The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
1 Corinthians 6
On the contrary, you yourselves wrong and defraud. You do this even to your brethren. 9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.…

I understand people have different beliefs, but the God of the Bible makes it quite clear that homosexuality is an abomination. It's clear that one cannot be a homosexual Christian, and still expect to get to heaven.

The bible says in the beginning, God made them both MALE and FEMALE.
Most diseases etc come from such things, as it is a plague. Aids and HIV etc come from this behaviour.
Even with the animals, you will never see males mate. It's clear, they were made male and female.

If one chooses not to believe in God, then the above means nothing to them, but the reality is, there is a price to pay for such sin, just as a criminal will pay for his crime before a judge in court. We were not put on Earth to get away with evil nasty deeds. These crimes are punishable, one way or the other.

Harhar, April Fools' Day, you got us all, well done. And so on and so forth and suchlike.
1 Corinthians 6
On the contrary, you yourselves wrong and defraud. You do this even to your brethren. 9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.…

I understand people have different beliefs, but the God of the Bible makes it quite clear that homosexuality is an abomination. It's clear that one cannot be a homosexual Christian, and still expect to get to heaven.

The bible says in the beginning, God made them both MALE and FEMALE.
Most diseases etc come from such things, as it is a plague. Aids and HIV etc come from this behaviour.
Even with the animals, you will never see males mate. It's clear, they were made male and female.

If one chooses not to believe in God, then the above means nothing to them, but the reality is, there is a price to pay for such sin, just as a criminal will pay for his crime before a judge in court. We were not put on Earth to get away with evil nasty deeds. These crimes are punishable, one way or the other.
Does the Bible contradict itself?

I believe it says "...whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life..."

I don't think there are conditions placed on that statement.

It is pretty clear, you just have to be a believer. Jesus died to absolve our sins.
Does the Bible contradict itself?

I believe it says "...whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life..."

I don't think there are conditions placed on that statement.

It is pretty clear, you just have to be a believer. Jesus died to absolve our sins.

Then you would also notice the word "SHOULD" not perish, and not "WILL" not perish.
Jesus is a substitute for the sins of this world, being the Son of God.
Jesus also says, not everyone who cries Lord Lord, will enter the Kingdom of heaven.
I believe it's because people abuse the gift of salvation to suit their daily lifestyles, and worldy lusts.

We have free will to do what ever we like, but what must happen, as that all sin, death, suffering and wickedness must come to an end. We mustn't think we are saved by our own standards. We must go according to Gods standards.
Each person has the ability and gift to do good.
Bible verse
Yep, you got us. A guy in Turkey who wrote a letter to some guys in Greece 2,000 years ago says that gays don't go to a nonexistent place he believes in and thinks is awesome when they die.

Conclusive proof at last.
Most diseases etc come from such things, as it is a plague. Aids and HIV etc come from this behaviour.
[citation needed]
Even with the animals, you will never see males mate.
Yeah, except in 500 different animal species in which homosexual behaviour has been documented, including our nearest direct animal relatives.
1 Corinthians 6
On the contrary, you yourselves wrong and defraud. You do this even to your brethren. 9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.…

If we're going to quote the bible, how about this:

1 John 4:8
8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:16b
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

If God is love, why would he forsake those who know and love him?
If we're going to quote the bible, how about this:

If God is love, why would he forsake those who know and love him?

I don't understand your question, when comparing the verses you quoted.
On the verses itself, it's telling us that if we do not love, then we do not know God. Very simple.
Every man has the gift to love, so to give up love, is to not know God.

Yep, you got us. A guy in Turkey who wrote a letter to some guys in Greece 2,000 years ago says that gays don't go to a nonexistent place he believes in and thinks is awesome when they die.

Conclusive proof at last.
[citation needed]Yeah, except in 500 different animal species in which homosexual behaviour has been documented, including our nearest direct animal relatives.

Every man to himself. What the heart desires, is what the heart will eventually reap.
People don't believe people when they talk about hell or heaven, yet they believe people when they talk about billions of years, or aliens on other planets as a theory.

