The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 416 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
I don't say you should believe everything I or anybody else says without "proof", but goddamned give it a thought and search for "evidence" yourself if you don't believe. But yeah, teh interwebz is mostly about being a smartass without any knowledge, I know, but I do not consider myself as one of those.

Not to get too involved, but as you are making the claims it's up to you to provide the evidence to prove the claims you are making are indeed correct(nobody is going to wast their own time to prove your side). It's rather hard to just believe some random person on the internet as frankly, people are usually completely different online compared to real life, you are also essentially as anonymous as you want to be, this means we know nothing on your background or the type of person you are.
Not to get too involved, but as you are making the claims it's up to you to provide the evidence to prove the claims you are making are indeed correct(nobody is going to wast their own time to prove your side). It's rather hard to just believe some random person on the internet as frankly, people are usually completely different online compared to real life, you are also essentially as anonymous as you want to be, this means we know nothing on your background or the type of person you are.

Of course you are absolutely right on everything you said, I agree, fully. But it's just this "I need prooooooooooooof! mentallity that really bugs me, we are all people, and not everybody is a crackhead or simply an "a"-hole. As I indicated, use your own capability to simply think things through and use your own intuition, intuition is there for a reason, it has been around with us for ever, teh interwebz with it's liiiiiiiiiinks only for some 20 years or so. Intuition is totally underestimated.

Concerning my background, FoolKiller knows me from other threads and I fear that will not help raising my credibility. :lol: Oh well, at least he should know I'm one of the good guys.

Oh and, it is ok to get "involved", as long as you stay polite and thoughtful, as you have been.
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To 1.: No I do not. But I have sth. else. The will and time to do research and I did. And I have a brain, fully-functioning one. And I have faith in my intuition, my gut AND my knowledge.

No offence Foolkiller, but you are like most internet people: "Give me liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink!!! Give me evideeeeeeeenceee!!!
You give potentially dangerous advice, you're right I want evidence.

And I am not even sure what sth means in this instance. Something? And I get it, your sources don't publish online but you can at least say it was an article in the March issue of Dinosaur Publishing Media Science Magazine, or whatever.

I don't have link, I also read magazines, scientific ones, not only teh interwebz. You people should learn to trust others and accept advice and knowledge, instead of asking always for some super-solid-proof-out-the-mouth-of president or dr. x and y.
I do trust others, namely my brother, the pharmacist. And he's not the Walgreens kind of pharmacist, but the guy in the hospital that consults with doctors to be sure they don't poison you.

To2: I consider depression and even adhs deseases, which can be "cured" by will, your will, will always be stronger in the end, then all this pharmacrap. But that's my point of knowledge.
So, a disease of the brain, which can, and often does, have a physiological cause should be treated differently than other physiological diseases?

I don't say you should believe everything I or anybody else says without "proof", but goddamned give it a thought and search for "evidence" yourself if you don't believe. But yeah, teh interwebz is mostly about being a smartass without any knowledge, I know, but I do not consider myself as one of those.
Here is my evidence: My wife and I have both been on Zoloft at some point in our lives (not at the same time, and before either of us knew each other). We are both fine now.
I'm glad your medication worked for you and your wife. And yes, there is certainly medication (pills) that are harmless. But I always would try to overcome "deseases" like depression by my own, before taking pills. (Not saying you did). One should be very careful with pills of the "feel better" category.
I'm glad your medication worked for you and your wife. And yes, there is certainly medication (pills) that are harmless. But I always would try to overcome "deseases" like depression by my own, before taking pills. (Not saying you did). One should be very careful with pills of the "feel better" category.
It would appear to me you have no experience, personal or otherwise, of people with clinical depression.

It's not a matter of they are feeling sad, it's that they can't feel happy. I've had a sister go through it, a very strong willed sister who took drugs for as brief a period as possible but before she was on them was quite simply at the bottom of a well without even a foot-stool to help her out.
Typical american extremist with their stupid religion.

Gay people were born that way. Those who decides to go with the same sex are bi-sexual. Funny how rednecks love the sight of 2 women touching themselves but 2 guys, they would shoot them both.

I also cannot believe that a thread like that on here, on this site. I'm hetero and I know a couple of people who have same sex partners. They've been like that since their childhood, none were abused. I don't care if you're gay or not but if there is something I hate, it's those stupid Americans with their ****ing religion.
I also cannot believe that a thread like that on here, on this site.

