The Homosexuality Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Duke

I think homosexuality is:

  • a problem that needs to be cured.

    Votes: 88 6.0%
  • a sin against God/Nature.

    Votes: 145 9.8%
  • OK as long as they don't talk about it.

    Votes: 62 4.2%
  • OK for anybody.

    Votes: 417 28.2%
  • nobody's business but the people involved.

    Votes: 765 51.8%

  • Total voters
EDIT: @occasionracer

Yeah, basically he covered all arguments and solved the homossexuality equation ( as if there is one to begin with...). Right... :rolleyes:
I think if this poll represented a wider demographic of ages, you'd see a huge difference in votes towards homosexuality being unaccepted.
So would a poll on a black man in the White House, women in the workplace, or if we could go back even further you would even find a poll opposed to letting non-whites have basic rights.

None of your conspiracy, mind-altering food changes theories are necessary to explain human behavior. We fear things we do not understand, whether it be a female boss, racial integration, or homosexuality. But after a few brave souls put themselves out there we begin to see that it isn't something to be afraid of and is even barely different than what we have been used to, so we eventually accept it. There are limits to what we can accept, but homosexuality is not the limit.

My father used to talk about mixed-race couples the way you do about homosexuality. No one would dare say the things he used to in public today.

As for the rest of your post: Wow. We are living longer than ever, there aren't more homosexuals than before, they are just less afraid of haters, and if you are afraid of what you might be eating then buy locally and organically. Oddly enough, that is how someone on a special diet for health reasons has to shop and eat. I have been on my special diet for over a year now and so far I haven't become less tolerant. Ready for me to really blow your mind? Most of the homosexuals I know are in the liberal neighborhoods and social groups where it is common to regularly eat homegrown or organic, in fact they lecture people for not eating that way. How is it most of the homosexuals I know prescribe to the same organic food theories as you?
Now the same things, only with a male / female couple. Which of those are acceptable?

To me, and you can go ahead and call me whatever you like, I feel that in most situations anything past holding hands and hugging is uncouth.

Personal choice. Not harming you. Live and let live. Blahdy blah. People like occasionalracer are never going to change their opinions or realise that they are a dying breed, I'm never going to stop thinking they're just straight up (pun kinda intended) wrong.

They are not a dying breed, just a tired breed that is fed up with having to change their ways to suit these new minorities that are all of a sudden demanding that the world is handed to them on a silver platter.

Also, opinions can't be wrong. ;)
They are not a dying breed, just a tired breed that is fed up with having to change their ways to suit these new minorities that are all of a sudden demanding that the world is handed to them on a silver platter.

The world on a silver plattter? What? All people want is to be treated as, y'know, people. Homosexuals just want to be free from persecution, discrimination and intimidation for being gay and to have some equality. Just like non-whites did throught the mid-late 20th century...

Or maybe it's all a conspiracy between the blacks, the gays, the muslims and the jews to overthrow the decent, striaght, white, christian majority? I imagine the Masons, the NWO (with or without Hulk Hogan), McDonalds, Walt Disney and NASA have a hand in this...
The world on a silver plattter? What? All people want is to be treated as, y'know, people. Homosexuals just want to be free from persecution, discrimination and intimidation for being gay and to have some equality. Just like non-whites did throught the mid-late 20th century...

Where in western societies are homosexuals being persecuted, discriminated and intimidated? this can only be a joke, made even more apparent to me because I came here and read the quoted part of your post just after reading the news about last night's "unrest" in Egypt, where christians (funny, apparently they are 10% of the egyptian population) are persecuted, discriminated, intimidated and ... killed.

I personally think homosexuality is a very odd sexual preference, but there are far worse than that, and as far as I'm concerned two consenting adults can do whatever pleases them. When I say 2, I also mean 3, 4 ,5 whatever, I draw the line only in the "consenting adults" part.

So I don't take away (how could I?) anyone's right to live according to any sexual preference, just as nobody will take away my right of thinking whatever I think about their sexual life. As long as both respect the other it's live and let live.
I can't believe you think wanting equality means "the world on a silver platter". What a massive jump in logic. And in Western societies gays still face discrimination. In most US states they can't marry, in Canada The age of consent for sex is 16, but for anal sex it's 18 (however, I guess that law would never be enforced).

To me, the discrimination still exists from socities views. You've got your head in the sand if you think that gays are equally accepted.
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Where in western societies are homosexuals being persecuted, discriminated and intimidated? this can only be a joke, made even more apparent to me because I came here and read the quoted part of your post just after reading the news about last night's "unrest" in Egypt, where christians (funny, apparently they are 10% of the egyptian population) are persecuted, discriminated, intimidated and ... killed.

The military, the police force, some businesses (till very recently)... bullying of homosexuals in schools is still a very big problem.

And I seem to remember a lot of Muslims getting beaten up after 9/11.