Small children, 3-4 years old talk about seeing heaven or hell, but like I say, people prefer to ignore the signs.
All about choice mate. Death, suffering and sin must come to an end. We were not put here to suffer and die for all eternity. Only that 3000 year old book tells us why we were created, die, sin, suffer, yet also how it will come to an end, and how the world can obtain atonement if they need it.

No other book would tell you this. Consider the prophecies, and the unsurprising fact that it's the most sold book in history.

Every man to himself though.
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People don't believe people when they talk about hell or heaven, yet they believe people when they talk about billions of years, or aliens on other planets as a theory.
That's because the former has no objective evidence and the latter two do. In fact "belief" in billions of years (what? :lol: ) isn't necessary, due to the overwhelming objective evidence independent of perception that the universe is a little under 14 billion years old.

The last item on your list is merely a possibility - but still holds more objective evidence in its favour than hell or heaven.
Only that 3000 year old book tells us why we were created, die, sin, suffer, yet also how it will come to an end, and how the world can obtain atonement if they need it.
The book itself is only about a 1,700 years old - though some of its contents are much older - as it was anthologised in the 4th Century. The individuals present decided what books should be in the Bible (and which shouldn't) and in what order. After first transcribing them from their original languages into Latin.

Later, other people translated the whole work into English, though some opted to translate from their original languages (Hebrew, Sanskrit, Aramaic, Greek) as well as the Latin. Many of them disagreed about exactly what the words said and meant, creating a whole bunch of different sects who kinda believed the same thing but who each had a different book with different words in. The commonest of these is the King James, at around 400 years old.

And yet you unequivocally know the original Word of God as originally dictated to the future saints 2,000 years prior.
Consider the prophecies
Ah, Biblical prophecies. My favourite.

Incidentally, still waiting for evidence that homosexuality caused the evolution of the HIV pathogen and AIDS. Or recognition that when you said no animals mate in a homosexual manner you were missing the fact that it has been documented in over 500 species - which is in no way an opinion that can be dismissed as "every man to himself" (I'll assume you mean "to each his own", as your version means something quite different).
Or recognition that when you said no animals mate in a homosexual manner you were missing the fact that it has been documented in over 500 species - which is in no way an opinion that can be dismissed as "every man to himself" (I'll assume you mean "to each his own", as your version means something quite different).

He needs to watch a Ricky Gervais special :lol:
I don't understand your question, when comparing the verses you quoted.
On the verses itself, it's telling us that if we do not love, then we do not know God. Very simple.
Every man has the gift to love, so to give up love, is to not know God.

This is where interpretations come into it. You could interpret into meaning that God is love, and he loves all his creations. If you loved all of your creations, would you wish harm to come to them? Also, consider:

Ephesians 2:4-5
4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us,5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ — by grace you have been saved

You can use biblical quotes to fight both sides of almost any argument.
This is where interpretations come into it. You could interpret into meaning that God is love, and he loves all his creations. If you loved all of your creations, would you wish harm to come to them? Also, consider:

You can use biblical quotes to fight both sides of almost any argument.

It would be interpretations when you are still searching for truth. It's very clear when you read it the way it is.
God does love everything He has created. You cannot try to understand your Creator. He did create everything after all.
The bible says God takes no pleasure in destroying the wicked. Why should wicked prevail? If a God is Love, obviously all wickedness is not part of His nature, and the future He has for those who choose to have a future with Him.

As that verse would continue, by grace you have been saved THROUGH FAITH, and NOT of good works, lest any man should boast. A man will go nowhere trying to understand Gods plan for us by reading one liners and taking tips from men who do not want God to exist. This is why God says do not put your trust in man.
Put your trust in God, and lean not unto your own understanding.
I understand people have different beliefs, but the God of the Bible makes it quite clear that homosexuality is an abomination. It's clear that one cannot be a homosexual Christian, and still expect to get to heaven.

I know several homosexual Christians. I don't know how much they follow the bible's teachings, but I'm certain they believe they will go to heaven, since they try to be decent human beings.

Most diseases etc come from such things, as it is a plague. Aids and HIV etc come from this behaviour.
Even with the animals, you will never see males mate.

Do you have any evidence of this?

These crimes are punishable, one way or the other.

Care to elaborate on how these "crimes" are punishable? Violence, imprisonment, torture, public execution? I really don't see what is so wrong about two people loving each other who mean no harm to anyone.

