is over to do it all over again. When did the purpose of a racing game become earning fake cash by literally not even playing the game but leaving your console running:confused::confused:. It all seems so ludicrous:lol:
I find it hysterical to see posts by people bragging that they can win races in B-Spec and earn lots of cash just by pressing the start button and then going off and doing something else and then hitting restart when the race is over to do it all over again. When did the purpose of a racing game become earning fake cash by literally not even playing the game but leaving your console running:confused::confused:. It all seems so ludicrous:lol:

Johnny, I see your point, but since PD thought it was a great idea to price cars at a ridiclous 20,000,000 Cr., I really appreciate this exploit in B-Spec.

I can have Bob earn money for me in Route X while I study, and when I'm ready to actually play the game, I can spend more time doing what I want in GT6 instead of grinding for credits.
Johnny, I see your point, but since PD thought it was a great idea to price cars at a ridiclous 20,000,000 Cr., I really appreciate this exploit in B-Spec.

I can have Bob earn money for me in Route X while I study, and when I'm ready to actually play the game, I can spend more time doing what I want in GT6 instead of grinding for credits.
Is that not an answer to a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place?
I find it hysterical to see posts by people bragging that they can win races in B-Spec and earn lots of cash just by pressing the start button and then going off and doing something else and then hitting restart when the race is over to do it all over again. When did the purpose of a racing game become earning fake cash by literally not even playing the game but leaving your console running:confused::confused:. It all seems so ludicrous:lol:

It's a case of two wrongs making a (kind of) right. AFK grinding with B Spec makes the completely insane economy easier to deal with.

Ultimately, it'd be better for everyone if B Spec was a mode that was worth actively playing, and the economy was designed to promote the feeling of ownership with the minimum impediment to actually trying cars. But that would mean Polyphony were doing well with game design, and while they may be magnificent coders and modellers, off the top of my head I can't think of any aspect of game design in GT6 that hasn't been done better elsewhere.
A good 90% of the time I did just use B-Spec to grind money (even more useful than that was getting around the level caps in GT5) but I did build a lot of cars solely to have enjoyable B-Spec races. Especially once hybrids took off.
A good 90% of the time I did just use B-Spec to grind money (even more useful than that was getting around the level caps in GT5) but I did build a lot of cars solely to have enjoyable B-Spec races. Especially once hybrids took off.
How do you even grind for money in bspec ? I tried it in the redbull event and good ole bob was stuck in the same position the entire race.
A good 90% of the time I did just use B-Spec to grind money (even more useful than that was getting around the level caps in GT5) but I did build a lot of cars solely to have enjoyable B-Spec races. Especially once hybrids took off.
How do you even grind for money in bspec ? I tried it in the redbull event and good ole bob was stuck in the same position the entire race.
Johnny, I see your point, but since PD thought it was a great idea to price cars at a ridiclous 20,000,000 Cr., I really appreciate this exploit in B-Spec.

I can have Bob earn money for me in Route X while I study, and when I'm ready to actually play the game, I can spend more time doing what I want in GT6 instead of grinding for credits.
For sure, in the context of the whole game economy it works and it's a boon if you want to acquire all the cars without grinding away forever, but it's kind of like cutting yourself with a knife on purpose and then announcing, "it's ok, I have iodine and bandaids". Just seems like an awful waste of resources on both the part of PD and the gamer to have to jump through so many hoops to get access to the content you paid for when you bought the game. :ill:
I find it hysterical to see posts by people bragging that they can win races in B-Spec and earn lots of cash just by pressing the start button and then going off and doing something else and then hitting restart when the race is over to do it all over again. When did the purpose of a racing game become earning fake cash by literally not even playing the game but leaving your console running:confused::confused:. It all seems so ludicrous:lol:

Farmville has a great many crimes to answer for.
I really wish i could get hyped about this update, but sadly its just so uninteresting for me, especially the changes they did to midfield, it just looks like generic cape ring variation #21432. Oh well, I guess the PS3 goes back into storage till the next big thing comes around that gets PD to work again.
Yeah it does seem PD always throw us a bone whenever the competition is trying to steal the spotlight. Didn't they update or give VGT news when FM6 was announced too? Could be a coincidence though.
And some people on the GT board always go like "Oh PD no care about competition, they best and always be best in racing genre." Either they clearly do care based on this latest update, or they wanted to shut the fanbase up in order to focus on the manufacturers again. I agree it could be a coincidence, but something is keep telling me that it has something to do with losing fans for other racing games that are actually better.

