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- Lazer0pz
I read that very flamboyantly in my head... and they are always super (thanks for asking).
I read that very flamboyantly in my head... and they are always super (thanks for asking).
It is not "all" because of bigots. Depression is far more complex than this. No one hurts themselves or wants to kill themselves just because others dislike them. These are signs of a self-image problem, bullies just reinforce it. That is why no amount of hate or bullying seems to affect openly proud homosexuals and they are always super (thanks for asking). Until you learn this you will never be able to truly help your friend. You can be angry at people who speak out of ignorance (infected? Really? Is that the new thing now?) all you want and even beat each of them to death, but it will never make her feel better s out herself.
I suspect this is a larger part of her problem. Her entire upbringing was an a religion based on guilt and that homosexuals are going to Hell. Until she can realize that she is not wrong or guilty and that her family and church are the ones that are wrong she won't be able to love herself.
And if she keeps calling you before doing something and hesitating long enough for you to get there she is just crying for help. And keep in mind that she risks putting you in legal trouble and possible endangering you, your grandmother, and others by having someone without proper driving training (GT does not count) drive to her house in a fast manner.
There is a difference. The N-word was created as a degrading term. Gay was not. Gay, queer, and faggot all have alternate, legitimate meanings. In the case of gay and queer they do have roots in meaning overly/strangely happy (flamboyant) or weird/odd. They were used very similarly before society recognized homosexuality as something all around us. You should be fighting that gay and queer no longer refer to homosexuals, as that is historically calling them weird.
Maybe next time you hear someone say, "That's gay" you could just respond with, "That is weird."
And while we're in the topic of using words in an offensive manner, can we please only use homophobia to describe a legitimate uncontrollable psychological
fear of homosexuals? Calling every bigotry a homophobe is insulting to people with a psychological disorder. Some people may even be confused and uncomfortable around homosexuals because they are unable to understand it, but defend their equal rights. And some mean bigots may not be afraid at all.
I don't have a problem with homosexuality but I use homophobic slurs. I use "That's gay" relatively often and call people faggots quite often. Things I call gay while using it as a derogatory term very rarely have anything at all to do with homosexuality, same goes for the actions/behavior that result in me calling someone a faggot.
I dunno, somewhere along the line the meaning has changed thanks to how the words now get used.
Kinda like the N-word in fact. The -a variation generally doesn't have a negative connotation and is used more to just refer to a person. In fact... Yeah, I use that one too in general conversation with people who use it themselves.
So either I'm a homophobic racist bastard and don't realize it or I just don't care and pick up speech habits too easily. I dunno.
Since then, I've done everything I can to make her happy. She loves me like I'm a family member. But the thing is, if people didn't judge her for this one thing, she would've never needed me to be there. And while it makes me happy to think that I've saved her life in a way, I'd give away all the happiness I've gotten from being here for her if those people would just accept her for the amazing girl she is instead.
Open your eyes people.
1). Yes, it sucks and it's unfortunate that fag has become an insult. People should think about it a little more and try to stop saying it so much.
2) If it really does bother you as much as you seem to be implying, that might be the only way to deal with it. I delete anyone on FB that repeatedly says things I find annoying.
3) If everyone was so concerned with not hurting people's feelings, you wouldn't be able to be on this forum and be open about your sexuality. Not very long ago even acknowledging the mere existence of homosexuality was offensive and would enrage people. I get what you're saying, it's not tactful to run around offending people on purpose, but it's an unfortunate part of life (there's also that a lot of social progress is inherently offensive to some). Put your big boy or big girl pants on and move on.
Oh, right. My hurt feelings aren't as hurt as your hurt feelings. I did have a hard time in elementary school growing up as the fat kid, and it did suck. But you know what? I put it in perspective, and hardened the hell up. There's people in this world who are insecure about themselves, and use insulting others as a way to make up for these deficiencies. Look at it from this angle and it becomes easier to just ignore these people.
Appropriate song for the topic.👍
I wanna start a movement to make Gay mean happy again in the larger English narrative.
So many times I heard fellow classmates say that exam is "gay" just because they didn't like it.
I've yet to figure out how an exam will make me like men more...
I don't have a problem with homosexuality but I use homophobic slurs. I use "That's gay" relatively often and call people faggots quite often. Things I call gay while using it as a derogatory term very rarely have anything at all to do with homosexuality, same goes for the actions/behavior that result in me calling someone a faggot.
I dunno, somewhere along the line the meaning has changed thanks to how the words now get used.
Kinda like the N-word in fact. The -a variation generally doesn't have a negative connotation and is used more to just refer to a person. In fact... Yeah, I use that one too in general conversation with people who use it themselves.