We must go according to Gods standards.

No. We don't.

Each person has the ability and gift to do good.

That is true, but they do not need religion, or a deity for that matter, to do so.
It would be interpretations when you are still searching for truth. It's very clear when you read it the way it is.
... in the original Greek, Aramaic and Sanskrit, before it was mutilated into Latin, politically anthologised, then remutiliated into English in so many different versions it's difficult to even count them.

If you read the King James Bible or any other 'version', that's not "the way it is". That's the way several (human) translators think it should be following the (human) Council of Nicaea's interpretation of what books should be in it.

In the meantime, I recall that Christians are people who follow the teachings of Christ - who they believe is not only the messiah and son of God, but an aspect of God himself in the Holy Trinity.

So I shall now quote everything that it's documented that Christ said, in all sources, during his lifetime about homosexuality and homosexuals:
That's because the former has no objective evidence and the latter two do. In fact "belief" in billions of years (what? :lol: ) isn't necessary, due to the overwhelming objective evidence independent of perception that the universe is a little under 14 billion years old.

The last item on your list is merely a possibility - but still holds more objective evidence in its favour than hell or heaven.The book itself is only about a 1,700 years old - though some of its contents are much older - as it was anthologised in the 4th Century. The individuals present decided what books should be in the Bible (and which shouldn't) and in what order. After first transcribing them from their original languages into Latin.

Later, other people translated the whole work into English, though some opted to translate from their original languages (Hebrew, Sanskrit, Aramaic, Greek) as well as the Latin. Many of them disagreed about exactly what the words said and meant, creating a whole bunch of different sects who kinda believed the same thing but who each had a different book with different words in. The commonest of these is the King James, at around 400 years old.

And yet you unequivocally know the original Word of God as originally dictated to the future saints 2,000 years prior. Ah, Biblical prophecies. My favourite.

Incidentally, still waiting for evidence that homosexuality caused the evolution of the HIV pathogen and AIDS. Or recognition that when you said no animals mate in a homosexual manner you were missing the fact that it has been documented in over 500 species - which is in no way an opinion that can be dismissed as "every man to himself" (I'll assume you mean "to each his own", as your version means something quite different).

And who says billions of years is right. Do you just follow the majority, even if they jump into hell?
No one has been there, or even seen that far. It's just gullibly accepted. I'd love to know if you looked through "that" special telescope to see the ends of the universe. How they say "oohh, where stars are born". hehe, no one has ever seen that, yet they believe it. Or for the most intelligent men to say the big bang came from nothing, and to make people believe everything came from nothing which is the conclusion of evolution or the billions of years. The world is divided into many different sects and cults, and evolution is precisely one of them. It has nothing to do with science. You cannot observe and test that far back. Why if it were true, humans could mate with apes and have offspring, but someone put a law to that not happening, right? It cant come about from nothing. It's impossible.

Who knows exactly where the diseases came from, but the bible tells us why we suffer from them, yet nothing else does. Man doesn't have the answers unfortunately. He has the ability to create weapons of mass destruction, and plagues of wars. Nothings changed from the time of ancient biblical history, and the world today.

Erm yes, aliens. Evidence is not proof. We still waiting for those satellites to be repositioned, to get that signal. Nothing, because that would prove evolution right, that life exists elsewhere other than earth. How long since the first satellites, yip, still sitting comfortably, waiting to prove God wrong.

Always two sides to a story. There are thousands of ancient manuscripts of the bible, as far back as 200 BC, and the Old testament further back. The dead sea scrolls, heard of it.

Look to Israel ma man, and see how the prophecies written 2700 years ago have come true in this generation. There is lots to learn, but it's not how well you know the bible, it's how well you know it's main Author.

If animals are showing homosexual behaviour, then I guess we know why, because the animals were cursed way back in Genesis.
Even with the animals, you will never see males mate. It's clear, they were made male and female.

(Obviously has never had dogs)

*Retort: Are we to act like animals then?

*Answer: If you don't want to act like an animal, don't have sex at all, then.

Problem solved.


Also: Are you fine with knocking up your dead brother's childless widow?

Or perhaps killing your firstborn son when ordered to do so? Or Infidels? Or stoning adulterers to death?

