Thanks a lot for the kind words, seems you are one of the only people capable of such a thing.
Which is the only damn thing I asked isn't it?
Which is what I try to do as well. But you know... Why should I change things because other people lack decency?
I'm sorry, but I am who I am, and I'm not lying about it because other people are homophobes and might be offended by my sexuality. I was born this way and can't help it, they however, can.
People will laugh at you, fine. So will they at gay people. But fat people don't get disinherited, or kicked out of families because of who they are, right?
You won't be able to. Changing again what gay means changing the way gay people defined themselves. That's like saying to a black person that he can't say he is black.
The N word used to be offensive, and racist. But got banned from usage, if I'm correct. Which is the opposite of gay, which was not offensive in any way, and people started using it in the wrong way. The fact that YOU as well use it in the wrong way makes me disrespect you, so be aware that what you say can be heard by people like me as well.
Can you stop breathing? Or avoid oxygen? Whenever you play online, I will bet you that within the hour you hear the word gay used in the wrong way at least once. If that goes on for weeks, yes it gets real, really annoying. And I'm not going to keep my feelings to myself anymore because people like saying a specific word too much.
I have played GT5 online probably for hundreds of hours in the last two years and have never once heard the term "
gay, fag, homo" or any other derivative...ever.
And just to drive a point home, about how ridiculous it is to give so much power to people over the use of a word, which is exactly what you are doing, I'll give you a couple of things to chew on.
By using the word "
fat" you insulted probably 100 Million Amercians who are either overweight or clinically obese. In polite company, we don't use the word "
fat" we say "
overweight" or some other term less insulting than fat.
Many black people don't like the use of the word "black" to describe the either. They prefer to be referred to by their place of origin, same as the rest of the world. In the U.S. that could mean "
African American". In Africa, you'd call them Africans. It's not polite to call people of Asian decent, "
Yellowskins", Native Americans "
Redskins", East Asians "
Brownskins" so why is it polite to call people with dark skin black? In doing so, you just insulted what, 35,000,000 Americans and possibly 1 Billion more people with black skin in the world, maybe more.
Following the religious meaning, the word damn is a common form of religious profanity. Damnation (from Latin damnatio) is the concept of everlasting divine punishment and/or disgrace, especially the punishment for sin as threatened by God. In using the word "
damn" in your response you could potentially have insulted 2,180,000,000 people of Christian Faith in the world.
So before you lash out at others for using a word that you personally have an issue with, take a look in the mirror, because your one post alone could be seen as offensive by half the population of the planet.