The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
It is not a black or white issue, there are shades of grey.


You could make it more complex by, say, following a religion that forbids it - otherwise it is as simple as Noob says it is.

The truth is that people should be free to do as they please. Nothing should impose on their life, liberty or property.
Governments can keep discriminating, or they can stop. It's that simple. I don't care what your or anyone's religious beliefs are, they're completely irrelevant to what the law should be.
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I am right.

So what's your take on polygamy? Or communal marriages? Or matriarchal societies wherein women keep male harems who serve them?

Nobody is asking you to abandon your own beliefs or rules.

All that the issue is about is not forcing others to live by them.
Now here is where I agree with you'll. For those who remember me from awhile back.

America is truely not a free country, on many different aspect. Now I do agree people who are gay do have the rights to do whatever, but america always have something to say about why you can't have freedom anywhere.

But what I don't understand is if your gay why do you make your voice sound so sissified. Honestly if your gay just talk in your normal voice.

Edit: phoned is acting jacked up
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Now here is where I agree with you'll. For those who remember me from awhile back.

America is truely not a free country, on many different aspect. Now I do agree people who are gay do have the rights to do whatever, but america always have something to say about why you can't have freedom somewhere.

But what I don't understand is if your gay why do you make your voice sound so sissified. Honestly if your gay just talkl inl your normal voice and tell a dude your gay. But thosle l

I'm sorry, I have no idea what you've just said.

Instead, would you like to talk about glitter and ponies? I sure would.
But what I don't understand is if your gay why do you make your voice sound so sissified. Honestly if your gay just talkl inl your normal voice and tell a dude your gay. But thosle l

No. I am right

Leaving religious matters aside there are also political and social complexities (well obviously, there are 70MN people and a coalition government in the UK)
And there is no evidence that the government are discriminating. the important word here is legislation.

I will pose another question. Independent of my beliefs (whatever they are) why should the law be changed now? and not some time in the past.

Yes there is evidence the government is discriminating. Can gays marry? No. Ergo, It. Is. Discrimination.

I'll also pose another question. Independent of my beliefs, why should slavery have been outlawed in the US in the 1800's? Why not some time earlier? Why should the law have been changed then?

But what I don't understand is if your gay why do you make your voice sound so sissified. Honestly if your gay just talkl inl your normal voice and tell a dude your gay.

I think Republicans should totally have the right to speak their beliefs, but why do they all talk like hillbillies? Honestly if you're a Republican you should just talk in your normal voice and tell a dude you're a Republican. Why do they have to talk like Larry the Cable guy?

See how that works?
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I edited my post lol

What you had already written was bad enough.

Sorri, I mean, what you had already written was bad enough, boyo. BAAAA! Imma go eat some leeks.

/Welsh accent

You're really suggesting these things are imitations?
What you had already written was bad enough.

Sorri, I mean, what you had already written was bad enough, boyo. BAAAA! Imma go eat some leeks.

/Welsh accent

You're really suggesting these things are imitations?

Instead of trying to shoot others down, why not try to build them up. Enlighten me and try to fix my errors.
I will pose another question. Independent of my beliefs (whatever they are) why should the law be changed now? and not some time in the past.

As Noob has said... conversely... why should slavery have been abolished back when it was abolished and not before?


If you don't remove discriminatory laws now... when do you remove them? Should we have said back in the 60's... "Look, women's rights don't really matter right now... let's just wait a few decades to give them the right to vote."

The idea that cultural inertia should prevail over common sense is totally self-serving bull perpetrated by the people who benefit most from the current situation. That kind of thinking leads to societies like the ones in the Middle East where women can't own property, can't wear whatever they want and need their husband's permission to breathe.
Instead of trying to shoot others down, why not try to build them up. Enlighten me and try to fix my errors.

Enlighten the rest of us why you think these perceived 'gay voices' are abnormal, and why gays feel compelled to put them on instead of talking "normally".
I did underline the word legislation before. Governing practice is not just a case of asking a question, saying yes or no and release of fireworks afterwards. What is your knowledge of politics?
Yes, I know enough about politics to understand that a lot of politicians have some complex where they believe they should be involved in your lives. Just because that's "the way it is" doesn't mean it's right. I'm from Canada. We've had gay marriage legal for the past 8-10 years depending on the province. Want to know how it worked?
  1. Canada legalized gay marriage.
  2. Gays got married in Canada.
  3. The End. (fireworks)

It will work exactly the same way in the UK.

You have not answered my question so I will not answer yours :rolleyes:

The slavery question was an analogy in case you didn't notice. You know, the whole blacks being slaves thing was the law for a long time and a lot of people believed it was OK, so why should they have changed it back then and not earlier?

As for your question, they should change the law now because nobody's done it earlier. Discriminatory laws should be overturned whenever possible, there's no logical reason to wait.
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Enlighten the rest of us why you think these perceived 'gay voices' are abnormal, and why gays feel compelled to put them on instead of talking "normally".

