The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
Guys - we have a thread for discussing evolution vs creationism, can we keep that discussion separate to this one.


So uh... If "god" doesnt like gay people and doesnt like honosexuals in general, why do they even exist then?

Well I don't suppose God found racists, satanists, or people with anger management issues to be any better. You are what you make yourself. And by the way, the Bible was written during a time when gays were very much frowned upon (And therein lies your answer).
Well I don't suppose God found racists, satanists, or people with anger management issues to be any better. You are what you make yourself. And by the way, the Bible was written during a time when gays were very much frowned upon (And therein lies your answer).

Not actually true...

and the first censure of homosexuality in ancient Rome did not occur until the sixth century (its was the subject of much debate at the time). However Hebrew attitudes were harsh, its still not accurate to view its as globally frowned upon at all.

It may be more accurate to say that it was during the periods the Bible was re-written and translated, and almost certainly would have supported the world view of those that re-wrote and translated it.

It may be more accurate to say that it was during the periods the Bible was re-written and translated, and almost certainly would have supported the world view of those that re-wrote and translated it.

That would make sense then.
A guy using fabricated equipment, made from rare materials dug out of the ground several oceans away, communicating with other, similar pieces of equipment via a vast, global system involving deep underground and undersea cabling told some people he's never met or going to meet on other continents that being gay is
against every thing in nature.

UI know this post is from a few days ago, but I was thinking about it on my way into work and I feel the need to level the following fact into it, somewhere, somehow:
The fabricated equipment that the guy is using was invented by a homosexual...
"don't ask don't tell" repeal is now in effect, I don't see it weakening forces, but maybe some distractions to follow.

Also, did Australia add a third gender choice to their passport?
Also, did Australia add a third gender choice to their passport?

From what I gather, that's being misreported. There's apparently going to be a 'genderless' option, only for those born with both or neither sexual organs.
For me, its not what they like doing in the bedroom that kinda creeps me out. Its their behavior. I have a gay kid in my class and he's just creepy. I mean, I don't mind that he's into guys and all, but the way he acts just creeps me out. He acts like..... a skinny, wannabe woman.

Also, has anyone watched the "Eat da poo poo video"? Any response on that regarding homosexuality? I mean, his points ARE valid.
For me, its not what they like doing in the bedroom that kinda creeps me out. Its their behavior. I have a gay kid in my class and he's just creepy. I mean, I don't mind that he's into guys and all, but the way he acts just creeps me out. He acts like..... a skinny, wannabe woman.

Also, has anyone watched the "Eat da poo poo video"? Any response on that regarding homosexuality? I mean, his points ARE valid.

As long as he acts as himself, and he feels confident doing it, let him be. Not your business.

And the eat da poo poo. Are you serious? There is nothing valid about it. Pure ignorance.

Or do you believe the pope too, when he states that condoms don't stop Aids?
Not my business? It changes the whole class environment.

If he is a busy buddy, like a lot of other kids, who aren't gay, then the teacher needs to say something about it.

If it's because he's just gay, you and your whole class need to get educated.
I ment if he interrupts the class being teached, then the teacher should step in.. Not for the fellow being gay.
For me, its not what they like doing in the bedroom that kinda creeps me out. Its their behavior. I have a gay kid in my class and he's just creepy. I mean, I don't mind that he's into guys and all, but the way he acts just creeps me out. He acts like..... a skinny, wannabe woman.

It should be noted that that's not how every gay person acts. The person you mention also can't really act like a woman because he isn't one. What he's likely doing is acting the way society expects a woman/female to act, and that's perfectly acceptable for a male to do. Many components of gender rolls are fictional, they were created by people and have no real basis. In fact people have often contradicted themselves in this area. Pink, high heels, and make up were once meant for men.
If he's being flamboyantly distracting, then that's an issue, but it's not a gayness issue, it's just his personality.

If he distracts you because you have a limited view on how people should behave, the way they move, the way they talk or their mannerisms, it's just you.

Makeup? High heels? Bah, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Our modern society is too homophobic to recognize its own preconceptions. In older western and eastern societies, it's socially acceptable for full, red-blooded males to openly weep, to kiss each other on the cheeks or lips in greeting and to hug each other. The aversion of the modern "bro" to any such display of touchy-feely emotions is pretty recent.

Yes, I used to kiss my grandfather in greeting when he was alive. Not so much my Dad or uncles, as we aren't that close.
If he's being flamboyantly distracting, then that's an issue, but it's not a gayness issue, it's just his personality.

Indeed. I genuinely think that there are people of all genders and sexualities who would behave like that if it wasn't conditioned into them not to do so. And yeah, some people find it irritating, but some people also find over-macho'd men (the ones that walk around pushing back their vocal cords and occasionally grunting 'I'd bone her') pretty irritating. The cast of Jersey Shore, essentially.

With that said, I think I'd be lying if I said I didn't see any correlation between flamboyance and sexual preference. But they're two entirely separate entities at the end of the day, and you shouldn't draw any conclusions merely from how someone behaves.