Why should we not have a thread discussing homosexuality?

I don't care if you're gay or not but if there is something I hate, it's those stupid Americans with their ****ing religion.

You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.

Do you want to have another go at that, but without the anti-American abuse?
I find it a bit worrying that the poll states that the majority of the people voted for the don't ask don't tell option.

It's freaking 2011 people.
I find it a bit worrying that the poll states that the majority of the people voted for the don't ask don't tell option.

It's freaking 2011 people.
Why? People don't come up and ask my sexual orientation, do I need to declare it? Also, some people find outwardly camp men annoying, and think that these people are simply declaring their homosexuality.

But you'll actually find a fairly high % of overly camp young men are actually straight (atleast at that point in time) and are annoying regarding of their sexual orientation.
I find it a bit worrying that the poll states that the majority of the people voted for the don't ask don't tell option.

No they didn't. The majority of people voted that it's nobody else's business.

"Don't ask, don't tell" is a specific policy regarding homosexuality in the US armed forces, meaning that it is both an offence to ask personnel what their sexuality is and for them to say what their sexuality is. "Don't ask, don't tell" is represented by the third option - the minority in the poll.

I don't care who does what with their sexual organs. That's represented by the fifth option.
No they didn't. The majority of people voted that it's nobody else's business.

"Don't ask, don't tell" is a specific policy regarding homosexuality in the US armed forces, meaning that it is both an offence to ask personnel what their sexuality is and for them to say what their sexuality is. "Don't ask, don't tell" is represented by the third option - the minority in the poll.

I don't care who does what with their sexual organs. That's represented by the fifth option.

Hmm, I see the fourth option as that. Ok for anybody.
The fifth states, a little disguised maybe, that gay people aren't allowed to walk hand in hand on the streets.
Hmm, I see the fourth option as that. Ok for anybody.

Why does it need everyone else's consent?

The fifth states, a little disguised maybe, that gay people aren't allowed to walk hand in hand on the streets.

It states nothing of the kind. If gay people walk hand-in-hand on the streets, it's nobody's business but the people involved.
Does anybody here think that homosexuality is established at birth yet still believe it's "wrong"? Or think that homosexuality is a choice yet still supports gay rights?
Just to end this bizarre sidebar of grammar niceties, "who's" is "Who is". "Whose" is "Of whom". "Whose problem?", not "Who's problem?" - but then I already asked that question and got no answer:

To whom and for why?

Now we're all done correcting one another, can we have the topic back now?
Does anybody here think that homosexuality is established at birth yet still believe it's "wrong"? Or think that homosexuality is a choice yet still supports gay rights?
Not being gay and having no definitive research to fall back on, that I know of, I can say that I do not know whether it is natural or choice (however I am sure some would do it by choice even if it were otherwise natural), but I do not need to know why people are gay to say it doesn't matter to me.

Let them be gay. It does not affect me in anyway. My marriage is still just as sound as it always was, my life is unchanged, and I feel secure enough in my sexuality to not be made uncomfortable.
To echo famine I read this:
nobody's business but the people involved.

As not only applicable to the individuals referred to in the thread title but also to every single human on this here planet.

@drivehard - I think that question is a two way street as well. What about the possibility of people born straight and then wanting or choosing to be gay. Why can't that happen? Or born straight and wanting/choosing to be bi? Or asexual? Why can't people be born one "thing" and then at some point in their lives choose to be something else? Or can they? And if they can, why is society so damn interested in defining what change is OK and which is not?

Basic principle, as long as it does not materially impact the life, well being, ability to pursue happiness, etc of another individual... then who really can justifiably give an eff? Seriously. This whole "birth vs choice" debate in most cases is just utter nonsense to me.
Does anybody here think that homosexuality is established at birth yet still believe it's "wrong"? Or think that homosexuality is a choice yet still supports gay rights?

I don't know whether or not it's a choice, but even if it is a choice it's not anything wrong.
These options don't even make sense; "nobody's business but the people involved" isn't an opinion: it's a non-opinion.

Simply saying that you're not going to take any stance doesn't do anything to elevate or diminish the social acceptance of homosexuality, which most would agree is decidedly unequal. IMO, it's a cop-out for neglecting civic duty—which is to uphold the equal rights and opportunities for all citizens—whether in official policy or not.

"Nobody's business but those involved" is woefully myopic, I think.