Muslim violence doesn't discriminate. Shiite and Sunni Muslims will just as happily kill each other as well as Christians and Jews and whatnot. But that's for another thread.
Where in western societies are homosexuals being persecuted, discriminated and intimidated? this can only be a joke, made even more apparent to me because I came here and read the quoted part of your post just after reading the news about last night's "unrest" in Egypt, where christians (funny, apparently they are 10% of the egyptian population) are persecuted, discriminated, intimidated and ... killed.

I personally think homosexuality is a very odd sexual preference, but there are far worse than that, and as far as I'm concerned two consenting adults can do whatever pleases them. When I say 2, I also mean 3, 4 ,5 whatever, I draw the line only in the "consenting adults" part.

So I don't take away (how could I?) anyone's right to live according to any sexual preference, just as nobody will take away my right of thinking whatever I think about their sexual life. As long as both respect the other it's live and let live.
This serious? Have you been paying attention to the location of those opposed to homosexuality in this thread? In many cases equal housing, equal employment, etc laws do not apply to homosexuals. Homosexual partners in many places do not have the same legal and financial rights with each other as heterosexual couples. If one of them is on life support in the hospital and the parents come in the partner has no say. If one dies without a will then their finances go to their relatives, not their partner. There is not equality.

And I am sure it has been less than a decade since the last known case of homosexual hate led to the death of a homosexual in the US.

Now, all that said, the problem is how we write our equality laws. For some odd reason we must list every special group so that we can act like we are properly aware. The fact is that if we just told them all to shut their whining and took "All men are created equal" at its face value none of this would matter.

So, yes, all minority groups have pushed for special recognition in being treated equally, and the fact is that every group to come along later are screwed by those who have achieved it.

But to question if homosexuals are discriminated against is just being blind to simple facts in many places.
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"Back and forth since 2003" :sly:

There are many male adolescents who hate gays to death. Few adults it seems, although as they socialize & get older they may learn to keep it a secret.

The main push by the religous right seems to be to keep policies in public schools written to favor youth bullying. I do believe Rick Perry has been quoted directly as saying that bullying is natural and should be left as it is. I'm not so sure..... People dying of disease is natural too, but it doesnt mean we dont try and stop it.
There are many male adolescents who hate gays to death. Few adults it seems, although as they socialize & get older they may learn to keep it a secret.
Or they just grow up, I'm sure when I was 4 I believed all girls should be destroyed from the face of the planet because they were disgusting, same as homosexuals are to teens.
The main push by the religous right seems to be to keep policies in public schools written to favor youth bullying. I do believe Rick Perry has been quoted directly as saying that bullying is natural and should be left as it is. I'm not so sure..... People dying of disease is natural too, but it doesnt mean we dont try and stop it.

Care to provide that quote?
It's kind of a serious thing to endorse genocide like that. I have to ask, why do you think what you do?
I can't help but take pity on someone who believes an appropriate way to deal with homosexuality is to put a gun to the heads of those who commit it and pull the trigger. I can deal with someone thinking the notion of homosexuality is wrong. But when someone goes that far, I just can't ignore. Perhaps it's you who needs to get a life.

Like I said, you poor thing.
I can't help but take pity on someone who believes an appropriate way to deal with homosexuality is to put a gun to the heads of those who commit it and pull the trigger. I can deal with someone thinking the notion of homosexuality is wrong. But when someone goes that far, I just can't ignore. Perhaps it's you who needs to get a life.

Like I said, you poor thing.

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You're quite right, there are many other misinformed, hateful people who think like you.

I don't need your permission to tell me what I think of your opinion. You posted it in a public forum, so if you didn't want people to be able to respond to it, you shouldn't have posted it. That, and the fact that you're not even willing to talk about where your beliefs come from.

And if you don't see what the problem is in wishing death on a large group of people, I suggest you read the AUP, particularly this bit:
AUP you agreed to when you signed up
You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.
I would also suggest that you're totally bonkers and have no concept of what is acceptable in society, if you think what you posted is normal.

And I have a great life, thanks. Part of what makes it great is being able to talk about things to get a better understanding of the world around me, something you don't seem willing to do. So maybe it's you who ought to consider how much of a life you actually have.
You're quite right, there are many other misinformed, hateful people who think like you.

I don't need your permission to tell me what I think of your opinion. You posted it in a public forum, so if you didn't want people to be able to respond to it, you shouldn't have posted it. That, and the fact that you're not even willing to talk about where your beliefs come from.

And if you don't see what the problem is in wishing death on a large group of people, I suggest you read the AUP, particularly this bit:
I would also suggest that you're totally bonkers and have no concept of what is acceptable in society, if you think what you posted it normal.

And I have a great life, thanks. Part of what makes it great is being able to talk about things to get a better understanding of the world around me, something you don't seem willing to do. So maybe it's you who ought to consider how much of a life you actually have.

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Really? Can you name one way in which someone's homosexuality negatively affected your life?