So let me get this straight by the following:

B-Spec: So it's basically not all that. Like @Imari stated, it's just an assist and not a game mode? So why was it given so much hype if it became worse than GT5's B-Spec mode? Oh god than I don't want to see how PD will handle the Course Maker than...

Paintable spoilers: .....Seriously? Oh wow I can finally my car in verious colours, my dream came tru-- Oh wait, you still can't paint your windows, HA! :dopey: Many games from back then had this feature for the longest time, and only NOW PD desided to add it... :lol: This company is just.....I'll keep quiet there...

Mini VGT: Yeah I'm skipping this. Looks and feels just like the VW VGT without a large wing on it... >_>

Midfield Raceway: I agree with @Downhill Dino, I find it really lame that PD won't even consider adding day/night cycle on this track (and most on the other new tracks they've added so far). I will also say that this track alone won't keep a person playing for the next month or so. Instead, it'll keep him or her playing for, what, an hour? That's not good, especially for the fact that PD won't even make special events to properly feature this track.

Overall: I had doubts this update won't be all that many made it out to be. It's just PD opening the basement door that has no lights in it saying "Hello down there. We got somethin' special for yooooooou." GT fans: "Yaaay! We love you PD!!" However, after the update "Okay children. Now you be good girls and boys, we'll let you know about the next update in.....about another 15 months later. Have fun and thank you for your suppoooooort. *Closes door*

That's how I feel PD always does every time they release an update. :sly: lol:
Farmville has a great many crimes to answer for.
All of the blasted requests on facebook, over and over again. They drove me nuts!


Anyway yeah, unless PD brings back endurance races; I honestly don't care for B-Spec. Sure, I guess they could try to make it an immersive experience, but I honestly would rather have it gone. Oh, and have the game economy fixed up a bit.
The worst part of the addition of B-Spec is that after reading about it in the more-than-useless "NEWS/update" section, I went and looked for a new B-Spec Career Mode. That's right! I actually got my hopes up and half-expected to see a B-Spec version of all the Career Mode races, with new stars and everything ... instead of the laziest and most useless version of B-spec imaginable.

And how about this little gem: "You can use B-Spec for races you might find difficult to complete such as some of the longer (24 minute!) endurance races ...". -At least no-one can accuse PD of not having a sense of humour.
It's been a case of "we're 15 months late already, let's just prepare something quick so they can't say we lied upon release". If that course maker ever comes you can bet it will be a souped up version of GT5's one at the most.
If that course maker ever comes you can bet it will be a souped up version of GT5's one at the most.

The course maker will just be user generated tracks with the same landscape as Sierra. There won't be any other locations available. That's my prediction anyways.
The course maker will just be user generated tracks with the same landscape as Sierra. There won't be any other locations available. That's my prediction anyways.
Let's see who was right in half a year's time :lol:
Only half a year? Wow, you're optimistic.

Actually look in the GT6 section; someone find a file that says 'course maker' so we might know in the next months already. In any case i'll be laughing out loud when it turns out it is another crappy job with weird hills you can't adjust and a tree here and there.
The current B-Spec seems pretty bare bones, even in comparison to GT4's (which I still prefer over GT5's). I assumed they'd at least be smart enough to add endurances races to really take advantage of it. Guess not.

As for the Course Maker, I have no confidence in PD at this point for them to deliver anything but a souped up version of GT5's. The ability to make point-to-point tracks with elevations changes (preferably located somewhere in Asian) would certainly pull me back in and would have me spend countless hours in GT6. Not giving my hopes up though. Thank God for Dragon Range in Enthusia whenever that Touge itch kicks in.
It doesn't really bode well for the course maker, does it? :(
No not at all. In the GT5 forums when the game had been out only a few months i had said the only thing thar could make me buy GT6 (as i had no hope of other flaws being solved ) was a proper course maker, Which is what i thought we were getting on release then "soon" after release. Needless to say i am not impressed with PD at all and have no intention of supporting them in the futer. It is going to take a hell of an effort for me to change that view. I dont think PD can pull it off.