Here is the deal. My cousin has been in a lesbian marriage for ten years now. This year was their 10th anniversary and they celebrated by driving to Iowa to make it legal.
Their relationship has zero visible difference than the one I have with my wife. They are parents to two children via adoption. These two kids were taken from their genetic parents at birth because they had so many drugs in their system at birth that the first six weeks of their life were spent in detox as they suffered the torturous agony of withdrawal. The parents had an opportunity to get their kids back, but one never showed to any hearings and the other made it to the first hearing, where she announced that no "thespian" would raise her baby. The next hearing she skipped to go to Florida, which got her visitations changed to full supervision. She started missing visitations after that and just disappeared.
Those poor kids, denied drug addicted, neglectful, illiterate, and uneducated parents and now forced to live with two caring mothers, one with a PhD in marine biology.
Everything about my cousin and her family tells me the author of that article does not understand, and possibly refuses to, the things it talks about. All because he likely had some guy standing at a lectern with a seminary degree tell him it was that way on Sunday mornings.