The church thing needs to be looked at in a different light, Jesus supposedly taught that you should love everyone. I'm not talking about in a sexual way or anything, but as in shown compassion and respect for your fellow man. What I don't understand about a lot of Christians (I can't comment on other religions as I don't know their teachings) is that so many of them hate homosexuals. I have a cousin who is a devote Baptist and thinks homosexuals are some of the evillest people on the planet. I bet if I got talking to some of my acquaintances I'd find out that this is true for a lot of them too.
However on the flip side, I've been to church with Kate (against my will) and her church is very accepting of homosexuals (it's Episcopalian). They even have a lesbian couple who adopted a daughter with the help of the priest there. I do think though that this is not the norm though, which is sad. This should be the norm. Even if you don't agree with the people's lifestyle you still should act like Jesus and love your fellow man...barring you believe in Christianity and follow its belief system.