- 87,846
- Rule 12
- GTP_Famine
Cited. Also:Most sighted how far left the Democrat party had become
The only legitimately left candidates were Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, and Mike Gravel. Everyone else is merely left of Trump/Pence - Biden by only a point compared to Trump.
The two scales represent freedom from government, with the left-right scale being economic freedom (more right = more free) and the top-bottom scale being social freedom (more down = more free). That translates as fewer government regulations and protections the more right and the more down you go, and more government regulations and protection the more up and left you go.
Trump's position is just about as right as you can get (Pence is further), which translates to a free market economy with almost no government regulations on fiscal matters, and a bare minimum of taxation for necessary government functions. However he's also just about as far upwards as you can get, which translates to almost total government regulation of behaviour - and getting on for a police state; the "necessary government functions" would appear to be a bloated military and militarised police force to rigidly apply a rule of law that denies freedoms. I know that's hard to believe of a man who'd tear gas civilians so he can have a photo op at a church, or use unidentified federal officers to abduct protestors off the street, or sign executive orders like a bit-part sci-fi actor signs photos of himself at a convention, or has apparently no familiarity with the Constitution whatsoever, but that's the case.
Biden is only slightly left of Trump, which means that when it comes to fiscal matters he's almost as free market as Trump/Pence or Jorgensen, but thinks there should be slightly higher taxation for slightly larger government that's involved in slightly more regulation and protection. However he's also considerably further down the chart than Trump, which would translate to someone more willing to allow for personal freedoms - though in honesty, I regard anyone in the blue square as being someone who wants restrictions on behaviour, it's just that the further up they are the more they believe it should be other people's behaviour rather than their own.
It's fun to note where John Kasich is, given his recent support for Biden over Trump, and also where one-time Republican 2020 hopeful Bill Weld is. In addition there's VP-nominee Kamala Harris who is twice as far left compared to Joe Biden as Biden is compared to Trump... and yet she's ideologically closer to both Trump and Pence on both scales than she is to Bernie Sanders...
What might be a fun discussion is where the United States Constitution (and Bill of Rights) sits on the compass. I'm not sure how you'd place it fiscally as little of it deals with money (and arguably both 8A and 16A are to the left by nature; one establishes a federal tax and one a protection from "excessive" fines and bails) which may mean it's all the way over to the right as it has no remit for fiscal regulation (edit: or perhaps all the way over to the left, as it has no remit for protection from fiscal regulation?). Most of it codifies freedom from government, pushing it well down into the bottom half of the compass - though it has occasionally got that message wrong (18A).
If you could establish where the Constitution sits, you'd know who the best person to elect in order to protect it is: the person who is closest to it ideologically. Pretty sure that's neither Trump nor Biden...
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