The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 416 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
I honestly believe if you bothered to go back and read all of my posts you'd already have your answers. Hammer me all you like, the program stinks imo.
I honestly believe if you bothered to go back and read all of my posts you'd already have your answers.
Let's find out:
His sexuality, of course. Because what right does he have to an identity? What right does he have to make others feel mildly uncomfortable?

You guys are silly, I figured I had something worthwhile to say, unlike the last few posts.
Not there...
But assuming all of that is true, and that you really are the smartest man in the room, how is it that this keeps happening?
What are you talking about?
Definitely not there...
Which pastoral issues should form part of the support structure?
Some pretty rude comments floating around but whatever, I've never been very keen on big brother. 👍
Still no answer...
Where else are you going to teach things besides the place where you teach things?
Why should children, who will eventually become adult citizens, be any different?
Pastors, Sunday Schools, religious programs? I'm not interested in any of that either.

Labels labels labels. You guys are funny.
Not even remotely close to an answer, let alone making sense.
1. Does the government have the right to collect taxes from you to educate students in public schools?

2. What is the purpose of the government in educating students in public schools?
Oh, the justice system does not support me, I don't have grievance as some of you would wish gimi a gake?
Because that completely addresses both questions, and all the others prior to that.

I'm also interested to know what "gimi a gake" is.
Hammer me all you like
You've had all of your own questions answered, even the ones that answer themselves, yet you've not managed to reply to any of the questions posed to you... and you're the one claiming we need to look harder?

It's like a really bad troll act.
Not sure what you are getting at Bo?

Let us say a typical high school has what maybe 1,000 students? Of those how many are LGBT? How many are idiotic enough to tease the LGBTs? hmmm, how many other students does that leave that don't deserve to be pounded on? haha

I'll put it another way, get out with the Chicago.
Let us say a typical high school has what maybe 1,000 students? Of those how many are LGBT?
Most estimates put it at around 5-7% of a given sample of people. Let's say 50 or so in the hypothetical high school have at least questioned their sexuality - that's an awfully big chunk of people.
How many are idiotic enough to tease the LGBTs?
Erm, more than you appear to think? Are you really naive enough to believe homophobia is virtually nonexistent in the world's young population? We aren't living in a world of equality and complete acceptance - if we were, homosexuality wouldn't be a topic. We're very much at the other end of the spectrum.

I'm gay, and I would certainly never feel comfortable coming out in my college. I would genuinely fear for my own safety. Again, you need to understand that your own personal experiences of education don't represent those of everyone else in the world.
mmm, how many other students does that leave that don't deserve to be pounded on? haha
Not sure what point you're trying to make. Are you saying that if a very small minority of LGBT students are being targeted it's not worth educating people at all, or that education regarding the fair treatment of LGBT people somehow lessens the plight of other students who are being targeted for reasons other than their sexuality?
I'll put it another way, get out with the Chicago.
Inventing a meaningless phrase doesn't really help to explain your argument.
Not sure what you are getting at Bo?

Let us say a typical high school has what maybe 1,000 students? Of those how many are LGBT? How many are idiotic enough to tease the LGBTs? hmmm, how many other students does that leave that don't deserve to be pounded on? haha

I'll put it another way, get out with the Chicago.

To answer your questions, probably about 5% are LGBT, your second question really depends on the school but would probably be in the low hundreds at a guess, at least with peer pressure and from what I can tell about 20% of students are bullied each year (was literally a 5 min check though). That means that if the LGBT kids are being bullied they would make up 25% of the bullied kids. Not exactly insignificant numbers, unlike the amount of education budget that would be taken up by teaching them about LGBT which would probably be tiny.
So get the bullies and leave the rest alone, just as in any other situation. You are not going to change those few.
They have enough on their plate, no need to make them pawns in any one's political game.
Then the solution is obvious - the outspoken politicians should back off. It wasn't a political issue until they made it a political issue, and it's become increasingly clear that it was the first shot in a political mutiny. The people leading this charge are the supporters of the ousted prime minister, who clearly resent the way he was removed from power and are now trying to destabilise things. On addition to their criticism of the Safe Schools initiative, those same politicians are running around making inflammatory comments about everything from taxation to defence.
I don't condone it in my life but I can't dictate how somebody lives their life and what they do.
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He may not into LGBT Group but he dont enforce his beliefs to others.

Unless he constructs government policy, or runs his own militia, he has zero ability to enforce or dictate his beliefs on anyone.
I can tell we're going to be in for a tough time already, so let's clear things up:
Translate please
This was in reference to your original post not making sense. Forming actual sentences is preferable.

Then, you say:
Got to be a little more cautious SJW's are ready to pounce an opinion.
Which again doesn't actually make any sense.

If someone asking you to clear up your initial post gets labelled a SJW, mature discussion might not be your strong suit. I'm not sure what "pounce an opinion" means or even refers to.
Loosely translated, "I need to keep posting irrelevant things for attention because I don't actually have anything worthwhile to say regarding the topic".

We really don't care who you put on your ignore list for whatever asinine reasons.

As the adage goes, let's not feed the troll, folks.