Related video to follow:

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My personal views are summed up with Levitacus 18:12 -
Thou shall not lie with mankind as womankind for it is an abomination.

That being said, it really isn't my business what people decide to do with themselves. My only issue socially speaking with gays is that it seems that it isn't enough that we let them do their thing, but they gotta try to impress it upon the rest of us.
I take it you don't eat pork or work on the Sabbath, either, and that you kill any heathen who cross your path?
My personal views are summed up with Levitacus 18:12 -
Thou shall not lie with mankind as womankind for it is an abomination.

That being said, it really isn't my business what people decide to do with themselves. My only issue socially speaking with gays is that it seems that it isn't enough that we let them do their thing, but they gotta try to impress it upon the rest of us.

So what about the SI swimsuit edition? That should be banned too, right? Those people forcing their straightness on us...
Wait, women can't partake in SI viewing pleasures?

You know what I mean, things like the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, beer commercials, etc etc. All made for heterosexual men amd featuring attractive women. I would wager he doesn't have a problem with these things, but gay people aren't allowed to present their sexuality.
Why is this thread even here? The arguments for or against are not going to change a single persons mind.

To those who quote the Bible, clean up your own house first before you tell people how to live their lives. A Church that protects a Homosexual or Heterosexual pedophile is practicing hypocrisy, not Christianity.

To any Homosexual or pro-Homosexual, don't push acceptance. Relax and live your life as a positive member of society and acceptance will come. Your over the top displays of flamboyance are not helping your brothers and sisters.
For me, its not what they like doing in the bedroom that kinda creeps me out. Its their behavior. I have a gay kid in my class and he's just creepy. I mean, I don't mind that he's into guys and all, but the way he acts just creeps me out. He acts like..... a skinny, wannabe woman.

Also, has anyone watched the "Eat da poo poo video"? Any response on that regarding homosexuality? I mean, his points ARE valid.
I don't see how anyone can take your post seriously if you think that video presents any sort of valid point against homosexuality.

What's next? That the Westboro loonies have valid points against homosexuals as well?
I take it you don't eat pork or work on the Sabbath, either, and that you kill any heathen who cross your path?

No, I love me some BBQ any day of the week and yes, and I bury them along the roadside next to the plethora of Honduran hookers I beat on the weekends. I just find it hard to argue with it when its put so bluntly, and as I said before, that is my personal view, and not something I break out in general conversation. What they do doesn't effect me, so I ignore it 98% of the time unless I and they are at a mutual crossroads.

So what about the SI swimsuit edition? That should be banned too, right? Those people forcing their straightness on us...

Who said its just men looking at that?
And it's not forced on you, you choose to look at it. It is just there waiting on people to make that choice.
Who said its just men looking at that?
And it's not forced on you, you choose to look at it. It is just there waiting on people to make that choice.

OK - so what about the multitude of advertising billboards that use heterosexual sexuality to promote products. Unless someone wants to crash a car they have very little choice in viewing them and I would be willing to bet money they outnumber unavoidable displays of homosexual sexuality by quite a large degree.

I suspect that the issue here is that homosexual displays of any nature simply make you feel uncomfortable, and while that is regrettable its also your issue and certainly not a valid reason to censor.

My personal views are summed up with Levitacus 18:12 -
Thou shall not lie with mankind as womankind for it is an abomination.

That doesn't say anything about lesbians though...
I suspect that the issue here is that homosexual displays of any nature simply make you feel uncomfortable, and while that is regrettable its also your issue and certainly not a valid reason to censor.


I've recently evolved a lot concerning this, although I'm still in what you oh so educated people might consider some kind of primitive thinking.

In short, I think homosexuality is not normal sexuality (I consider heterosexuality to be "normal sexuality"). But I don't care a bit if it is an option or a condition. I think in most cases it must be considered as an option.

And I have nothing against it. There are many other forms of specific sexuality out there and people enough to like (and enjoy) them all.

Note: If we take the sexuality out this equation and think about love between two men or two women, again I have no problem with it. I have witnessed many times true love between people of the same sex, without sexuality being involved, and I know how powerful it can be.

Back to the quote that made me write this, and on the subject of public displays of homosexuality, I really don't care now. I never cared much in my youth, but started to care when I became a father. Now I don't care anymore. I prefer my kids to live with it and to know all there is to know about it. One thing, however, they won't get from me is a speech along the lines of "it's all the same". Because I don't think it is.

Public displays of homosexuality? Bring them on, in most cases I think they're greatly instructive anyway.
No, I love me some BBQ any day of the week and yes, and I bury them along the roadside next to the plethora of Honduran hookers I beat on the weekends. I just find it hard to argue with it when its put so bluntly,
Anyone using lavitacus 18, 22 will face that same response.

matthew 15: 11 and 17 (pork)

mark 2: 23-28 (work on sabbath)

And Christ rebuked violence.

Not that any of that will satisfy an atheist but I get tired of the bible being used incorrecty.