Look, You can believe anything You want, I respect that!
What I cannot respect is when Your personal believes interfere with other person's individual freedom to choose their own personal sexual orientation.(between two consensual adults)
Right there is where Your freedom of religion stops, when colliding to other's freedom to their sexual orientation.
As others already pointed out, there are other interpretations of "Gods word". All written by men.
In the name of God, and religion, the worst atrocities were committed against innocent people through out History(just recently we saw,in the name of the written word of God in the Koran-or better in name of the interpretation of that word made by some man- women and children being slaughtered).
So go on believing in those
MEN that tell You what God thinks and says, instead of wondering, if there where to be a God and He had created all things, would He be worried with people of the same genre loving each other( he was the Creator, right, he could have made coitus between man-because that's really what is all about isn't it? , You even quoted one part of the Scriptures that refers specifically to that-physically impossible:idea:
Just don't try to impose those believes on others and telling them what can or can't do!
Man, only You would make me laugh right now with that vision of Gay Dinosaurs