The GTPFIA GT World Cup Season 2 2012

  • Thread starter Jav
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Jav, I would like to take the Nissan GT-R Concept LM to have the same car as my CrazyGuysRacing teammate Sinladar. I won't change cars again. :)
That's ok! The season hasn't started yet, so technically your car selection is open. If anyone changes after tonight's race it will count as their switch with no penalty.
Great choice BTW, awesome car! It handles like a dream, may suffer a bit on long straights but overall it is a very very good car!

I meant make the race. :P
When does the GTA ends? I know it's sometime tonight but what time? I see Jett is on the bubble right now and Wardez made it in! Hope you all make it!
sure! Are you online. Are we still friends hahaha.

Join the GTP FIA lounge?

I'll add you if I removed. U maybe not logged for a while. I'm always having to remove someone to add a new racer. LoL your back and you need to be on my list. We had loads of fun in open rooms too.

Is there a list of what cars are available still.

I'll add you if I removed. U maybe not logged for a while. I'm always having to remove someone to add a new racer. LoL your back and you need to be on my list. We had loads of fun in open rooms too.

Is there a list of what cars are available still.


Well as resserve drivers you could use any of the elegible cars, but if you wanna know wich cars hasn't been picked up yet you can add 1 Fairlady Z to that list!
When does the GTA ends? I know it's sometime tonight but what time? I see Jett is on the bubble right now and Wardez made it in! Hope you all make it!

It ends a 4PM PDT So right when the room opens usually. Perfect timing, lol
You'll be fine haha! Tell Jett to kick in the afterburn! 32nd!

Oh man this 2 have me biting my nails off!! Times are getting crazy competitive!
Make sure you 2 are registered! I registered when it opened but got a message from PSN the other night telling me to register so please guys make sure you are indeed registered!
You're worried?!?!? any idea how badly we're shaking? Especially after 20 hrs of running almost nonstop. No sleep. I'm a zombie

I never got that message, and am indeed registered. No worries :P
Hi jav this is xero i have the gtpfia on my friends list on the psn could you put me in as a reserve driver i see the all of the regular slots are full . Thanks
Well as resserve drivers you could use any of the elegible cars, but if you wanna know wich cars hasn't been picked up yet you can add 1 Fairlady Z to that list!

I'll may use that one tonight.
Damn! 1 hr left and Jett sitting on the bubble! Damn you Jett! You wanna give me a heart attack!!?
Its over!!!! Its official!!! 2 alt f4 members in gt academy
Congratulations to you guys! You really desserve it! well done!
I won't be there tonight.

Sorry to read that, sadly I won't make it either... Gotta make a last minute trip to Tampa to go pick up my sister at the airport because her flight to Orlando got cancelled. sorry guys!
Can someone please go ahead and setup the room?

Sinladar and T-n-T will be using the Nissan GT-R LM at 502HP/1300Kg, and Xero is gonna be runing as resserve if there's room.
Up to you guys! If there's at least 10 people on the lobby the race is a go!
U can take my car tonight blaze....I won't be home for another hour.....

Just burn holes on the seats ;)
Well, looking forward to another race of Suzuka, next week. Positive result with the win and all in this practice race, but I made way too many mistakes and was too hard on the tyres to run my selected strategy properly. Will have to do better if I want to keep the GTAcademy boys at bay.
what times were being run?

You were right about pole being a 1:58. Ronin nicked it from me by a tenth, but my lap wasn't particularly fast. I think a really great lap is something like a 1:57 for pole. Which is what I'm really looking for next week.
the citroens run 157s easy, and my nsx can do a 58 flat I think

Here's to hoping the Citroens eat up their tyres, or else I'm gonna have a bad time. :nervous: The Ford is so there in the corners, but it hasn't got the straightline speed to help it along. 130R is flat, though, just.
My quali pass was a 2:00.2 I think. I did pretty well, hopefuly others have tire wear issues/bad strats again allowing me to gain places, haha.

You must of went off 3-4 times at spoon peter, lol. I was like 30 seconds back after my pit stop then 25, then 20, then 15, haha..
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The 12th fastest guy in the US GT Academy used a DS3 controller!!.This guys needs a medal.but actually.
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