The GTPlanet world map 04/16/2014 update

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO
I can see Singapore is marked in map, but I haven't see anyone shouting "Singapore!" yet (when I've checked). Sorry if there is a people did. :scared:

Malaysia, although only 3 or 4 members from here :(

I am one of them, but since this includes states, why don't just mark the 'Selangor' state, since I with him (quoted above) lives there? Just asking, somehow curious if you can do that. :)
I can see Singapore is marked in map, but I haven't see anyone shouting "Singapore!" yet (when I've checked). Sorry if there is a people did. :scared:

Have you checked Post 50 by GeeTeeR.:sly:
This is evolving quite fast. Anyway, you forgot Setubal District, Portugal; just above Lisbon.

On some of the smaller countries I will go ahead and fill the entire border in even if the map has the separations. I think esthetically the result is better. I have also paid tribute to Jordan the site owner by getting a unique color to signify where it all started in the great state of Kentucky.

The money is currently on the state of Florida to cross the first scale threshold.

Also updated on the first page.
I live in New Mexico, in the US. Surprisingly considering that it's such a small state, I can name at least three other members who live within 45 minutes of me, and a couple of others that are within 90 minutes.
Where in NM?
I doubt the color will change, this make four of us that I know of here.