The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 416 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Then, everything is natural.

There are people who are born with other genetic caracteristics and we (society) don't have any problems in saying they have X or Y problem that leads them to Z or W behavior.

The point arround homossexuality is that it doesn't bother that much and it doesn't hurt people. It doesn't put at risk anyone arround (at least in an obvious way).

I'm sorry if I'm not making myself clear but as I stated before, it's a difficult exercise for me to translate my thoughts from portuguese to english with the same eloquence.

But homosexuality does not lead to problems. You cannot compare it to something that does, like for example a genetic defect.
Really? You do know that not all Christians are the same right?
Yeah, but I lose track of all the different sects and cults of it, with all the weird translations of the same book that are all different but right. That said...
As a Catholic, I accept the sinner, not the sin. Homosexuality is a sin.
I've never read a version of it that says that.

I mean, unless you include the Old Testament - which would be silly, as Christians follow the teachings of Christ - but then even that doesn't say that either. It includes something about not lying down with a dude, but it's surprisingly mum on lesbians - and it's in the same bit of the book (containing laws for Jews - last I checked, Catholics weren't Jews, but as I say I lose track) that says eating prawns, having a tattoo and wearing mixed fabric is "an abomination" and that a virgin who's been raped must marry her rapist.
The pope seems to be a lot more positive about homosexual people than you. What's your thoughts on that?

I disagree with his views on it. I think those positions get treated like a political office rather than a religious community that they're supposed to be.

I really don't understand why so many of you are offended by my views. Can't you look around you and realize that you are winning? Gay marriage is legal in a lot of states now. My personal disagreement with it isn't going to change that. Yet I am called a bigot, etc because I won't accept it and I see it for what it is.
I really don't understand why so many of you are offended by my views.

Who's offended? The problem is you're not backing anything up because you can't. If I went around saying I didn't agree with some people being black, you can bet I'd have to have a good reason to do so.

Yet I am called a bigot, etc because I won't accept it

Yes, because that's what a bigot is. Not that your acceptance means anything to anyone.

I see it for what it is.

By all means do go on.
I really don't understand why so many of you are offended by my views. Can't you look around you and realize that you are winning? Gay marriage is legal in a lot of states now. My personal disagreement with it isn't going to change that. Yet I am called a bigot, etc because I won't accept it and I see it for what it is.

Offended is probably one of the most misused words there is. You're not offended just because you don't agree with someone, or if you don't like something.
Who's offended? The problem is you're not backing anything up because you can't. If I went around saying I didn't agree with some people being black, you can bet I'd have to have a good reason to do so.

Yes, because that's what a bigot is. Not that your acceptance means anything to anyone.

By all means do go on.

I have backed up my opinions. You simply disagree with my explanations for my views and that is fine. If my acceptance means nothing to anyone, then why am I made to accept homosexual lifestyles? Or view them as normal or acceptable?
I have backed up my opinions.
And this supporting evidence - which was written in someone else's words - was then torn apart by reason and you've been asked to discuss it further.

If you don't want to, stop. If you do, then discuss it further. Playing the "poor me" card gets no-one anywhere.
If my acceptance means nothing to anyone, then why am I made to accept homosexual lifestyles? Or view them as normal or acceptable?
Same reason people now accept black lifestyles and view them as normal and acceptable.
The lifestyles of black people. Pretty much everyone who isn't an ignorant jackass.

So are you saying that if someone isn't black, they are an ignorant jackass? I don't think you can take one group and say they all act a certain way. I know a couple black people who act like normal folks and there are many who do not. (See knockout game, whining about racism at any chance)...
So are you saying that if someone isn't black, they are an ignorant jackass? I don't think you can take one group and say they all act a certain way. I know a couple black people who act like normal folks and there are many who do not. (See knockout game, whining about racism at any chance)...

Read again.
So are you saying that if someone isn't black, they are an ignorant jackass?
No. I was answering your two questions with two answers.
What are 'black' lifestyles
The lifestyles of black people.
and who finds them acceptable?
Pretty much everyone who isn't an ignorant jackass.
I don't think you can take one group and say they all act a certain way.
That's amusing, since you're on a tirade against "homosexual lifestyles".
I know a couple black people who act like normal folks and there are many who do not.
Quick clue: Black people are normal people.
No. I was answering your two questions with two answers.The lifestyles of black people.Pretty much everyone who isn't an ignorant jackass.That's amusing, since you're on a tirade against "homosexual lifestyles".Quick clue: Black people are normal people.