Well if you were 'them', wouldn't you want to live a normal life like the rest of the human race? So if you are truely mature why not just be normal, you can still be gay and have a that manly voice.
Well if you were 'them', wouldn't you want to live a normal life like the rest of the human race? So if you are truely mature why not just be normal, you can still be gay and have a that manly voice.

Now explain how being gay is not living a normal life.
Instead of trying to shoot others down, why not try to build them up. Enlighten me and try to fix my errors.

Because the last time you tried to use religion as the basis for your irrational intolerance. Then through many solid arguments through both religious and non-religious viewpoints, you had a number of opinions other than your own given, when you decided that

I'm going to leave it like this. Since I fail alot . I can't speak for anyone, you al have your opinions and so do I. Have a good day :(.

and now it turns out 'no wait actually, it's their voices.'

That's absolutely ridiculous and a generalisation. I can only imagine that this is formed either from TV or the one gay person you've ever spoken to, but either way it's a sweeping generalisation that has no place in civilised discussion.

Why do we not teach you? Because you don't listen. You clearly have a deep streak of homophobia (and I hate using that word. In fact in nearly 10 years I think it might be a first for me on here) that you're clearly trying to find a reason for. That's the bigger issue here.

Well if you were 'them', wouldn't you want to live a normal life like the rest of the human race? So if you are truely mature why not just be normal, you can still be gay and have a that manly voice.

If there were no 'you', there'd be no 'us'.
Now explain how being gay is not living a normal life.

I will admit I don't know why I can't make clear sentences without messing up on my english. I know english, I guess not well enough, judging by repliers. I can't honestly, I guess its a normal lifestyle to them in my opinion.
I can't honestly, I guess its a normal lifestyle to them in my opinion.

It's not 'normal'. It's not 'abnormal'. These are very subjective terms.

It really shouldn't matter whether somebody is gay or not. It should be as equally non-defining as the colour of one's skin or the colour of one's hair. It shouldn't be something you consider when judging them as a person. Doing so [judging anybody as a person based on their sexuality] is, to me, quite shallow and instead reflects on the judge rather than the judged.
It's not 'normal'. It's not 'abnormal'. These are very subjective terms.

It really shouldn't matter whether somebody is gay or not. It should be as equally non-defining as the colour of one's skin or the colour of one's hair. It shouldn't be something you consider when judging them as a person. Doing so [judging them as a person based on their sexuality] is, to me, quite shallow and reflects more on the judge than the judged.

Yeah. When I think of myself I say to myself, "I'm a bad person" everyday, because I judge a lot of people. I'm not suppose too. I do see why I don't have a lot of friends and why people reject me. Maybe I should pick up a book for once.
Yes but you could say that the other way around in terms of how religions are being violated.

Well this is utter balls. The gay community doesn't have a thousands-of-years history of persecuting the religious communities.

My point is that this is primarily a war between homosexual and religious freedom and what both groups favour.

Again this is bollocks. Please stop trying to sensationalise this, you are not The Daily Mail, as I'm sure you'd love to be. There is no 'war' going on. Perhaps you feel the need to believe there is to cover up you intolerance and 'pick a side' but there isn't. By all means, petition all you want.

There have been cases where homosexuals do not even care about getting "married"

Yes, this is why all heterosexual couples are married. Every. Single. One.

The case is lucky that it is considered in the UK, a democracy. It would not be touched with a barge pole in other countries.

Hooray! More bollocks! Certainly in the right thread for it. I'm noticing a theme here.

You're assuming that all countries, nay, all people think like you.

Nope, a lot of them have empathy and sense.

I've only read a post and a half from you (got a bit bored) but you clearly have your own agenda. By all means, go for it. Doesn't mean your opinion is more valid than anyone else's.

Edit: I am right.
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In the future where a deal on the terms and conditions on such a bill can be agreed.

Why? Who needs to negotiate what? It's pretty simple. Gay people want the right to enter a contractual cohabitational agreement with the same tax benefits and legal benefits as heterosexual couples.

Does this negatively affect heterosexual couples? No.

Of course not but that is not the case in this situation where ones right is impeding on another, that is the church and the like.

No one's rights are being trampled.

Yes but you could say that the other way around in terms of how religions are being violated. In other words would it be common sense for churchmen to have their say?
My point is that this is primarily a war between homosexual and religious freedom and what both groups favour. There have been cases where homosexuals do not even care about getting "married"

The case is lucky that it is considered in the UK, a democracy. It would not be touched with a barge pole in other countries.

No one's religious rights are being trampled. Not any more than they are currently being trampled, having to share the country with other religious people whom they don't like and don't agree with. Not liking someone's sexual preference doesn't give you the right to dictate their life.

Churchmen DO have their say. They can kick anyone out of their church for not following their religious scriptures. That's all they should have sway over. If people from various religions could punish people for "sins" committed outside their religions, then you, I and a whole lot of people would be missing a whole lot of fingers... or heads.
Wondering how it isn't obvious, since he followed the line up zinger,