The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Uncensored tweet with playable [uncensored] video below.

I kind of want to see that rat****ing rat ****er Eastman hang. I'm not one to bandy the term "treason" about--indeed I've suggested restraint and called out the right's overuse of it--but it really seems fitting here given his efforts behind the scenes that have been highlighted. Not only do I want to see him hang, but I want them to mic the rope so I can hear his chicken neck snap as the rope goes taut.
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I hope all this leads to..something...
I caught a comment on an article about what indicting Trump could do (like theoretically starting a "civil war"), that said if they're that afraid of him, then go after every single person below him. That no MAGAs or Meal Team Sixes will fight for people like Genni Thomas or Kevin McCarthy. They concluded to punish these conspirators to the fullest extent & make an example out of them so that no other person in power would consider assisting Trump again b/c if it hasn't been clear for years, he has no problem leaving others to burn if he's off the hook.
Genni Thomas
Clarence should step down. It's difficult to go after him (without some evidence) for something his wife did. But at this point he should realize that public perception of his impartiality or respect for the institutions of the US government is so far gone, that it is absolutely absurd that he hasn't resigned.

Someone with a shred of respect for the US would be taking that step right now.

Again, there's nothing that can really be done without something pointing straight at him. But comeon, do you care about the country Clarence?
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Well obviously the MAGA tribe and Chief Heap Big Sack of **** would want to get out ahead of this.

Right trash. Them and the entire worthless base, without a single ****ing exception. ****ing garbage.

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This ****ing stinks. It's total ****ing ********. I mean this is ****ing ****bag Ron Johnson, of course it's ****ing ********, but this is just transparently ****ing ********.

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Oh, sweet. The meat and potatoes in this thread has been the rat****ery by the Trump camp and the Republican party and the violence at the Capitol, but it's about time we had dessert again. So here's a nice tort!
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I think those in on the start of the Information Age revolution expected it to lead to a new era of knowledge & understanding. Instead it seems to have led to the popularization of more extreme and irrational thinking that has made the survival prospects of civil society more fragile than ever.
Previous to such widely available (and speedy) access to information, there was a limited amount of sources for most people and presumably a fair amount of interpretation required in order to make sense of things. When you can't simply Google everything, you have to do a certain amount of thinking for yourself to have an opinion on anything in a timely manner unless you're a walking library. Even if you're a staunch Pastafarian, it's hard to have memorised the Pastafarian party line on every single topic so you probably just know a few core ideological tenets and work it out from there case by case.

Right now it's easy for people to just search up what their opinion on something should be based on which groups they want to identify with. You don't have to think about what your opinion should be, because you can be told in less than a minute. I suspect it may be one of the factors that leads to much greater group-think. Which then encourages and normalises more "extreme" positions.
This ing stinks. It's total *ing *. I mean this is ing *bag Ron Johnson, of course it's ****ing *, but this is just transparently ing ****.
Eagerly awaiting the first "Oops, All Asterisks" post from Tex.

Edit: Ken did this great ATPL in which he and "Above The Law"'s David Lat discussed attorneys corrupted by having been drawn into Trump's taint stank.

I don't remember precisely what was said of Jeffrey Clark, but I remember the episode was particularly good and I'll be listening to it again later today when I'm able to crank it up.
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If this ever goes to an actual criminal trial, how in the hell could they select a jury for it? And if they clear that hurdle, how in the hell could they keep them confidential?
German servers. Italian satellites. I'd love to hear what every other EU country was in charge of to change the votes. :lol:
I don't know about EU countries but Israel definitely provided the space lasers.

If this ever goes to an actual criminal trial, how in the hell could they select a jury for it? And if they clear that hurdle, how in the hell could they keep them confidential?
I'm not super concerned about this. They're hurdles, but it shouldn't take much to clear them. These hurdles have to be cleared on a fairly regular basis and have had to be cleared more frequently since January 6th.

My concern--and it's undoubtedly one that's shared by plenty of engaged parties--begins at indictment of a key player, including but obviously not limited to Trump. There's no way the MAGA base doesn't immediately resort to violence because they've been emboldened by disinformation from right-wing media that civil unrest surrounding police brutality went unpunished. Obviously they're going to be rounded up and/or put down, but they're going to kill Americans first.

This concern shouldn't dissuade criminal proceedings, and I don't think it will, but that they're not dissuaded by it practically ensures it.

But people were saying "not my president" after the 2016 election, so...both sides.
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Can the President be charged with dereliction of duty? That seems like it would be a pretty solid case.
It's absolutely grounds for impeachment (it was one of many with which Johnon was charged) but, though Commander in Chief literally means one commands the military, the link between president and the military for the purposes of criminal proceedings may be too tenuous.

I don't believe dereliction is a legitimate cause of action for the DOJ.
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Man, Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony is wild.

Trump trying to commandeer the presidential limo, throwing food at the wall (of course it was ketchup), and how Trump didn't care that people had weapons. You really can't make the absurdity of this up at this point.