Be perfectly honest now. It's all in the Bible.
Don't double post - use the Edit button or queue replies with the Reply or +Quote buttons
I know several homosexual Christians. I don't know how much they follow the bible's teachings, but I'm certain they believe they will go to heaven, since they try to be decent human beings.

Being decent doesn't please God if you disobey His word. They would need to understand this, or be angry at God and turn away from this. It's like that you know.

Do you have any evidence of this?
Yeah, God created them male and female. If they were not sleeping around, sexually transmitted diseases might not have occurred. Who knows. If only they listened though.

Care to elaborate on how these "crimes" are punishable? Violence, imprisonment, torture, public execution? I really don't see what is so wrong about two people loving each other who mean no harm to anyone.
Before a Holy Judge, He makes it clear that He hates sin, and asks people to turn away from sin. These are the crimes against God.

No. We don't.
And that's where the problems come from.

That is true, but they do not need religion, or a deity for that matter, to do so.
That's just ones theory. If they have never tried it, how would they ever know?

(Obviously has never had dogs)

*Retort: Are we to act like animals then?

*Answer: If you don't want to act like an animal, don't have sex at all, then.

Problem solved.


Also: Are you fine with knocking up your dead brother's childless widow?

Or perhaps killing your firstborn son when ordered to do so? Or Infidels? Or stoning adulterers to death?

Be perfectly honest now. It's all in the Bible.
Again, understand what somebody is trying to pollute you with?
The Jews under the law had it tough.
Don't forget now, the law has been changed by the Messiah in the New testament. No killing, no sacrifices. It is Finished on the Cross.
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And who says billions of years is right. Do you just follow the majority, even if they jump into hell?
Did you read the part where I said "overwhelming objective evidence independent of perception"?

I mean, you quoted it, so I imagine you read it.

Just to translate that quote for you, it means "evidence that exists completely independently of the entity that discovers or describes it". This is how actual knowledge works, by objective evidence. It's independent of who finds it - they don't even have to be human - so you can go and do it yourself. Humanity is surprisingly open when it comes to objective evidence - we tell everyone exactly how we did it so you can find as many faults as you can with the methods and improve them or repeat the test yourself.
No one has been there, or even seen that far.
You don't need to go "there" (wherever "there" is) and you can, in fact, see that far.
It's just gullibly accepted.
Uhh... no? It's independently verified.
I'd love to know if you looked through "that" special telescope to see the ends of the universe.
What special telescope? What are you talking about?
How they say "oohh, where stars are born". hehe, no one has ever seen that, yet they believe it.
Except you can see it. And whether you believe it or not is irrelevant - belief is not evidence, nor does it affect evidence.
Or for the most intelligent men to say the big bang came from nothing, and to make people believe everything came from nothing which is the conclusion of evolution or the billions of years.
Actually they say that the Big Bang came from a singularity and whether you believe it or not isn't relevant. You can repeat all of their tests and experiments yourself.
The world is divided into many different sects and cults, and evolution is precisely one of them. It has nothing to do with science. You cannot observe and test that far back.
"Evolutionary science" is indeed science - and nothing to do with belief, sects or cults. It is independent of belief - though people can believe in it if they wish - because it is objective.
Why if it were true, humans could mate with apes and have offspring, but someone put a law to that not happening, right?
You... you think that if evolutionary theory was true, humans could mate with apes?

I suspect you don't actually know what evolutionary theory is.
It cant come about from nothing. It's impossible.
What can come about from nothing then?
Who knows exactly where the diseases came from
Bacteriologists, virologists, epidemiologists.
but the bible tells us why we suffer from them, yet nothing else does.
The Bible says that homosexual behaviour causes HIV?

Man, that's a new version I've never encountered.
Man doesn't have the answers unfortunately. He has the ability to create weapons of mass destruction, and plagues of wars. Nothings changed from the time of ancient biblical history, and the world today.
You are aware you're on the internet right now, right?
Erm yes, aliens. Evidence is not proof. We still waiting for those satellites to be repositioned, to get that signal. Nothing, because that would prove evolution right, that life exists elsewhere other than earth. How long since the first satellites, yip, still sitting comfortably, waiting to prove God wrong.