So either I'm a homophobic racist bastard and don't realize it or I just don't care and pick up speech habits too easily. I dunno.
To take the power out of certain words, ignore them. It works with adults as well as children. All you have to do is follow any number of threads on GTPlanet and watch people just leap in when the slightest insult his hurled or a certain stance taken, and that's just what the person doing the supposed offending wants. If you ignored them, they'd just go away.
But fat people don't get disinherited, or kicked out of families because of who they are, right?
You're not. It is in fact exactly the same as words like "gay" and "fag".The N word used to be offensive, and racist. But got banned from usage, if I'm correct. Which is the opposite of gay, which was not offensive in any way, and people started using it in the wrong way.
Trust me, it didn't get banned. I remember something about it getting "banned" but it's somewhat difficult to ban words. It's still highly offensive and racist when using the -er variant, and highly offensive and racist for any variant to come from anyone not-black (such as myself)... Unless the people it's being directed towards know you and know your usage of it isn't meant as such. Suddenly it's okay.The N word used to be offensive, and racist. But got banned from usage, if I'm correct.
Which is the opposite of gay, which was not offensive in any way, and people started using it in the wrong way. The fact that YOU as well use it in the wrong way makes me disrespect you, so be aware that what you say can be heard by people like me as well.
And that is the problem the way I perceive it. If you do that, than it seems as if being gay implies being an idiot. (granted, some gays are idiots)... And call people fagots for being general idiots.
Why the hell does it offend you that I use them as negative terms aimed at people regardless of their orientation?
And that is the problem the way I perceive it. If you do that, than it seems as if being gay implies being an idiot. (granted, some gays are idiots)
Before or after you suggested freedom of speech (aka rights) be limited and you think Mitt Romney should be considered a criminal worthy of severe punishments?Which is the only damn thing I asked isn't it?
Why should you remove FB friends who can't respect you after you request they not use language that is offensive? Why should you avoid hanging around people like that?Which is what I try to do as well. But you know... Why should I change things because other people lack decency?
If they are actually homophobes, then no they can't. But then you aren't concerned about offending people with actual phobias (a psychological disorder) by equating them to bigots, are you?I'm sorry, but I am who I am, and I'm not lying about it because other people are homophobes and might be offended by my sexuality. I was born this way and can't help it, they however, can.
I know of all kinds of reasons people have been disinherited. I have a friend who has rich parents. For his wedding they bought him a house. but his wife must stay home and raise the kids because no woman in their family ever worked. If they don't agree they are completely cut off.People will laugh at you, fine. So will they at gay people. But fat people don't get disinherited, or kicked out of families because of who they are, right?
Incorrect. It is not banned. At least not here. Google the new movie Django Unchained if you don't believe me. It's actually had some controversy over the number of times they use the word.The N word used to be offensive, and racist. But got banned from usage, if I'm correct.
While I can't stop breathing I can stop playing online or report people or add them to my ignore list, or only play with people I know personally. In fact, I have specific rules about playing with people that aren't within slapping distance.Can you stop breathing? Or avoid oxygen? Whenever you play online, I will bet you that within the hour you hear the word gay used in the wrong way at least once.
OMG dude, that's so cramp.Or maybe you know a claustrophobe who starts calling tight spaces offensive names.
Only because you're still linking the word to homosexuality.
OMG dude, that's so cramp.
So what do you want to do? Make the word synonymous with stupidity, and force gay people and the rest of the world to use "homosexual" instead, all because you're too lazy and careless to simply use other terms instead?
OMG dude, that's so cramp.
We need to find a way to make this the new slang.
We'd be heroes to the homosexual and mentally challenged (disabled? What's the new term now?) communities.
No, what I want is people to stop getting butthurt over the fact that homosexuality is a thing and stop thinking it's bad in some way when there's really no issue with it. I also want people to stop making a big deal out of race.
Of course, that isn't going to happen. But me changing the way I speak to avoid offending a rather small minority of people who I have no malice towards is also not going to happen.
Yeah, but since when have terrorists been kicked out of their home and disinherited?Exactly this.👍 You know how many times I've been called terrorist by friends but yet didn't draw a fuss about it? Words hurt only if you let them hurt.
Yeah, but since when have terrorists been kicked out of their home and disinherited?
And with ideas like that, he is nothing more than a dumbass. He gets all his "wisdom" out of an old book. He should start using science as a base of wisdom. People like him are the reason Gonales gets treated the way she is treated. By throwing pure ignorance into the airwaves.
But the sad fact is they forgetting the basic philosophy of Jesus: To forgive and to love.
Why isn't the Pope saying that as well? Why are people who don the cross and yell at gays/lesbians forgetting that?