No, not all black people act like normal people. Not to get too far off topic here, gay is not normal or acceptable.
Black people are normal people. So are homosexual people. So are ginger people, Chinese people and women.
...and I showed my respect by stating my opinion.

No... You repeated it again after ignoring all of those counterpoints. That's very disrespectful.

Seems like this thread is just for people to hate on religious folks like me.

No, not all black people act like normal people. Not to get too far off topic here, gay is not normal or acceptable.
Not all white people act normal either. In fact, nobody acts normal since normal is an average of everyone's actions.
I guess now that the black/gay rights analogy card has been played I may as well post this one:

Really? You do know that not all Christians are the same right? As a Catholic, I accept the sinner, not the sin. Homosexuality is a sin.
The true irony here is I was raised in a good old Southern Baptist fire and brimstone rural church. But I understand that religious beliefs should never affect law in a country claiming to have freedom of religion.

But hey, if you are a Catholic and think your religious views should be law because we are a Christian nation, let's keep in mind which Christians first settled this country and why. Sure isn't a dinner between Catholics and American Indians we are celebrating in two weeks.

So, if religious rules can make laws, no Hail Mary, no required confessionals, none of this original sin nonsense, and no human men speaking with the force of God (unless you disagree with that man, of course). This was a nation founded on Protestant Christian values.

I disagree with his views on it. I think those positions get treated like a political office rather than a religious community that they're supposed to be.
Well if politics and religion shouldn't be mixing, then why not agree to let homosexuals have a legal marriage?

I really don't understand why so many of you are offended by my views.
We disagree. Its different. Trust me, as a Protestant married to a Catholic (who received Catechist of the Year from the regional diocese in 2007), it is very different.

t I am called a bigot
Did we? If we did, I wonder why...

I won't accept it and I see it for what it is.
Yeah it's called a civil union.
They aren't the same.

That would be like saying that Catholic parishes get freedom of religion to worship, but not tax-exempt status because the Protestants in control didn't see them as equal Christians.

Hey, we should let black people enter public buildings too. Let's call it a "service entrance" - wouldn't want them walking through the front door with the normal people, right?
So long as they get equal access to the building, after digging through a pile of legal paperwork and paying additional legal fees to process the appropriate paperwork to ensure similar access, as opposed to the $6 marriage license admission fee white people pay.

And of course, the $6 entry fee is good at all other buildings, but if black people go to another building they may or may not gain access and their previous paperwork may need to be completely redone in the new building, as the new building may not recognize their entry status from the original building.

I mean, it's just natural.
I honestly wouldn't care if a farmer married his pig, so long as the pig didn't mind.
Of coarse, then the pig would get his house if he died. . . That might cause some legal concern, but hey, who am I to judge?
I am of christian upbringing myself, and last I checked EVERY Christian faith teachs that man/woman is supposed to leave the judging part to God right?

Do I think the farmer is off his rocker? Yup.
Should I play God and tell him what to do with his life? Nope.
If you ask me, the world is overpopulated anyway, so this guy in his own messed up way, is at least not adding to the problem, lol.
Now, if he was harming the pig, or the pig didn't like it, then as a concerned neighbor I'd have to help, but other then that.......
Anyone see my point, lol?
Its a point.
To each their own, and again stressing the anti-judgment clause in Christianity.
But instead of making a boring blah point, I decided to use my imagination and maybe make someone laugh.
The points I made were just.
I am sick of people hiding behind religeon, and spreading hate and unkindness.
Its a point.
To each their own, and again stressing the anti-judgment clause in Christianity.
But instead of making a boring blah point, I decided to use my imagination and maybe make someone laugh.
The points I made were just.
I am sick of people hiding behind religeon, and spreading hate and unkindness.

How is one spreading hate by simply not viewing homosexuality as normal or acceptable? I really don't care if someone is a homosexual. It's their life, who cares. Where I take issue is when it's taught as normal or acceptable to the rest of society.
How is one spreading hate by simply not viewing homosexuality as normal or acceptable? I really don't care what someone does in their own private life. That doesn't mean that what a person does is normal or acceptable.

The fact that you don't think it's acceptable implies that you do care, and that you think it shouldn't be allowed.
The fact that you don't think it's acceptable implies that you do care, and that you think it shouldn't be allowed.

I'm simply saying that it should be kept private, out of public view and not being taught as acceptable or normal.

I take issue when peoples' kids are coming home from school being told that gay is okay, normal or acceptable.