The problem is PD haven't had much competition in terms of the playstation 3 console and racing simulation games to cause them to push their endeavors to make a new game and make and truly unique and different. That is 16 years to the date of release of GT6 since Gran Turismo one They have devised a plan and philosophy and stuck with it throughout the whole 16 years of the franchise. They have done this to themselves. Poor management is involved here and 0 creativity and innovation and by keeping old world views, concepts, techniques, tools.
The A.I has never much changed from the first Gran Turismos, they have always pushed the concept of standard models / premium. All they have done is lazy polish work and clean up the graphics with the exception of a few new models or few new tracks. By using the same methodology and tools. Making copies, using old rather than re inventing and creating totally new models. same in the sound department. So to the point that we have 1200 cars now and stupid amount of standard models, no interiors. Sounds have hardly changed from their old games at all. GT6 even with all its glory graphics of the PS3 system, the game still just feels like a PS1- PS2 era type of game.
The only exception is the beefed up Graphics and models and texture work that has gone into the game because of the PS3 over the PS1 and PS2. Yes the physics engine has been improved to some extent. Their design, concept and philosophy worked back then on old consoles. But they have let things get out of hand and they have fallen too far behind with mis match and none seamless. Now the amount of work on engine sounds for all 1200 cars, better A.I and all the modelling work for 1200 cars is the result and they will feel this pain they making for themselves.
PD have dug themselves a grave in which a coffin is ready for them literally if GT7 continues in the way all the other GT's have with these old visions, concepts, designs and techniques. Through their own fault they have made the amount of work they now have on their hands a heavy burden to carry. The amount of problems and issues to solve they have left and now they are feeling the balloon is over inflating and its about to burst. I'm sorry but it's just bad management and decision making by PD especially Kaz. How many year have they had to make GT into the game it should be like where Microsoft are with car modelling and sounds. 16 years. 16 years to do something about it.
What PD need to do is communicate with the fans personally. Like SMS are doing with their title. Even Microsoft do on their Forza forums. Employees from the company need to create accounts especially on GTPlanet and other top gaming forums. If Kaz can not speak any english then he needs to have translator san and other employees who can speak english engage with us.
In an age where most of the world is connected to the Interweb. Competition and business is even more competitive to sell products with the consumer. Social is the BIG thing in which Businesses need to be able to have engaging chats with their consumers.
So what I'm saying is that the franchise of the game hasn't really felt like it has evolved in line with the hardware and technology of the consoles. Using the same old tools and methodology - PD. With each new forza on every console you could see a massive difference between the 3 consoles and each iteration of the game actually evolved to fit the new hardware. Microsoft have made 5 Forza across two consoles.
But GT has been on PS One to Playstation 3. Big differences in 16 years in how they used the same old tools and techniques for their aging concept and same ideas copied over to new Gran Turismos. Yet employing the same tools, concepts as the PSone and two on the Playstation 3 to design the game with the same old ideas. I'm talking about poor modelling, standard model vs premium, and sound here. Even A.I. Does anyone else feel like this is the case??