Are you trying to link SETI (which has nothing to do with satellites, or repositioning them) and evolutionary theory?
Always two sides to a story. There are thousands of ancient manuscripts of the bible, as far back as 200 BC, and the Old testament further back. The dead sea scrolls, heard of it.
And yet as I told you, the Bible did not enter its present form until the 4th Century Council of Nicaea determined which books should be included and in which order - and it didn't enter its modern English form until the 17th Century.

You quoted me saying this and saying that some of the contents are much older, so I'm pretty sure you know I know that...
Look to Israel ma man, and see how the prophecies written 2700 years ago have come true in this generation.
Yes, they're awesome retrospective prophecies, the likes of which we always see.
If animals are showing homosexual behaviour, then I guess we know why, because the animals were cursed way back in Genesis.
You said that no animals exhibit homosexual behaviour. That is patently wrong - as it has been documented in over 500 species. There's no "if" about it, so you might want to retract that earlier statement...
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Oh Lord, can we not keep the religious talk in the God thread or at least confine it strictly to the topic at hand?
The bible says in the beginning, God made them both MALE and FEMALE.
Most diseases etc come from such things, as it is a plague. Aids and HIV etc come from this behaviour.
Even with the animals, you will never see males mate. It's clear, they were made male and female.

I had a gay cat. He did get aids and died from it's effects but it's ok, I don't think he was a Christian anyway.
And who says billions of years is right.
No one, but based on the evidence that is available it is the theory that the facts support.

Do you just follow the majority, even if they jump into hell?
It has nothing to do with 'the majority', it has to do with evidence, but it is very ironic that a theist is making that argument.

No one has been there, or even seen that far.
Someone doesn't understand how the scientific method works it would seem.

It's just gullibly accepted.
No its not, but again an ironic point for a theist to make.

I'd love to know if you looked through "that" special telescope to see the ends of the universe. How they say "oohh, where stars are born". hehe, no one has ever seen that, yet they believe it. Or for the most intelligent men to say the big bang came from nothing, and to make people believe everything came from nothing which is the conclusion of evolution or the billions of years. The world is divided into many different sects and cults, and evolution is precisely one of them. It has nothing to do with science. You cannot observe and test that far back. Why if it were true, humans could mate with apes and have offspring, but someone put a law to that not happening, right? It cant come about from nothing. It's impossible.
Someone doesn't understand how the scientific method works it would seem.

Who knows exactly where the diseases came from, but the bible tells us why we suffer from them, yet nothing else does. Man doesn't have the answers unfortunately. He has the ability to create weapons of mass destruction, and plagues of wars. Nothings changed from the time of ancient biblical history, and the world today.

Erm yes, aliens. Evidence is not proof. We still waiting for those satellites to be repositioned, to get that signal. Nothing, because that would prove evolution right, that life exists elsewhere other than earth. How long since the first satellites, yip, still sitting comfortably, waiting to prove God wrong.
Someone doesn't understand how the scientific method works it would seem.

Always two sides to a story. There are thousands of ancient manuscripts of the bible, as far back as 200 BC, and the Old testament further back. The dead sea scrolls, heard of it.
And? Do you know how many of those stories appear in an almost identical form in the texts of older religions?

Do you think the story of Noah (for example) is original? Or for that matter that of Jesus?

Look to Israel ma man, and see how the prophecies written 2700 years ago have come true in this generation. There is lots to learn, but it's not how well you know the bible, it's how well you know it's main Author.
That would be none.

If animals are showing homosexual behaviour, then I guess we know why, because the animals were cursed way back in Genesis.
But God destroyed all of the 'bad' ones, saving only the ones he wanted on the Ark. That would infer that he wanted to save homosexual animals!
And who says billions of years is right. Do you just follow the majority, even if they jump into hell?
No one has been there, or even seen that far. It's just gullibly accepted. I'd love to know if you looked through "that" special telescope to see the ends of the universe. How they say "oohh, where stars are born". hehe, no one has ever seen that, yet they believe it. Or for the most intelligent men to say the big bang came from nothing, and to make people believe everything came from nothing which is the conclusion of evolution or the billions of years. The world is divided into many different sects and cults, and evolution is precisely one of them. It has nothing to do with science. You cannot observe and test that far back. Why if it were true, humans could mate with apes and have offspring, but someone put a law to that not happening, right? It cant come about from nothing. It's impossible.

Who knows exactly where the diseases came from, but the bible tells us why we suffer from them, yet nothing else does. Man doesn't have the answers unfortunately. He has the ability to create weapons of mass destruction, and plagues of wars. Nothings changed from the time of ancient biblical history, and the world today.

Erm yes, aliens. Evidence is not proof. We still waiting for those satellites to be repositioned, to get that signal. Nothing, because that would prove evolution right, that life exists elsewhere other than earth. How long since the first satellites, yip, still sitting comfortably, waiting to prove God wrong.

Always two sides to a story. There are thousands of ancient manuscripts of the bible, as far back as 200 BC, and the Old testament further back. The dead sea scrolls, heard of it.

Look to Israel ma man, and see how the prophecies written 2700 years ago have come true in this generation. There is lots to learn, but it's not how well you know the bible, it's how well you know it's main Author.

If animals are showing homosexual behaviour, then I guess we know why, because the animals were cursed way back in Genesis.
To be fair, this is the most patronizing piece I've read here in ages.
Did you read the part where I said "overwhelming objective evidence independent of perception"?

I mean, you quoted it, so I imagine you read it.

Just to translate that quote for you, it means "evidence that exists completely independently of the entity that discovers or describes it". This is how actual knowledge works, by objective evidence. It's independent of who finds it - so you can go and do it yourself. Humanity is surprisingly open when it comes to objective evidence - we tell everyone exactly how we did it so you can find as many faults as you can with the methods and improve them or repeat the test yourself.You don't need to go "there" (wherever "there" is) and you can, in fact, see that far.Uhh... no? It's independently verified.What special telescope? What are you talking about?Except you can see it. And whether you believe it or not is irrelevant - belief is not evidence, nor does it affect evidence.Actually they say that the Big Bang came from a singularity and whether you believe it or not isn't relevant. You can repeat all of their tests and experiments yourself."Evolutionary science" is indeed science - and nothing to do with belief, sects or cults. It is independent of belief - though people can believe in it if they wish - because it is objective.You... you think that if evolutionary theory was true, humans could mate with apes?

I suspect you don't actually know what evolutionary theory is.What can come about from nothing then?Bacteriologists, virologists, epidemiologists.The Bible says that homosexual behaviour causes HIV?

Man, that's a new version I've never encountered.You are aware you're on the internet right now, right?What?

Are you trying to link SETI (which has nothing to do with satellites, or repositioning them) and evolutionary theory?And yet as I told you, the Bible did not enter its present form until the 4th Century Council of Nicaea determined which books should be included and in which order - and it didn't enter its modern English form until the 17th Century.

You quoted me saying this and saying that some of the contents are much older, so I'm pretty sure you know I know that...Yes, they're awesome retrospective prophecies, the likes of which we always see.You said that no animals exhibit homosexual behaviour. That is patently wrong - as it has been documented in over 500 species. There's no "if" about it, so you might want to retract that earlier statement...

So that settles it brother.
You believe in man and his experiments, theories and evolution.
I trust in the Creator, and his inherent word, future prophecies and eternal salvation.
Always great to chat about these things though

You right, Jesus is the same God of the Old Testament. Here is what He had to say then:

Leviticus 18:22
21'You shall not give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I am the LORD. 22'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination. 23'Also you shall not have intercourse with any animal to be defiled with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion.…

Guess what, this is going on from them days, till today, no matter which way you look at it.
So that settles it brother.
You believe in man and his experiments, theories and evolution.
Nope. I don't believe in anything:
whether you believe it or not is irrelevant - belief is not evidence, nor does it affect evidence.
Whereas you have to believe, because there is an absence of evidence...
You right, Jesus is the same God of the Old Testament. Here is what He had to say then:
He spoke remarkable English for a Middle Eastern man who wasn't born yet. And was curiously ignorant about the concept of lesbianism and transgender.

You'll notice that "he" said several other things in that same passage about tattoos, pork, selling raped women to their rapists and mixing different types of cloth. I'll assume you're not ignoring those bits in your daily life, because otherwise you're just picking and choosing bits to believe in.

Meanwhile the actual Christ that you follow said precisely nothing about homosexuals.
You believe in man and his experiments, theories and evolution.
I trust in the Creator, and his inherent word, future prophecies and eternal salvation.

But man and his theories can show proof, you yourself accept an "inherent" word from man... there is still hope for you to be saved, though :(

Meanwhile the actual Christ that you follow said precisely nothing about homosexuals.

That's true, and nor does the Bible in it's entirety, unless you count the (human) mistranslation of malachi. Which no real scholar would, I feel.
Nope. I don't believe in anything:Whereas you have to believe, because there is an absence of evidence...
He spoke remarkable English for a Middle Eastern man who wasn't born yet. And was curiously ignorant about the concept of lesbianism and transgender.

You'll notice that "he" said several other things in that same passage about tattoos, pork, selling raped women to their rapists and mixing different types of cloth. I'll assume you're not ignoring those bits in your daily life, because otherwise you're just picking and choosing bits to believe in.

Meanwhile the actual Christ that you follow said precisely nothing about homosexuals.

Like I say, you still have to believe that those things tested are factual evidence, no matter how hard you cry about not having belief. Seeing is believing right?

You have to believe that you will actually wake up the next morning. If you expect to wake up, then you have serious issues. 150000 people die a day. Anyone could be next.
You have to have belief that your parachute will open when you jump out a flying plane.

I agree with the other things as well, but you see, He changes the law in the New testament, pork for example.
He can speak any language, or He can do the impossible. He is God and He did Create it all.
Read the translated Hebrew Bible, it's no different to the KJV. Same message of salvation. Same Jesus Christ in every book of the bible. It was always ever about Him. People can mock and persecute and scoff. It was already prophesied it would happen...:D

It's amazing how every person goes to defence, yet none of them actually have the courage to confess their sins and become a new creation in Christ. It's so easy, but I suppose that when the heart desires something, it completely shuts out everything else that affects it.

I missed your thoughts on the prophecy of Isaiah 53, and Israel becoming a nation again. Who knew, some 1940 years after they were completely destroyed. You see, when people want to be blind, they will never see what really happened.
So that settles it brother.
You believe in man and his experiments, theories and evolution.
I trust in the Creator, and his inherent word, future prophecies and eternal salvation.
Always great to chat about these things though
I trust that you too, to an extent, believe in man and his experiments and theories. After all, all the technology that you use or see around you came to be though experimentation and theorization. From the wheels under your car to the machine you use to access this forum. Or do you not trust your own senses and is all of this just a figment of our (your?) imagination? Where do you draw the line? What experimentation and theorization can you trust and what not?
Do NOT double post - use the Edit button. Ignoring the staff will get you nowhere.
But man and his theories can show proof, you yourself accept an "inherent" word from man... there is still hope for you to be saved, though :(

That's true, and nor does the Bible in it's entirety, unless you count the (human) mistranslation of malachi. Which no real scholar would, I feel.

What does theories and proof mean...? Nothing to me. It's not the answer. Nothing doesn't create that beautiful sunset.
Man would never know the future like the bible. When you write a letter, who is writing it, you, or the pen?
In the same way, God has used man as an instrument to get his word across the world. All this happened in Israel, yet today the world knows about this. Through the very upcoming holidays Easter, and Christmas, and yet people pretend not to know. People harden their hearts. Truly amazing. People hide from people, yet forget that He sees it all.

Jesus doesn't have to say it. His inherent word does. If He can create all seen and unseen, He can surely make his word stand the test of time.

By the way, I am saved...:-)

I trust that you too, to an extent, believe in man and his experiments and theories. After all, all the technology that you use or see around you came to be though experimentation and theorization. From the wheels under your car to the machine you use to access this forum. Or do you not trust your own senses and is all of this just a figment of our (your?) imagination? Where do you draw the line? What experimentation and theorization can you trust and what not?

I also know where mans ability came from, his brain, and off course, all the raw materials.
I thank God for the goodness and kind heart of man. His not only destructive bro...:)
Seeing is believing. I see God through His immense creation. U wouldn't understand the spirit side though.
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